Again, we shall privilege the reader and enumerate them all: 1. Tiglao offers a thought-provoking question: was it truly a case of People Power then, or simply People Fodder? After all, the US has free trade agreements with 14 other countries, with all except South Korea not functioning as the Americans platforms for war. Other political positions have chiefs of staff, the vice president's office under Leni Robredo and Sara Duterte. Add your comment to start the conversation. *Hover through the thumbnails to see the title, How the tobacco industry interferes in policy making, On The Record, where VERA Files was seen and heard, The fight to keep Burnham Park open to people, PBB cosplayer inspires new video game character, Success awaits those who dare break barriers. In fact, this list is shamefully short if we are to enumerate all the development funds the Philippine government receives as grants. 12. Political Prisoner, Camp Crame, Camp Aguinaldo and Camp Bonifacio: March 1973 to December 1974. The airport is technically not entirely a government facility, since it was built and run by the Cagayan Premium Ventures Development Corp., a joint venture between the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA) and a private firm Cagayan Land and Property Development Corp. For the Cagayan airport to be designated as an EDCA site, it would need the official approval of both the CEZA and the Cagayan Premium Ventures Development Corp. Authors > Rigoberto D. Tiglao Israel: America's Frankenstein, yet valuable, monster May 19, 2021 Why the US fooled the 'Bajo 3' into losing PH territory May 17, 2021 Cuisia: 'US diplomat told me Chinese would leave Panatag' May 14, 2021 Not a debate but full-blown probe of Panatag loss, anti-China drive needed May 12, 2021 By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Global Road Safety Partnership, 13. Rigoberto D. Tiglao Verified Diplomat and Writer, The Manila Times Politics As seen in: The Manila Times, Medium, MSN Philippines, Philippine Daily Inquirer, Inter Press Service Journalist Is this you? Stories are succinct, readable and written in a lively style that has become a hallmark of the newspaper. The article says it all: Dont Panic About Taiwan. However, its drophead is a worrisome warning: Alarm Over a Chinese Invasion Could Become a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy., Weiss wrote: Fears that China will soon invade Taiwan are overblown. What is its impact on you and how were your rights violated? The chief of staff post also "controlled access to the President," and "provide good, wise, and honest counsel" to the country's top leader, based on AO No. [23], Tiglao was first married to Raquel "Rock" Edralin, a women's rights advocate. [16] In 1991, he was awarded Best Economic Journalist for Asia by Mitsubishi Foundation. PBBM US visit will be historic and significant. ButTiglaois out to get Rappler. The book benefits from Tiglaos experience as journalist (Business Day and Far Eastern Economic Review) as he pierced through the corporate layers to see who is really behind what we think is Manuel V. Pangilinans expanding empire. [18][9], Explaining his controversial[10] decision to accept the post from Arroyo despite the reactions of his journalist colleagues,[18] he explained his position saying: "My framework has changed. Eventually, he became president of the Foreign. Tiglao subsequently moved on to the roles of Presidential Spokesman, Presidential Chief of Staff, then head of Presidential Management Staff. Thats make me wonder who was this man really is??? Has expanded EDCA provoked China to advance date of Taiwan invasion? These four, he says, are Vera Files, Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Rappler, and MindaNews. After i read this article i immediately search the name jose antonio costudio at google and i cant find any background of his. Tiglao, who assumed the post of presidential spokesman on April 23, 2001, was widowed when his wife, Racquel Edralin, women's rights advocate, died of breast cancer in late February, 2001. A WATERSHED has occurred in my generation: religion is now on a steep decline, especially Catholicism whose culture and worldview have dominated this country since the Spanish . The official also guard[s] the Presidents interests and Protect the President from forces that could destroy the Administration. Relative hereto, I would like to respectfully ask for a regular copy of your column to be sent to my email add to be able to keep me informed and updated which may be of help to me personally and professionally. Railway passengers can save up on their commutecome Monday, with the Light Rail Transit-Line 2 and the Metro Rail Transit-Line 3 both announcing free rides for workers and employees in lieu of the International Workers' Day. Sign up now! Rigoberto D. Tiglao US Embassy Manila, 8. Please abide by Rappler's commenting guidelines. Previous page. His answer floored me: "It's obvious I'm busy with other duties." Contact Rigoberto D., search articles and Tweets, monitor coverage, and track replies from one place. [3][4][6] Governance and foreign policy analyst Steven Feldstein notes how Tiglao, along with RJ Nieto and Sass Rogando Sasot are part of the Philippines' network of digital repression. RIGOBERTO D. TIGLAO PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Since January 2013, columnist at the The Manila Times Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Columnist of The Philippine Daily Inquirer, October 2010 - January 2013 Philippine Ambassador to Greece and Cyprus, May 2006 - October 2010 Head, Presidential Management Staff, August 2004 - April 2006 [19], Tiglao was awarded the Best News Reporter by the Catholic Mass Media Awards in 1983. Hoping that the citizenry, especially business people will be able to read this book and change before its too late. Click to order the bestselling book Debunked! Instead of transport and traffic updates, a Facebook page formerly controlled by the local government of Davao City is now providing internet users with a different kind of "content" and it's not so wholesome. It is very likely that if included are his other salaries in PLDT, Meralco, MPIC and at least a dozen other First Pacific subsidiaries, Pangilinan is the highest paid executive in the country making roughly P1.5 million for each of his working day., Tiglao, who is now a columnist of The Manila Times (he also used to write a column in The Philippine Daily Inquirer), ends every chapter of his book with the question, What kind of country have we become?. Other political positions have chiefs of staff, the vice president's office under Leni Robredo and Sara Duterte. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Tiglao, who is now a columnist of The Manila Times (he also used to write a column in The Philippine Daily Inquirer), ends every chapter of his book with the question, "What kind of country have we become?" It's question that many of us are asking. The PNP only releases total DUI numbers at any given time, without breaking them down. By Rigoberto Tiglao February 25, 2022 12370 Read this in The Manila Times digital edition. [10] He and his wife remained in detention for two years and were then let out on house arrest. Sir,I was able to read your article about the reason why the Maute group needs to be crushed.I admire the way you wrote and the information that you share. In fact, the government accepts grants from various donors, and not only from the well-known institutions such as the US Agency for International Development (USAID), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the European Union (the largest donor of development aid in the world), and Australian Aid (AusAid). Enrile and his loyal military officials, collectively known as the Reform the Armed Forces Movement, were preparing for a coup attempt that involved capturing the late President Ferdinand Marcos and his family. Files. Best Economic Journalist for Asia, 1991 by the Mitsubishi Corp. Foundation. But isn't it that whoever wins also gets to define such concepts, including the kind of narratives they think the public should know while suppressing the truth or factual events, in a bid to deodorize and legitimize their political victory. Had Tiglao done his research, he can secure the list Vera Files funders from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Tan was a lawyer at the law firm known as Pecabar whose leading figure is the presidential chief legal counsel Juan Ponce Enrile. Tiglao and his fever swamp of conspiracy theories What this usually means is that there is absolutely no evidence to support what has reportedly happened. Learn more at Author Central. Hoping for your favorable response,Sir. Last week, the PNP apparently clarified that its DUI numbers now cover all crimes. Knowing what really happened in this sad episode of our history will enlighten us on how the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) came about. Six facts about EDSA you didn't know | The Manila Times Manila Timescolumnist Rigoberto Tiglao accused Rappler of publishing wrong data on thenumber of Filipinos killed in the Philippine National Polices (PNP) war on drugs. Marcos' advantage: An acquiescent press. For this question, theres a very enlightening March 21 article in the respectedForeign Affairsmagazine by Jessica Chen Weiss, professor for China and Asia-Pacific Studies at Cornell University. Mabuhay! United Nations Development Fund, 6. At best, political forces belonging to the winning side would deliberately hide the truths to keep the myths surrounding a successful revolution alive. Limited stocks! But for starters, readers can check the source of Vera Files funds because these are truthfully stated on the About page of its website. At worst, these same truths will continue to haunt a country, a divided nation that can never truly march forward to progress. Perhaps, Tiglao said, it was because he was confident that Benigno's widow could not possibly win the snap polls. In the "Consolidation of the Dictatorship" essay, Tiglao argued that the "debt-driven growth path" of the Marcos regime offered a period of "relative economic prosperity," but also "led to the worst Philippine recession and contributed eventually to the regime's downfall." President Joseph Estrada created the position in February 16, 2000, but described it as only being a "temporary" position. Why it's crucial to understand what the nine-dash line means, Govt helpless, leaderless in Mindoro oil spill. Rigoberto D. Tiglao: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle can be accessed at Got goosebumps reading every page. I hope your issue on the VPa video to the UN is right and has a legal basis to be told shes just lying. Already have Rappler+? British Embassy Manila, 7. Order now the newly released Debacle Book! Add your comment to start the conversation. Tiglao declined to comment, stating that the matter was sensitive, and that he was on leave. Decline of religion, Catholicism in the Philippines - MSN Copyright 2023. Most Filipinos would have never heard of these air bases (named after little-known Air Force officers killed in the line of duty), and would have thought, Why not? Press secretary marries long-time girlfriend | Uae - Gulf News Conceptualized and undertook the FOCAPs now yearly Annual Conference on the Philippines.