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blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit

Bible Answer: The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit can be committed today. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". I need the yes, buts answering and putting to bed! I am scared to read the word because my emotions are almost absent. It will help. But when Hisown people heardabout this,they went out to lay hold of Him,for they said, He is out of His mind., And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said,He has Beelzebub, and, By theruler of the demons He casts out demons.. What does this look like for something intangible like blasphemous thoughts? It was intrusive again. Right now Im on the urges to pray and worship the enemy. They were raw. Your unkind words/thoughts don't stop Him from being God. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I will try to put together a blog post for you on this topic, since I think the longer answer will be of help to many people. Nevertheless, some people are able to keep their faith without doubt, while some individuals struggle with intrusive thoughts. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice., When we grieve the Holy Spirit, Paul says, we are grieving the one who has sealed us for the day of redemption, which means that, in the very same breath as saying you can grieve him, he is saying, You are secure. These thoughts are confusing me so I don't know if they are true or if I'm saved and I'm worried that I don't care because I want to care but I don't know what I feel and that's what scares me. The Bible says the truth will set us free. Don't expect a feeling or rapid spiritual recovery. Why was God allowing this to happen to me? What also helps is that I read about a wide range of subjects and love to fit concepts in unconventional combinations like Lego. We never seen Jesus or God but we simply believe by faith that He's real. I have religious OCD (Scrupulosity) I have obsessions concerning: my salvation and Hell. It seems alien, as though coming from outside the true self. It is unwanted, unplanned, uninitiated. Jesus was easily able to deflect their illogical arguments in His parable of binding the strong man. It ministered to my soul. But intrusive thoughts have nothing to do with your spiritual reality. They saw the work of Christ and concluded that he was in league with the devil. I thought I had finally found God and faith.. It was approximately 2 months ago that i have the first scrupulousity attack (was playing games and suddenly i have the thought of betting with the devil), and i fortunately have solved that problem by repeating some mantras("My soul is in GOD's possesion, you cannot take it"). They feel dangerous but typically present no real harm. Not so sure I'm happier that I can't just cast out a spirit to stop this but at least I know I'm not alone and it's not really me! Here is what Jesus said: When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: about sin, because people do not believe in me.. Not condemnation, and not a big lecture. That He loves me and it will all be okay. Because I think the meaning of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, as Alford says, is a willful, determined opposition to the present power of the Holy Spirit. These intrusive, blasphemous thoughts are believed to have power to actually cause something to happen. However, there are helpful principles that let us know we are on the right track. Does God Really Work All Things Together for Good? GIRLLLLLL I feel like this 2! I know who God is and I know my savior even though my mind might try to deceive me otherwise. I just found out a few years ago that what I have been suffering with is an OCD. Recognize emotional reasoning for what it is and determine to let your life be guided by the Word of God rather than your emotions. The horrible blasphemous thoughts are ongoing constantly. . But let me share a secret with you: religious OCD is a car that runs primarily on emotions. Thank you very much, with all the sincerity in the world. There is always more to learn, more to grow. So that's my objective right now. Blasphemous Thoughts and Unforgivable Sin: A Hell Of Fear The answer is pretty simple: If we blaspheme thoughts about God, then theres an equal chance of these sinful thoughts being rooted in actual unbelief and potential sinning as true faith and obedience. I understand that numb feeling. Sorry about that. Will Blaspheming the Holy Spirit Send Me to Hell? 9:25 pm I have the same problem. God is leading all of us through a constant process of refinement. I need God and I dont want Him to leave me. Is scrupulosity coming back because every time I get bored I always think about it sometimes I am afraid to pray every night because I feel this sometimes I think I am a very bad person because of this, Spiritual OCDMoral OCDBlasphemous ThoughtsNasty Thoughts. I'm afraid I've messed up my life so badly there's no hope. Can you remember bits of old poems that you can trot out? Beyond Forgiveness: Blasphemy Against the Spirit - Desiring God Heres the passage from Mark: Then the multitude came together again,so that they could not so much as eat bread. You've dedicated your life to a worthy cause in doing this, and I'm thankful that God is working through you to help others, like myself, who are facing this. Id encourage you to take a look at it. I am so in love with My Father. You accept all these things by faith but not by sight. One more text, Luke 12:10: And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Over the span of my ministry there have been several people probably a lot more people dont come forward, but these came forward who came to me deeply convinced they had committed the sin against the Holy Spirit and were therefore beyond forgiveness. It later morphed to hearing thoughts of "God isn't really", "you don't believe in him". Your intrusive thoughts produce similar feelings of danger and powerlessness. How this is a deliberate, final searing act of defiance and rejection so great, its as if angels in heaven denied the Holy Spirit; that is how deliberate and severe this act is. Youprepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;Youanoint my head with oil;My cup runs over. They were far more privileged than you and I in their ability to witness miracles and hear the words of Jesus. Response does no good. These are common themes in religious OCD. Fighting back against blasphemous thoughts is a sure-fire way to get yourself stuck in an endless loop of self-analysis, doubt, and ever-rising anxiety. Laughing at a bad or inappropriate joke happens. Idk why I keep doing this but I did repent and ask for forgiveness immediately. Generally, there are three main disorders that can cause intrusive thoughts: Within the broader context of psychotherapy, intrusive thoughts are typically treated with Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP). And God loves us and knows what our true intentions are, and trust me I had those same thoughts but I recognize they weren't my own, they came from an outside source and God knows that better than me. Keep trusting; youll be alright. I understand you are tormented with this. This was just the beginning. Verbalizing your blasphemous thought can feel like a dangerous denial of your faith. But this doesn't mean that it's okay to insult God and Christ. Thank you for your great work and for helping so many. I need help. Emotional reasoning is a lie that says, because I FEEL it, it must be true.. If you reject the Son of Man out of some misunderstanding, the Holy Spirit can forgive you, but when you reject the Holy Spirit, youre sawing off the branch on which youre sitting, severing by your own perversity all connection with the One who forgives.. For about two months now, i have been having questions about; who created Jesus Christ?. Once we have a thought, it'll never be erased from our brain. Jaimie. I've just returned to my religious life kinda 1 month ago, and the scrupulosity soons follow. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. I want Gods forgiveness and I want the Holy Spirit to work in me. Where do they fit into the discussion? What we find in both categories is surprising! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and may you continue in God's blessings reaching people like me. I then slowly trained my mind to stop its cursing of God and quickly say "I curse NOTHING! I also was laughing when he was saying blasphemy combined with other swear words and felt bad and kept telling him to stop and told him I know he has tourettes and its hard to control it but yeah. Your internal danger signals will be on high alert, telling you THIS IS SOMETHING TO FIX!! My efforts to stay away from God did take away the horrible thoughts. I myself have prayed. Your insights are much appreciated. i want to get back to that childlike faith i had on that day i saw the universalist websiteis it too late for me? You see that Im going back and forth between being too intense and then feeling numb and exhausted. I feel like Im overcoming many other intrusive thoughts ,thank god thank Christ ,but whenever I think of this particular situation I become so fearful and discouraged Again ,I pray my lord Jesus Christ can answer me and assure me and guide me . Strange, intrusive thoughts about God or the Holy Spirit are dangerous thoughts because we feel they could cause us to lose our relationship with God or even our eternal life. I have been having issues with blasphemous thoughts for many many years. 6:12-15) is an obvious indication that the Holy Spirit can communicate with us mentally and that we should not think about sinful thoughts about the Lord. It would be hard for me to say, because everyone is unique! And some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts, Why does thisManspeak blasphemies like this? Your strong faith in Jesus is a sign that God is working in you. And the high priest answered and said to Him,I put You under oath by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God! Jesus said to him,It is asyou said. I couldn't laugh or cry, but I still had guilt and worry. I am going to try this method where I have a sorting system in my mind, all these thoughts that are not mine go back where it came from, and the thoughts that are mine come into my brain. In general, the word blasphemy according to Merriam-Webster means the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack ofreverence for God. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is when you take the true work of the Holy Spirit and you speak evil of it, attributing his work to the devil. No one is too sinful for the grace of God. Caving in is a sign of exhaustion, not agreement. That feels like quenching the Holy Spirit. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit - Bible Study Tools Well, please do get in touch. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Since then Ive become a threat and the enemy is trying to dim my light. Started digging into it and loved it. Everybody has crazy fantasies, mean intentions, and ugly thoughts from time to time. Sometimes it can be very difficult to understand our own intentions. But after some time, I guess I kinda gave up in a sense. I want my relationship with God backI feel like i've lost him. I dont feel my soul or my heart. One day when you stand upon the sea of glass in the New Jerusalem you will be able to look back and understand perfectly what God was doing in your life all along. There are people in our world who are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. There is no sinner who has messed up so badly that there is no cure in the gospel. You are not alone. Do I confess it again to God even though Ive confessed it already ? God is very secure in who He is, the Almighty God. Im terrified and am in desperate need of help. Lean into that. Mine attacks me when I am reading my Bible or when I am trying to pray or when I am listening to a a sermon or something like that. It got me extremely scared and thought that that thought actually cause me to actually do what the thought was. Like the shepherd leaves the 99 sheep in the fold and goes out in the wilderness to seek that one lost sheep, He has been moving all heaven to rescue you from sin, anxiety, and suffering. We know this from 2 Corinthians 7, which speaks about godly sorrow (which leads to a real change in our behaviors) and the sorrow of the world (which only leads to death). Forthe name of God isblasphemed among the Gentiles because of you,as it is written. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Youre absolutely right Jesus wont let you go. You dont want to pick up a paper plate and try whacking the bee. What we have to do is realize that they are not from the real me, (even though it can sometimes feel like it) and we must simply move on through life, allowing those weird thoughts to move parallel to us through our day. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I'm going to swim in this new found insight and see how things go.. And I might try the exposure therapy.. In pursuing a way forward, its helpful to look at some of the general research about intrusive thoughts. Unfortunately, intrusive blasphemous thoughts arent alone when they ring the doorbell. Don't force the belief because that can cause you to fight the belief inwardly. Also is it blasphemy against the Holy Spirit if I said the f word in this sentence: Im making another ******** Christmas card." Id rather settle my fears by finding all that scripture says about something and hopefully finding safety in balancing that, rather than asking how certain I am something is true, and becoming comfortable with that. This helps break the certainty addiction that most people with scrupulosity have. They are actions that you feel will cancel out the bad thought?, So lets see if we can go for five minutes without you blowing any air out and without verbalizing that Chemosh is Lordand next time we will try to go for ten minutes. Blasphemous thoughts : r/Christianity - Reddit When the demoniac came, rushing upon Him at the beach, it was to frighten Him away. I was still under the universal salvation spell when I saw a website of a man claiming to have keys to the Scriptures. Also is it possible that this can affect your sleep? It gets all of us at some point. Very often or, let me say, extremely often these intrusive thoughts are unwilling, unwanted blasphemous thoughts against God. Thank you so much for this post. In fact, he was tempted to worship the devil. But by all means, they had to stop their ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit! I remembered a verse that said "God is not the author of confusion" and since the Bible was confusing to me, I came to the conclusion He didn't write it. Speaking vile words or curses against God is a form of blasphemy. He wanted some entertainment. The lies of the enemy came to the surface and God showed me how really saw Him and how I built my life around lies. Keep coming to God and talking to Him, and try to ignore the thoughts that youve committed the unpardonable sin. To take the Lords name in vain is when you do not show proper reverence for who God is, which is similar to blasphemy. The source of conviction is the Holy Spirit. Convictions, awareness. I'm afraid I'm not genuine. I wish you the best as you move forward and rejoice in the cleansing grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. But I assure you, there are so, so many in the religious OCD community who would come and pat you on the shoulder and say, me too. So first of all, please feel the concentrated love and support of myself and the 4,000 others who are regular readers of this website. The answer to this is to recognize that avoidance can, in and of itself, become a compulsion. I think I'm a bad person. May you be blessed today and each day. His words are truth. What is your picture of yourself like? I feel like Ive gotten very off track. NO. Which means two things: first of all, these compulsions arent necessary. You do not need to clean up your act before God accepts you. This book will teach you how to put the pieces together so you can live a victorious Christian life and finally become the man or woman of God that you truly desire to be. That's really depressing. The intrusive thoughts of OCD are like that: the more you focus on them, the bigger and stickier they get. Please dont be afraid. If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. But if Jesus really loves and forgives me then shouldnt he be happy I found a teacher that works for me? So two questions, is it Blasphemy if I have blasphemous thoughts, and also was it Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit to smile/laugh at his joke. Therefore, you dont have to worry about committing this sin. I just want to really believe it in my heart .my pastors tell me what God says to them about me all the time. Because i live for Him and for people who love me. I wish we could meetI actually have a really full schedule these days. i just don't know anymore. Lack of interest in everything. These are truly sobering words which should not be taken lightly. I am a confident person but this character is now a struggle. And i wished from along time to be dead. So from an early age, we are told just be still! when a bee buzzes nearby. Hey Jen, I've been dealing with similar things as well, something with the devil associated with holy things or Jesus. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. Trust me on this, and that those thoughts are not your own, as you struggle with them. Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. And I ended up saying out loud what it's called convert to their religion muslim. When we get the idea that we are bigger and more powerful than God, it may be the case that we think our own mistakes can override the promises. This is why we must learn to let go of feeling that we are in control. I always used to laugh at him when I saw him suited up, but when it came to eating the honey he brought back, I retracted my laughter. I thought I was speaking in tongues. There are a few verses we can use to understand this phenomenon and help you reduce your fears. One part I that really resonated with me was about the bees and being still. Or just the word satan makes me get like constant thoughts especially when I pray. Praying for you. There was no denying the power of God was on display. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Matthew 12:31-32: "Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Interesting that I was already quickened to the Ps 23 "Table in the presence of my enemies." hey,recently ive been having really really evil thoughts about Jesus which are sexual i feel shame explaining but i just need help,they include Jesus doing something to me that is sexual and a crime i think you get the idea and now that i have thought about jt its like its in my brain now and its labelled if you know what i mean(its the R word and i have so much shame and guilt i jusr need help i hate myself) its like it wont go thats now what i think of Jesus even though it definitely not i pray all the time asking for help and i read my Bible and they just come back ,im still young and ive never had a mental illness and im scared that these are my thoughts because its like i encourage them but i dont want to i dont want to label Jesus like that i Love him and hes my saviour im just scared im an evil person that doesnt deserve Gods love at all Thank you for the article aswell it was really helpful, Hey,God understands and loves you he will get you through this keep having faith and PRAY PRAY PRAY, Thank you so much I have been trying to find answers on why I have been having blasphemous thoughts in my head and when I found this article it gave me all the answers to my Question thank you so much, Hello jaimie, please help I accidentally blasphemed Jesus, so basically a blasphemous thought came into my head saying something really bad to Jesus and Holy Spirit and my family, so I try to ignore it and praise Jesus I know this sounds weird but the thought was the opposite of this I want Jesus to go to heaven I accidentally said the opposite (I think you may know what I accidentally said) (the blasphemous thought) I freaked out and asked for forgiveness will god forgive me? im scared. Dont get me wrong studying and learning is good. It no longer serves the helpful function of true guilt, and you may cast it away. There is hope for scrupulosity. But lets have a bit of methodological humility and admit that although some denominations are more biblical than others, no one can claim to know everything. Know this: you can heal from this. You have to realize we are in a spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness. Very informative read. I recommend an extremely helpful Facebook page dedicated to Christians who suffer exactly from what you are suffering from. As for step two, I would like to point your attention to the words you are using. This is very typical OCD. God understands and extends His mercy. Praise God for His continual presence in your life, and thank you for sharing your story! When you feel hopeless, remind yourself that God has cleansed you from ALLLLLLLLLLLL unrighteousness. I know that at many times the thoughts really seem purposeful and are not, but technically I think it was voluntary. Derek Prince has a very good deliverance ministry on YouTube. We can trust Him to judge rightly. Our role when our feelings are not behaving is to just push through by faith. I feel forgiven and yet I dont. Sometimes it is orderliness. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It has gotten the point now where I believe that I am thinking these thoughts willfully. Every man/woman in the Bible did, said, and/or have thought things displeased God. I feel so much peace love and compassion for myself, for others, and for God. But now that I think of it, The Bible says I was and I am39; still and will be forever freed from sin not bound to son. Our thoughts are futile. . God bless you in your journey to recovery! No, I definitely dont believe youre too far gone. No one is beyond the reach of Gods mercy and healing! It was profane and I had been telling him too stop but I smiled at the joke knowing I shouldn't have but I was telling him to stop as that happened. Apparently, the kings lavish respect for President Truman had its limitations! God, doesn't want to be our only love but He does want to be our First Love. 2. Personally, I am highly suspect of people who go around prophesying over others. Then he questioned Him with many words, but He answered himnothing. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. You can pray like this: dear Lord, I think my motives are pretty messed up, but you knew that already. Second of all, they arent effective. How can I do I still have God? I spoke to my Pastor and I was given the explanation for what the unpardonable sin really is. If my bad thoughts about the Holy Spirit were intentional, could I be forgiven? As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. I went in due to paranoia and was paranoid when I came out. She flirted with me, and we ended up in a sexual relationship. Being tempted does not mean we have sinned. Zach has an intrusive thought telling him that he is a devil-worshipper. I started clutching at straws wondering what was going to happen to me when i die. But through all this, God never leaves our side. I am a redevoted believer trying my hardest to rebuild my faith. Hi, I have had similar struggles and find this forum encouraging as I am not alone!!! I had a hard time believing in or contacting God. I dont want to commit the unforgivable sin. However, the key to forgiveness is repentance. Upholds Scripture (Isaiah 8:20, 1 Corinthians 14:37) 4. I have blasphemy thoughts the whole time including the f word- I dont want them! What if my motivation to come back to God isn't because of love, but because I'm interested in the benefits and not going to hell. Jaimie. Intrusive thoughts (including the blasphemous kind) have four main characteristics. I feel like I thought to many bad things. There are much healthier ways of getting them to go away, but harm is not one of them. Do not beat yourself over this, lots of people do it. He knows your intentions more than you do.

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blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit