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holy love messages condemned

I have also contacted the Mother Teresa Center and am waiting for their response. The so-called Jesus of these so-called apparitions claims to have a six-chambered heart, despite the fact that there are only four chambers in the human heart. Heavenly Guidance For Priests - Holy Love Messages; For The Church, All Nations, All Families, All Individuals - Consecration Of The Heart Of The World To The United Hearts Of The Most Holy Trinity In Union With The Immaculate Heart Of Mary; Holy Love Messages. You *will* have to answer for that someday, even though you may not believe that now The bishop is not infallable, and people must use their own discernment. The Bishops decree against the so-called apparitions at Bayside (Vernoica Leuken) never uses the word condemned. It says no credibility can be given. However, my experience there (quite unexpected) threw me into 19 years of anxiety, stress, and doubt. You see, you just do not get it. You are all mixed up big time. I just needed to love my neighbor to be saved no matter concern for personal sin, let your (unformed) conscience be your guide, do what feels right Very sacred, many miracles have happened to my family and miraculous blessings that I have asked for when I have gone there to Pray to the Blessed Mother statue at the Lake of Tears. Good luck with your efforts here. Does Bishop Lennon have serious concerns about the Catholic churches he unjustly closed, replete with canon law abuses so egregious that Rome overrode his decisions and rebuked him sharply? Correct, and succinct. As regarding any priests or Bishops who have been going to the site, do you suppose that Bishop Lennons words to them are vague and ambiguous also.forbid members of the clergy of any ecclesiastical jurisdiction to celebrate the sacraments on the site of Holy Love Ministries? It makes it seems that the so-called messages are authentic. I do not think in those terms, and so my use of the word was totally innocent.. Is this what we can expect from your writings? In this perverted rendering of the Catholic Faith, man is made the center, and the living God in the Holy Eucharist is shunted to the side, ignored, and forgotten. If only she would medidate on the messages. I would also refer you to a little known text entitled, Faith is greater than obedience, by Fr. Sweeney insisted that the Virgin Marys messages demanded that she be given a new title, one recognized by the Catholic Church, that of Our Lady Protectress of the Faith. The Cleveland Catholic Diocese turned down this request. Holy Love Ministry Messages by Topic. Once again, thank you for your witness and speaking boldly and clearly for the Church. I was joined by 3,500 other pilgrims who had congregated to see if the Virgin Mary would appear as purported locutionist Stephen Marino had reported she would. ( ) After an angry backlash of emails telling me how wrong I was, I promised never to write about alleged apparitions again. (3) I may never criticize any Superior under any circumstances. It would be considered as sacred ground. Good points all. Nor would there have been the initial miracles to report at Lourdes, France if people did not flock to the miraculous spring. First of note concerns the structure of the Decree. They had every right to do what they did. Interestingly enough, mtrv posted on site there, too, and I also had a long discussion with him/her. Unfortunately, they do for that fakery-or demonic trickery- in a small Bosnian village). We try to live holy lives and follow Gods Will. The same Faith that is delineated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church is the same Faith that is being taught at Holy Love Ministries. 3221, you are right. Marian apparitions and devotions have played a large part in my own faith development. We see in others what we are ourselves. Several members of Sweeneys small ministry became disillusioned and left.. No, it does not. Este sitio tambien tiene articulos del famoso Padre Fortea, exorcista en espana. They are not under obligation to heed his advisement, unless the site is officially condemned by the Church. HLM gets out of jurisdiction of corrupt bishops by becoming ecumenical. This kind of stuff is EXACTLY whats contained in a great number of the so-called messages. On 11 November 2009, Bishop Richard Lennon published a Letter to the clergy and laity of his Diocese, introducing a Decree, which declares that the Confraternity of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary is not an approved association of the Christian Faithful in the Diocese of Cleveland. You go right along and obey your bishop ;no matter what and see where it leads you. He has continued this pattern in Boston. Do not let anyone take away your free will choices.. The common good of the faithful is to nurture the full knowledge of the true Faith. Thank you for this article and I hope you and others continue to publicize this. 18: 17-18). Yes it warns its followers against heretical bishopsas does Aquinas in the Summa Theologica. You, 3221, say there is nothing against the Faith at HLM. Proclamation on Holy Love Ministries Will Test Hearts and Obedience Lennon then cites the desire of the Holy See for Lennon to act definitively on this matter. Peace be with you! Elena Maria Vidal, The Poetic Language of the Mass | feat. If we do not cooperate with Gods Will through free will choice, we sin. There is a specific procedure in canonical law for official condemnation. I admire your fortitude! By traditional theology, that very statement constitutes the condemnation spoken of by Mrs. Armstrong in her letter. I will encourage people to go. Where I live, there were many families traveling across several states to go to HL. Im truly curious how far this would go for you. Contrary to the Bayside fiasco, Bishop Lennon could not cite one error from HLM. These are the last words I will address to you. The main point of all the accusations in this correspondence is that we need to follow what our bishop says no matter what. Your explanation proves absolutely nothing of substance. To convince this person that these messages arent coming from Heaven. These very same men are condemning God for trying to lead His children to safety in a world that is fast becoming hell on earth. Should a visionary obey ANYONE because of title? Evidently you are not cognizant of the concept of metaphor, right? Can you imagine St. Paul telling the people of Corinth that they must do X without the courtesy of explaining why. Say what you will, the Church has historically given mystics a very hard time, those who are now known as saints, and sites of miracles. Even before the bishops pronouncement, there were red flags for me. I really was so interested and even moved by Holy Love after I read Heavens Last Call but regardless of all the inspirational messages, sacramentals, and devotions I had to step back after reading the more recent alleged messages disregarding local Church authority. I dont see the point you might be trying to make by posing that question. Holy Love Ministries is an ecumenical lay apostolate committed to living and propagating the Holy Love, Divine Love and United Hearts messages. No, HLM messages are not the teachings of the Catholic Faith. Take what I said in all my responses to your points and show them to any theologically sound priest and you will find out that it all is clear Catholic doctrine. If we CHOOSE (use our free will) to REJECT Gods grace, it cannot flow into our souls. We are to forgive others and have never been taught to forgive everything. When in the history of the Catholic Church have approved apparitions consisted of a Blessed Mother going freestyle outside the Church? You may be sinning against the Holy Spirit. the 5th chamber is a hidden chamber WITHIN the 4th chamber. Can. I cant tell you how creepy it was and continues to be anytime I receive one of those so-called messages forwarded to me by my well-meaning, but totally deluded, friends. Why is it hard for you to grasp the Bishops attempt to stop his sheep from going to a place that has been deemed not of supernatural origin? Been there. Or are you so out of it that you do not see that? Lack of forgiveness is not of God because it is against LOVE. Makes it look like it is genuine itself. I myself have visited a couple apparition sites that proved to be false. Condemnation of what is said at HLM cannot happen canonically, for, in order for that to happen, Holy Love Ministries would have to manifest heresy. In his new book,Navigating the Interior Life: Spiritual Direction and the Journey to GodBurke strongly recommends finding a good spiritual director to avoid getting misled and straying from Church teaching and authority. All I can say is this The topic is disobedience to the Bishop. That is why we have the Church, so that what looks good on the surface doesnt lead us astray. I will also add anger. I guess you have never heard of Joan of Arc, who was condemned by the Chuch authorities. Does he speak out forcefully on life issues? We attend and receive Christ in the Eucharist weekly by attending mass..this article is so sad to me. They are bound to follow the dictates of the Church.and they cannot condemn what is not able to be condemned according to Church Law. World economy. I just looked at some of the messages and one of them has Jesus telling people to redeem themselves in his eyes. Find me one misleading thing in any of her messages she has written that shows the Devil is trying to win over people and take them out and away from the church. He is succeeding in making people such as yourself to turn away from the Church and convincing you all that YOU are the faithful ones! What is Holy Love Kathy from Iowa. The words were cleverly chosen. That is exactly what it is. 9/3/93 from Our Lady: My little messenger, what I most wish to convey to you is how much Jesus Thanks Kevin. OK, so now it is heresy to declare the Holy Love apparitions to be not supernatural??? What is required is loyalty to the Church in matters of Faith and morals and to a bishop who is upholding these. It is just that simple. Mother Teresa replied that, if their kneeling was a problem, they would leave the diocese. Period. Didnt Jesus also loved the gentiles? Why not cite some more statements from HLM, and give me your interpretations of them? When that Faith is diluted, distorted, and/or not taught, you no longer have the true Church. Heres one from St. Catherine of Sienna on Nov. 18, 2009: Do not be fooled to believe you are not allowed to come. It is not inconceivable to me that when tens of thousands of people gather in one place to praise God and pray the Rosary (like at Conyers, or other alleged sites) that perhaps God does indeed manifest Himself there in some greater way regardless of whether or not the visionary is authentically representing Him; and that therefore people will leave those places with some kind of sign, greater awareness, spiritual healing,etc.. We are free to heed it or not heed it, as it is not a formal canonical command to obedience. Yes, all are encouraged to pray it and I know an Episcopalian minister who used to pray it, to her credit; but, it is a Catholic prayer. Laws I have given to you as a road map to Heaven. Oh, there are always some of those, but for the most part, people are motivated by their love of God and their desire to experience Him in their lives to a greater degree. Our Lady is preserving our beautiful Faith that the bishops are letting die through their ineptitude and cowardice. It is the Heart of the Eternal Father. Maureen Sweeney - Holy Love Ministries - EPHESIANS-511.NET- A Roman This place made me a better Catholic and its saving souls. 1. Rather than allow such disappointment to derail them, they can instead take a big step closer to God. reported that Kyle responded to Lennons decree by stating,, The Real Marie Antoinette | feat. This Vatican overrode Lennons gross and unethical use of Diocesan properties and monies. "Before you condemn someone else for a wrongful act, check your behavior and see if you too, have committed an act similar or even worse than the act that person has done. This is and has always been the teaching of the Catholic Church. Troll the internet for apparitions to mock? After an angry backlash of emails telling me how wrong I was, I promised never to write about alleged apparitions again. According toThe Morning Journalnewspaper of Ohio, Bishop Lennons decree was issued Nov. 11, 2009: Having been directed by the Holy See (in Rome) to act definitively in the matter of the alleged apparitions and having reviewed the theological content of the alleged apparitions to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle and having consulted an expert in this matter, I declare that the alleged apparitions and locations are not supernatural in origin. Lennons decree states he forbid members of the clergy of any ecclesiastical jurisdiction to celebrate the sacraments on the site of Holy Love Ministries. I would suggest that you get a sound Catholic priest to help you sort things out. Secondly, I wold like to clarify my own position regarding this apparition site. We are bound in matterwsof Faith and morals, not an advisement about an apparition that has not been officially condemned.

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holy love messages condemned