Watch Full Episode |", "The Lies of UVA's Jackie: Read All the Catfishing Texts She Sent Her Crush", "The Pulse: Red flags on piece were there", "Phi Kappa Psi Reinstated at the University of Virginia", "Police Investigation Clears UVA Phi Psi Fraternity", UVA rape investigation: Police say no evidence to support allegations reported by Rolling Stone, "Police Find No Evidence of Rape at UVA Fraternity", "Police: No Evidence of Gang-Rape at University of Virginia", "Rolling Stone farms out review of U-Va. rape story to Columbia Journalism School", "Rolling Stone retracts story on alleged UVA rape", "Rolling Stone's investigation: 'A failure that was avoidable' - Columbia Journalism Review", "Rolling Stone Fact-Checker Didn't Ask About Alleged Rape Victim in Emails With UVA Officials", "U-Va.-Rolling Stone e-mails highlight university's attempt to correct magazine", "Columbia Journalism School report blasts Rolling Stone", "Rolling Stone and UVA: The Columbia School of Journalism Report", "Rolling Stone isn't firing anyone. They arrived "minutes later" and found her on the corner next to the building. president admits rape story was false; keeps restrictions on fraternities", "U.Va. Besides faulting the magazine and the reporter for publishing the article without doing due diligence, Eramo's attorneys assert in that the UVA student at the center of the piece a woman named Jackie Coakley is a "serial liar" who fabricated the assault in order to gain the attention of a . I used to not think this way ~8 years ago, but there have just been too . "[27] The published story glossed over the gaps in the magazine's reporting by using pseudonyms and by failing to state where important information had come from. When you walk in, the line to order is directly in front of you, with the cash registers just ahead and off to the right. Forward it to your friends! [18] "[151], National Review columnist Jonah Goldberg has called for Phi Kappa Psi to sue Rolling Stone, while at least one legal expert has opined that there is a high likelihood of "civil lawsuits by the fraternity members or by the fraternity itself against the magazine and maybe even some university officials". [157], On May 12, 2015, UVA associate dean Nicole Eramo, chief administrator for handling sexual assault issues at the school, filed a $7.5 million defamation lawsuit in Charlottesville Circuit Court against Rolling Stone and Erdely, claiming damage to her reputation and emotional distress. Students at the University of Virginia expressed "bewilderment and anger" following Rolling Stone's apology for its story, with one female student declaring "Rolling Stone threw a bomb at us." According to Goldberg, "It is an account of a sober, well-planned gang rape by seven fraternity pledges at the direction of two members. [47], In Erdely's story, Jackie sank into depression after the alleged rape and was holed up in her dorm room for a while. Fraternity Files $25 Million Lawsuit Against Rolling Stone", "Lawsuits Against Rolling Stone Move Forward Despite Objection", Fraternity chapter at U-Va. to settle suit against Rolling Stone for $1.65 million, "Lawsuit over debunked Rolling Stone rape article revived on appeal", "Street Artist Sabo Blasts Lena Dunham, Bill Clinton in Fake Rolling Stone Covers", "RETRACTION by David Gutierrez Opens On Theatre Row", "A lawyer takes to the stage to state his case",, An alleged gang rape at a college fraternity, This page was last edited on 30 April 2023, at 23:20. And in this case, our judgement was wrong. In 2014, the magazine published an article filled with allegations from student Jackie Coakley, who at the time attended the University of Virginia, claiming Coakley had been gang-raped by seven men at a fraternity party. And for the next three hours she's brutally raped and beaten, with Drew and another upperclassman supposedly shouting out instructions to the pledges, referring to Jackie as 'it'." Haven claims that Jackie is ill and frequently hospitalized. It was later revealed Erdely had not interviewed any of the men accused of the rape. "[79], On December 6, The Washington Post's media critic Erik Wemple called for all Rolling Stone staff who were involved with the story to be fired. "Drew" eventually sent a photo of "himself" to Jackie's friends, but "the man depicted in that photograph never attended U. Va" and was a high-school classmate of Jackie. Flanagan noted that "what Rolling Stone has pushed me into is that I have now become someone who is on the side of fraternities and defending fraternities. Where are the Feds?There is certainly a good argument to make that it is often necessary to prosecute as a deterrent to the next person willing to try the same felonious act. Rolling Stone retracted the story in its entirety on April 5, 2015. A woman named Jackie Coakley (now McGovern), who was a student at UVa at the time, had an issue with a boy who was not paying her enough attention, or didn't see her as a romantic interest, or something like that. She said: "I think we've gone backwards 30 years. [171], Street artist Sabo papered Hollywood with posters styled like a Rolling Stone cover featuring the headline "Rape Fantasies and Why We Perpetuate Them". She began by elaborately concocting electronic evidence for a dream date suitor she called Haven Monahan to entrap a freshman boy named Ryan in a unwanted romantic relationship. Well, she is married and is now "Jackie McGovern", living her life, la-la-la, scot-free despite being the central figure in a mammoth fraud that has cost people their jobs, institutions their reputations, and a magazine a spitload of money. Rolling Stone was hardly innocent, but this whole episode cost them whatever reputation remained.All of this, we might point out, happened only because a petulant, amoral female student wanted attention, and because the climate against sexual assault has risen to where the assumption is of guilt rather than innocence. Jury selection starts June 4. [60][117] However, Coco McPherson, who is in charge of Rolling Stone's fact-checking operation, said, "I one-hundred percent do not think that the policies that we have in place failed. Emails filed in federal court on Friday show that the Rolling Stone reporter who wrote a now-debunked article about a gang rape at the University of Virginia told colleagues that "our worst nightmare" became a reality after she realized the main source for the story was lying. appears willing to take her to task, either in a civil suit (Rolling Stone might want to think about that) or in a criminal case, given that she perpetrated a massive fraud with some pretty serious consequences and material damages. [40] But I have a pretty good notion that she violated some serious criminal statutes; after all, participating in a fraud involving the mails (a magazine) or wire (somewhere along the line) is a Federal issue. [154] According to Miltenberg, he specializes in "defamation and complex internet and First Amendment issues". At the chapter house party, Jackie alleged in the article, her date led her to a bedroom where she was gang raped by several fraternity members as part of their initiation ritual. [164] The lawsuit was settled on April 11, 2017. Her friends, however, told ABC News that she seemed fine after the alleged assault,[100] contradicting Jackie's former roommate, Rachel Soltis, who claimed that Jackie "was depressed, withdrawn, and couldn't wake up in the mornings" following the alleged rape. Virginia Attorney-General Mark Herring said he found it "deeply troubling that Rolling Stone magazine is now publicly walking away from its central storyline in its bombshell report on the University of Virginia without correcting what errors its editors believe were made. [71], The Washington Post journalist Erik Wemple criticized the story's graphic details of the alleged crime and said that it was hard to believe due to the "diabolical" description. [16] Therefore, the criminal investigation was suspended on March 23. [109][110], After the details in "A Rape on Campus" began to unravel, Rolling Stone's publisher Jann Wenner commissioned Columbia University's School of Journalism to investigate the failures behind the publication of the article. There is certainly a good argument to make that it is often necessary to prosecute as a deterrent to the next person willing to try the same felonious act. "[94][106][107] [13][14] The UVA student, identified only as "Jackie" by the magazine, had been taken to a party by a fellow student, hosted at UVA's Phi Kappa Psi fraternity during 2012. Well, she is married and is now "Jackie McGovern", living her life, la-la-la, scot-free. [60][98] At the subsequent trial, one of Jackie's friends the night of the alleged attack testified that their friendships eventually dwindled because of Jackie's "tendency to fabricate things". "[74][75] Lauren Kling of the Poynter Institute criticized Rolling Stone for "blaming [the] source" instead of taking ownership of their own errors. [142] Froma Harrop issued a call for media outlets to begin to publicly name rape accusers, explaining that "reporters and editors should expand their sensitivities to include the reputations of those accused, not always justly". Police said that three months after reporting she was raped by two football players in a bathroom at a party, she admitted to the same motivation that drove Jackie. "[17] Jackie Coakley gained infamy as the accuser at the center of a Rolling Stone story about rape at the University of Virginia that turned out to be fake, and now Coakley is under pressure from a Virginia court to reveal what she said to a reporter about the allegations. "[126][127], Phi Kappa Psi's national headquarters released the following statement: "That Rolling Stone sought to turn fiction into fact is shamefulThe discredited article has done significant damage to the ability of the chapter's members to succeed in their educational pursuits and besmirched the character of undergraduate students at the University of Virginia who did not deserve the spotlight of the media." It has since been reported that Jackie may have invented portions of the story in an unsuccessful attempt to win the affections of a fellow student in whom she had a romantic interest. "Drew" gives "instruction and encouragement" to the seven rapists. [15] For anonymity, Erdely only used Jackie's first name and gave pseudonyms to other students discussed in the story. I'm starting to expect more and more people are just simply lying about this stuff now. The fact that Jackie had a romantic interest in Randall was also noted by other news media. [124], After the Charlottesville Police concluded that there was no evidence of a crime having occurred at Phi Kappa Psi during their press conference on March 23, 2015, Stephen Scipione, the president of Phi Kappa Psi's UVA chapter, announced that his fraternity is "exploring its legal options to address the extensive damage caused by Rolling Stone". Attorneys for the dean, Nicole Eramo, allege that NOW, the largest feminist group in the U.S., and the lawyers for the false rape accuser, Jackie Coakley ("Jackie"), engaged in a "publicity stunt" by jointly crafting a Jan. 6, 2016 open letter criticizing Eramo for "re-victimiz[ing]" the fabulist. CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. A federal jury on Monday ordered Rolling Stone and one of its writers to pay $3 million in damages to a University of Virginia administrator over a discredited article two years ago about a supposed gang rape at the university. What distinguished the UVA story from anything else ever reported was that the assault did not involve drugs or alcohol, required elaborate planning, and involved so many people that the perps could not have reasonably expected to get away with ita confluence of factors that caused the allegations to have substantially more in common with ones that ultimately proved to be false, like the Duke lacrosse case and Tawana Brawley incident. [129], The Washington Post reported that the members of Phi Kappa Psi "went into hiding for weeks after their home was vandalized with spray paint calling them rapists and bricks that broke their windows", and had to escape to hotels. The trio also sent text messages to a phone number Jackie said was the mobile phone of her date and were surprised that the owner of the phone number responded primarily with flattering messages about Randall, whom Jackie was romantically interested in. "[88], Emily Renda, the university's project coordinator for sexual misconduct, policy and prevention declared that "Rolling Stone played adjudicator, investigator and advocate and did a slipshod job at that. ONLY FOR REPUBLICANS. Erdely wanted to tell the story of a campus body and university administration behaving indifferently to an unspeakable crime. There's some reporting on the university's culture, which shouldn't be taken seriously in light of the fraud exposed by the police; there's some reporting on the university leadership's approach to the issue, which shouldn't be taken seriously in light of the fraud exposed by the police. Someone gets between her legs. In May 2014, with Drew about to graduate, she still didn't feel ready to file a complaint . ", "Why Did Rolling Stone Writer Choose UVA, Not Vanderbilt, for Gang Rape Expos? [92] On December 8, the University of Virginia restated their original decision that the suspensions would be lifted on the resumption of classes in the new term, on January 9. [96][97] Emily Renda, who was a University of Virginia student at the time of the alleged attack and in whom Jackie also confided, said that she had become suspicious as to the veracity of Jackie's story prior to the Rolling Stone report, commenting to a The Washington Post editor: "I don't even know what I believe. ", to become a weapon of revenge. "[85][86] Robby Soave in Reason's Hit & Run Blog answered Bradley's query about why Erdely chose UVA over Vanderbilt. In the post, he asked: "Is Vanderbilt just not as sexy a story as UVA? NPR's Scott Simon talks to Lydia Teasley of the Negro Leagues Family Alliance about honoring baseball's past and her father Ron "Schoolboy" Teasley about his own history in the Negro Leagues. Forward it to your friends! ", "Rolling Stone publisher: U.Va. [131], One month after the publication of the Rolling Stone article, the Rector of the University of Virginia, George Keith Martin, accused the magazine of "drive-by journalism" when he stated, "Like a neighborhood thrown into chaos by drive-by violence, our tightly knit community has experienced the full fury of drive-by journalism in the 21st century. [25], UVA's student newspaper The Cavalier Daily described mixed reactions from the student body, stating: "For some, the piece is an unfounded attack on our school; for others, it is a recognition of a harsh reality; and for what I suspect is a large majority of us, it falls somewhere in between. Rolling Stone ran the story anyway, to their journalistic and financial detriment. that equally phony-baloney accusers like Jackie Coakley McGovern are hauled into court and toted off to prison, lest rape accusations equate to a cry of "Wolf! Prior to the alleged event, Jackie provided evidence of her relationship with "Drew" to her friends by supplying a phone number for "Drew", with whom Jackie's friends subsequently exchanged messages. [33][72][73] Natasha Vargas-Cooper, a columnist at The Intercept, said that Erdely's decision not to interview the accused fraternity members showed "a horrendous, hidden bias the premise that none of these guys would tell the truth if asked", while a staff editorial in The Wall Street Journal charged that "Ms. Erdely did not construct a story based on facts, but went looking for facts to fit her theory. The same account was accessed on March 18, 2016, from inside ALTG, Stein, Mitchell, Muse & Cipollone LLP, Jackie's legal firm. In fact, her failure to speak to the three friends in whom Jackie supposedly confided immediately after the alleged incident was perhaps the most egregious of a string of journalistic failures. When Camille Cosby spoke about the rape allegations against her husband Bill, she said: "We all followed the story of the article in the Rolling Stone concerning allegations of rape at the University of Virginia. "[52] According to news articles covering lawsuits resulting from the Rolling Stone article, Jackie concocted the Haven Monahan persona in a catfishing scheme directed at Duffin, who had not responded to romantic overtures that Jackie had directed at him. . One friend, Ryan Duffin (called "Randall" in the Rolling Stone article), told The Washington Post that he had never spoken to any reporter from Rolling Stone, although Erdely had claimed him as a source to corroborate the accuser's story. [30][31] After an interview Erdely gave to Slate, in which she was questioned about the way she investigated the piece, some commentators escalated their questioning of the veracity of the article. [139], National sorority leaders ordered UVA sororities to not interact with fraternities during Boys Bid Night when fraternities admit new pledges. "[94], On December 8, 2014, ABC News reported that the person quoted by Erdely as alleging a rape at Phi Kappa Psi had retained an attorney. Where, we ask, are the Federal cops? [160] However, on April 2, 2016, the judge denied the motions and ordered Jackie to appear for a deposition on April 6, to be held at a secret location. There's a new piece (usually three) from Bob every weekday here on Substack. [37], The Washington Post reporters later interviewed the accuser at the center of Erdely's story and two of the friends that Rolling Stone said she had met on the night of the incident. Rolling Stone was hardly innocent, but this whole episode cost them whatever reputation remained. "[29], Richard Bradley, editor-in-chief of Worth magazine, was among the first mainstream journalists to question the Rolling Stone article, in a blog entry written on November 24, 2014. [152][153] ABC News has reported that the accuser, Jackie, herself might be sued. He wrote:[87]. The three friends disclosed to ABC News their actual names Alex Stock's pseudonym was "Andy", Kathryn Hendley's was "Cindy", Ryan (Duffin) was "Randall"[100] and went on record that on the night of the alleged event Jackie told the two men that she was forced to fellate five men while a sixth stood by. Their toppling bodies crash through a glass table unaccountably left out in the middle of the rape room. . I believed it to be true at the time. So where is good old Jackie Coakley these days? ", "University urged to end Greek groups' suspension", "UVA Issues Statement Regarding Fraternal Suspension", "Police clear U-Va. fraternity, say rape did not happen there", "The Washington Post Inches Closer to Calling the UVA Gang Rape Story a Fabrication", "Report: Rolling Stone rape article 'journalistic failure', "Updated: Jurors Hear From 'Jackie's' Friends in Rolling Stone Trial", "New Questions Raised About Rolling Stone's UVA Rape Story", "What Happened to Jackie? We must, apparently, not give out the names of accusers even after they have been shown to be liars. The main entrance is in the middle of the building's west side. But as Smerconish wrote, "[S]he did not talk to all of Jackie's friends. Jackie's friends Cindy, Andy, and Randall had become suspicious as to whether Jackie's date to the fraternity party where she was allegedly raped was a real person. "[43] Jackie forwarded messages from "Monahan", and "Monahan" exchanged messages with Jackie's friends, including sending a picture of "himself" directly to Ryan Duffin. [100], In Erdely's story, the rape was supposed to have occurred during a party at Phi Kappa Psi as part of a pledging ritual. "[132], According to the Columbia report, "Allen W. Groves, the University dean of students, and Nicole Eramo, an assistant dean of students, separately wrote to the authors of this report that the story's account of their actions was inaccurate." The UVA student, identified only as "Jackie" by the magazine, had been taken to a party by a fellow student, hosted at UVA's Phi Kappa Psi fraternity during 2012. Please. [156], Additionally, the Poynter Institute named the story as the "Error of the Year" in journalism. But I have a pretty good notion that she violated some serious criminal statutes; after all, participating in a fraud involving the mails (a magazine) or wire (somewhere along the line) is a Federal issue. He also faulted Erdely for not interviewing Jackie's alleged assailants or the three friends who tried to dissuade her from going to the police. By December 5, 2014, Christopher Pivik, a former member of Phi Kappa Psi at the University of Virginia, had retained attorney Andrew Miltenberg. The revelations comes in a court filing made Friday by by attorneys representing UVA dean Nicole Eramo. Many in the media were quick to link that story to stories about my husband until that story unwound. Jackie Coakley bears no responsibility whatsoever for this hoax and the blame lies entirely with Rolling Stone Managazine even though she lied about nearly every single detail of her account and this may not even be the first time she's done it! We dont know where, Like what you read here? However overall applications were down 0.7 percent to 31,107 in the aftermath of the publication. Such false depictions reinforce the reluctance sexual assault victims already feel about reporting their experience, lest they be doubted or ignored. It was absurd. How honest are the intentions of Cosby's accusers? Gary Pleasants, Phi Kappa Psi has been cleared; "We found no basis to believe that an incident occurred at that fraternity, so there's no reason to keep them suspended. Jackie Coakley ("Jackie . to see all of them, at. I have argued in these pages that the FBI needs to go hard against the Clinton Foundation for just that reason, lest the next powerful person or couple use a phony-baloney charitable entity to disguise an influence-peddling scam. [17] The Columbia report cited the fact-checker: "I pushed. You all know where she is. An attorney for Phi Psi said Monday they're seeking a " broader area of inquiry " than what was requested by Eramo, and a judge has again ruled that Jackie must comply with a subpoena to turn over documents relating to the caseJackie's claims about a gang rape fell apart once it was discovered that the man she allegedly had a date with on that
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