Log in to TheConstructor to ask questions, answer peoples questions, write articles & connect with other people. DurabilityConcrete blocks do not rust, rot, decay, or provide a home for damaging insects as other building materials can. Help make Archtoolbox better for everyone. Ask about the wide variety of standard and special shapes availableto meet all of your construction needs. Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C90 (ref. Contact your Best Block representative for special requests and additional options. ~"ehXL7yUw[>_X\Z^Y][?8 -.Z. tfs = Minimum face shell thickness, in. All exterior back-up concrete masonry units shall contain the recommended amount of integral water repellent Rain Bloc system, as manufactured by ACM-Chemistries. 1 0 obj <>>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream from application/x-indesign to application/pdf /Linearized 1 While 4", 6", 8", 10", and 12" are the standard sizes, some manufacturers offer other sizes not listed below. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Concrete Masonry Units manufactured by General Shale comply with all building code requirements and specifications. Connect With Us (231) 946-7880. . /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Figure 3 shows units developed for specific wall applications. 0000001906 00000 n PILASTER BLOCK. Nominal dimensions refer to the module size for planning bond patterns and modular layout with respect to door and window openings. If lateral ties are provided in accordance with ref. When you join you get additional benefits. Select the Color & Finishes tab above to see all current colors and finishes, including colors with high Solar Reflective Index (SRI). PDF Concrete Masonry Units Size and Shape Guide - Block USA Concrete masonry is one of the most versatile building products available because of the wide variety of appearances that can be achieved using concrete masonry units. << If you have questions about specific products or services we provide, please dont hesitate to contact us. Concrete masonry unit shapes have been developed for a wide variety of applications. Figure 1 illustrates nominal and specified dimensions for a nominal 8 x 8 x 16 in. 2017-06-01T22:19:58-04:00 And they should be spaced no more than 18 feet apart in 10-inch-thick unreinforced walls, and no more than 15 feet apart in 8-inch- thick unreinforced walls. Pilaster block concrete masonry units (CMU) exceed ASTM C90 standard specifications in all weight classifications. wp = load on pilaster, lb/ft (N/m) M = Ft x S the thickness of the wall they create. /L 271524 02-01A Typical Sizes and Shapes of Concrete Masonry Units . xXgTT0Hfr@J!(Y"0%!JFD9$Ayssku^{_wUO % y:*(=;+ e Determine the required pilaster size and spacing for an 8 in. /N 2 Table 1 is based on the provisions of Building Code Requirements For Masonry Structures (ref. Precision Block Sizes & Shapes Precision Concrete Blocks Available Precision Blocks NOTE: All Sizes Are Nominal. endstream endobj 127 0 obj <>stream Concrete Block (CMU) Sizes, Shapes, and Finishes - Archtoolbox 4). Thenominal dimensionof a CMU is theactual dimensionplus the width of the mortar joint. 8" C Pilaster 8" H Pilaster. 2017-06-01T22:19:58-04:00 ft. wall area 7.0 brick per sq. We also earn commissions from qualifying purchases at GBES.com. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email. section modulus, S = 81 in./ft (4355 mm/m) (ref. CMU Block Sizes - Architecture Dictionary Anw = Normalized web area, in. 1). COPYRIGHT 2020 GENERAL SHALE, INC. '?`wj28;;6j!ZJ:a ,GaQ(/^heA8h/ ++ 0000042690 00000 n /Parent 12 0 R "xw8_p-QeAcZf9]}.>>RWrU`Z^.B)MxHXs!WV6!~\\&N /SMask /None 0000023790 00000 n Building residential block basements - Concrete Construction F7_13 Top-Wall Bracing-PDF. About Us| = (230 lb/ft)(24 ft)/2 (9.5 mm) mortar joints. /O 16 (102 mm) width for veneer applications. 0000103981 00000 n /Rotate 0 2017-06-01T22:20:03-04:00 %%EOF the thickness of the wall they create. (mm) F7_09 Control Joint at Pilaster Detail-PDF. As a quality assurance standard, all concrete blocks shall be manufactured by CEMEX. www.cregoblock.com Block Size and Shape Sheet Concrete Masonry Units - 4" Concrete Masonry Units - 6" Concrete Masonry Units - 8"Concrete Masonry Units - 10" Concrete Masonry Units - 12" Pilaster Units www.cregoblock.com 2023 NATIONAL CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION. Various components of pilaster masonry wall are illustrated in Figure-1. 1), allowable moment, Where these loads are high or walls are especially tall, the use of pilasters may be advantageous to allow thinner wall sections. Concrete blocks do not require labor intensive forming or bracing, thus reducing the labor costs of the wall. Category: View All Sizes - The Concrete Service "bb01@D^N%p^!KK,z=:ws>rF9?D?B7( i804\{a||8?.A3%r.,1)Ar*3T,K;=6 Stucco, paint, or stain can also be easily applied to concrete blocks to achieve many other textures and colors. Available selection of shotblast concrete block shapes, sizes, and configurations. (mm) h+ #/#GwfZ%'~('Mt;&9t4cC/|LscIU{+} YH1>56TL4q{L? The Archtoolbox Guide and Templates for Developing a Fee for Architectural Services. Concrete Masonry Screen Walls, TEK 3-16A, National Concrete Masonry Association, 2016. CEMEX supplies concrete block to customers with all types of building needs, including industrial, commercial, institutional and residential. << Pilaster 'C' Type 20.44 KnockIn Half Bond Beam 110 190 190 (available North island only) 390 . Join now! 0000012986 00000 n /Info 13 0 R Control joint units are manufactured with one male and one female end to provide lateral load transfer across control joints. 5). /T 271117 All Rights Reserved. F7_15 Grout Pour at . :gsed+{VC_3a+8HF:FW:N;G:M:+E{+QmDF(u fJBBR=/R>x}tgR~Pl@;SSx*l (D9|z|2,_opT*3M8]cw %PDF-1.6 % << Depending on the core molds used in the manufacture of the units, face shells and webs may be tapered with a flare at one end, or may have a straight taper from top to bottom. A pilaster is a strengthened section that is designed to provide lateral stability to the masonry wall. F7_10 Masonry Restraint at Concrete-PDF. ft. wall area 5.5 brick per sq ft. wall area MORTAR QUANTITIES: UNIT PER 1000 MORTAR/MASONRY CEMENT (BAGS) 4" x 6" Regular CMU 20 8", 10" and 12" Regular CMU Modular Brick 25 7 SAND (TONS) 4 511/4 4) Sash Block - Concrete masonry unit which has an end slot for use in openings to receive metal window frames and . Soft-Split CMU is made with special molds that create a split-faced appearance instead of mechanically splitting the blocks. Fabrics and Textiles for Interiors and Furniture, Best LEED Green Associate Exam Prep Materials, CMUs for construction of Catch Basins and Manholes, Prefaced Concrete and Calcium Silicate Masonry Units. Click here, Specification - Light Weight Concrete Blocks. ]=Q`T`!fi9obb0P9P8mQ=ORhd|DKIsNLKBb4GOPN&jDOC +|H:*R2>4v3^?l8kxw"prwy}9:/bpFG-1*^[ Q_5Zgur]X\Sl=14#4WU2Q%#:7o46.fq]Wp\$,hkw;QXXWT-;o:~EbJ|bv}|'l?7g>+9 b4'Ky 1 (203 mm) hollow unreinforced concrete masonry wall, constructed with Type S portland cement/lime or mortar cement mortar. Pilaster Block Archives - Best Block It is important to work with the manufacturer to select appealing aggregate and to test the polishing process to ensure you get the aesthetic you are looking for. What are the different types of handrails used in bridges. F7_14 Anchor Bolts at Block Walls-PDF. Typical Sizes and Shapes of Concrete Masonry Units - Ncma xmp.iid:d9f39581-2526-40ce-8c30-b22419935b4d w = lateral load acting uniformly on the wall, psf (Pa) ASTM C90 also defines the difference between hollow and solid concrete masonry units. /Length 110 15 0 obj /SMask 19 0 R MASONRY PRODUCTS SHAPES & SIZES Column & Pilaster Units. Sandblasting concrete masonry units also exposes the aggregate, but also blasts away some of the sand and cement to create a rougher appearance. h@_e?Y8R"\/s`hm9B,PdgvqW2y For more information on architectural surface finishes, see TEK 2-3A Architectural Concrete Masonry Units (ref. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB %PDF-1.4 F7_12 Pipe Column in Masonry Wall-PDF. Lightweight masonry units shall meet the maximum requirement of 105 pcf density, using lightweight and normal weight materials meeting ASTM C-331 and ASTM C-33. = (66.5 psi)(81 in./ft) Concrete blocks, also known as Concrete Masonry Units or CMUs, provide very durable structural and non-structural partitions. Comparing Cinder Blocks And Concrete Blocks, A Comprehensive Look At Different Types Of Patio Covers, Essential Steps To Stay Safe In Road Construction Zones. By and large, dimensions of pilaster might be 40.64 cm width x 40.64 cm length. /TrimBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] endobj >> l2 = (3240 in.-lb/ft)(8)/[(15 psf)(12 in./ft)] Ground face units provide a beautiful, yet very smooth surface that can be used in exterior or interior applications. Local manufacturers can provide detailed information on specific products, or the feasibility of producing custom units. 4), allowable flexural tension parallel to the bed joints (Table ref. DWG files are available upon request. xmp.did:2a5e81cf-388c-4826-9474-7a2f99362430 2023 NATIONAL CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION. The nominal dimension works within the 4" grid that other construction materials follow. hTn0A UHM[x|d q62F*Q[pK`yfv^G#!F+46 Heavier units tend to reduce sound transmission, have much higher compressive strengths, and have greater thermal storage capacity; however, they are more expensive and cost more to install. 12x8x12 Column. Standards 0000135082 00000 n HW$ WLmL^-A>X #UO/l-OC;0?l{y|_s|W_ncOK?'.}k"^+6amc'>s1ok\}6o\~|~AhBH7?uv?bofD^{7 <=:b!zq] VC W| 9y?2n Pilaster Height: 88-3/8 in. 12x8x12 Single Core Pilaster Block Reference No. /X2 22 0 R /X3 24 0 R /X4 26 0 R /X5 28 0 R /X6 30 0 R >> /Font << /TT0 Provide special units of lintels, jamb block, control joint units corners and other industry standards for special conditions. 17-04B Allowable Stress Design of CM Pilasters. /Prev 271106 startxref TEK Index - NCMA Pilaster Block-Concrete masonry units designed for use in construction of plain or reinforced concrete masonry pilasters and columns. Please Select Block Size and Style . /Type /Page For project-specific questions, please contactRCP Block & Brick Architectural Support. endstream endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 6 0 obj <> endobj 7 0 obj <> endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 31 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 32 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 33 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 34 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 35 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 36 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 37 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 53 0 obj <>stream This eliminates the need to lift units over the top of the reinforcing bar, or to thread the reinforcement through the masonry cores after the wall is constructed. xmp.did:fefbf310-7720-4015-8123-d8f4f514418f Concrete Block (CMU) Sizes Concrete Masonry Units (CMUs) are manufactured in a variety of sizes. Be sure to work with your CMU manufacturer and paint supplier to select the right paint for your situation. /ArtBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Standard CMU Details | basalite-cmu 8P:&1-: zf_vVqA =;0]3w92R#lnoU# W4/m"j$uEav g$fw?`e 3] F:B!$ o9n~\p(l(; pA +Wby^LdS,wVDN~5,N#n5ZK@!eq2p10vtb:q>:v3ZPw5U`}H\\,2;d2]>X3*+R\Gd. National Concrete Masonry Association, 1998. endstream endobj 2 0 obj <>stream EconomyCompleted concrete block walls are very competitively priced when compared to other construction materials. >> Masonry Pilaster Wall Design and Construction Details When you join you get additional benefits. (203 x 203 x 406 mm) concrete masonry unit. 6 185 8 155 8 2- unit set Units for 8 walls Alternate courses Corner pilaster Units for special conditions 75 8 Figure 4. National Concrete Masonry Association, 1993. = [(230 lb/ft)(24 ft)/8](12 in./ft) endobj 0000000017 00000 n FOR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL GENERAL SHALE SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Lintel units are available in various depths to carry appropriate lintel loads over door and window openings. Be sure to meet with your local CMU representative to learn about what types of finishes they offer and at what cost premium. Please consult a professional architect, engineer, consultant, or agency for advice about specific projects, buildings, conditions, codes, and/or regulations. Certain concrete masonry sizes and shapes are considered standard, while others are popular only in certain regions. Join TheConstructor to ask questions, answer questions, write articles, and connect with other people. Concrete block walls provide excellent resistance to damage without the added cost of protection devices. The graphic below shows the difference between nominal and actual sizes. 0000139153 00000 n Country Standard concrete block, or "gray block," is widely known as one of the most practical, long-lasting and cost-effective material used in building. >> When you use concrete blocks for your home, office, or business, you do not have to worry about the foundation or walls deteriorating and/or weakening. Pilasters required in this type of service must be able to resist bending while transferring the applied loads from the walls to the roof and foundation system. Use the All CMU Products Search to find a . Section 18 - Quality Assurance, Inspection & Testing. A 4-inch CMU has an actual size of 3 5/8 inch x 7 5/8 inch x 7 5/8 inch (DxHxL) . Max effective height should not exceed 25 x nominal thickness unless the pier is designed according to provisions of Ref 1 Section 3.3.5 (walls, must consider P-Delta effects) Nominal thickness should not exceed 16 Provide (1) bar in the end cells and minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement should be 0.0007bd Uniformly distribute reinforcement Ft = 50 psi x 1.33 16 0 obj If the color needs to be consistent or exact, you may consider painting the block and mortar. PRECISE COLOR MATCH TO ACTUAL PRODUCT CANNOT BE ASSURED DUE TO VARIATIONS IN MONITORS/VIEWING SCREENS, ROOM LIGHTING AND OTHER FACTORS BEYOND THE CONTROL OF GENERAL SHALE. Bull-nosed units are available with either a single or double bull nose, to soften corners. Concrete blocks also come in half-sizes, which are helpful in reducing the need to cut blocks in the field at corners or the end of walls. As withbrick, CMUs have actual dimensions and nominal dimensions. }+yK$7"B;7NaQ_+B26y;?F{8? &b&S\f'y&oyv0IW@=g_Ew:Uq4$H4," Accessory Block Cap Units Ground Face Units Architectural Units. It is important that all local codes and standards are adhered to. This website uses cookies. Concrete Block Sizes A list of the standard size of CMUs can be helpful if you have any questions about the project or the mortar joint. Web areas can be reduced by reducing the web height or thickness, reducing the number of webs, or both. /Resources << /ExtGState << /GS0 17 0 R >> /XObject << /X0 18 0 R /X1 20 0 R /Pages 12 0 R Standard/Square End. Half-high (ashlar units) and half-length units are companion units supplied to the mason by the block producer as a convenience to minimize site-cutting of full units, and to complete patterned work. *Digital product photos are a good reference for general appearance. Plus, they're decorative and provide accents for a wide variety of conditions. PDF +Hollow masonry - Firth Sash block can be laid with the grooves adjacent to one another to accommodate a preformed control joint gasket. PDF Coursing Tables, Metric Shapes and Sizes - ccmpa.ca Types of Concrete Blocks & Sizes Offered - CEMEX USA Exposed Face: Manufacturer's standard color and texture. The rake marks are not as deep as the scored or ribbed blocks identified above in the Shapes section, but they do add an appealing texture to the block. Architectural Concrete Masonry Units, TEK 2-3B, National Concrete Masonry Association, 2017. 0000001163 00000 n /op false Concrete blocks are naturally fire-resistent, highly durable, and its mass creates energy-efficient wall systems. Block textures may vary depending on the unit type and production requirements. As with shapes, there are a large number of finish options so you can make the utilitarian gray concrete block look much more aesthetically pleasing. Categories: View All Sizes, 16" Tags: Pilaster. SIZE WxHxL / PER PALLET / WEIGHT; 400X200X400mm 36 51 Lbs; RELATED PAGES. Typically, concrete masonry units have nominal face dimensions of 8 in. Product - ORCO Split faced CMU is manufactured by molding two units side-by-side and then mechanically splitting them apart after firing. = 198720 in.-lb (22.5 kNm). 17 0 obj xref SIZE WxHxL / PER PALLET / WEIGHT; 100X200X400mm 160 18 Lbs; 150X200X400mm 120 21 Lbs . = 66.5 psi (0.459 MPa) (ref. Example: 8" cmu with a known 1100 psi gross area at 52% solids. F>9 w~nO# z(V vv 'uEush3 | L! /Filter /FlateDecode tw = Minimum web thickness, in. We support our customers' ongoing needs for concrete block, with superior quality, technical expertise, and customer service. Other color and finishes are available on a special order basis at additional cost. 0000066734 00000 n PILASTER BLOCK - General Shale F7_04 Suggested Control Joint Locations-PDF, F7_05 Suggested Locations and Spacing for Control Joints-PDF, F7_06 Control Joint Elevation and Plan Detail-PDF, F7_08 Fire Rated Masonry Control Joints-PDF, F7_09 Control Joint at Pilaster Detail-PDF, F7_16 Wall Restraint Parallel to Deck-PDF, F7_17 Wall Restraint Perpendicular to Deck-PDF, F7_19 Interior Masonry Perpendicular Wood Beams-PDF, F7_20 Exterior Masonry Parallel Wood Beams-PDF, F7_21 Exterior Masonry Perpendicular Wood Beams-PDF, F7_22 Masonry Perpendicular at Sloping Members-PDF, F7_24 Wood Joists Parallel to Masonry-PDF, F7_25 Purlin Perpendicular to Wall with Parapet-PDF, F7_26 Steel Beam to Masonry Wall Connection-PDF, F7_27 Wall Restraint at Perpendicular Steel Beam-PDF, F7_31 Wall Restraint Adjacent to Steel Beam-PDF, F7_32 Wall Restraint Adjacent to Steel Girder-PDF, F7_33 Wall Restraint Perpendicular to Steel Beam-PDF, F7_38 Corrugated Veneer Anchorage to Metal Studs-PDF, F7_39 Anchorage Slot Veneer Anchorage to Metal Studs-PDF, F7_40 Anchorage Slot Veneer Anchorage to Wood Studs-PDF. << Acoustical units are often used in schools, industrial plants, and churches, and similar applications where improved internal acoustics are desired. The images below cover the most common shapes, but you should check with your local CMU manufacturer if you need special shapes or finishes. Quality architects and builders have used concrete masonry units for years in the construction of homes, schools, industrial buildings, and municipal structures. BeautyConcrete blocks can provide many different appearances to a building. 0000129274 00000 n For best accuracy, complete a samples form here, or contact your local Best Block associate. What must be the maximum dry density of Granular Sub Base & Wet Mix Macadam used What is the Safe Bearing Capacity values for Different Soils? General: Provide shapes indicated and as follows for each form of concrete masonry unit. Pilaster Overall Width: 49-5/8 in. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, ACI 530-99/ASCE 5-99/TMS 402-99. Due to its strength, durability, and excellent fire rating, concrete block provides a sensible alternative to many other building materials. endobj Allowable Stress Design of Concrete Masonry Pilasters - Ncma This allows the unit to be easily split on the jobsite, producing two 8 in. The lateral load that must be resisted by each pilaster is: Masonry Products; Architectural Masonry; Masonry Accessories . /OPM 1 Concrete masonry walls provide benefits such as structural integrity, fire resistance, thermal insulation and mass, low maintenance, and an aesthetic versatility unmatched byany other single building material. 32 0 R /TT1 36 0 R >> >> F7_01 Concrete Block Walls-PDF. (mm). HlWCfWZa-0#"Y=#AuEGdd_^/~yy_EK_{o~OK_r9jvX{2,OtWxxt.(c1kK>hyVJ?p16a-O; _-3`E5Z 0 Typical applications include exterior fences, interior partitions, and openings within interior concrete masonry walls. 0000130096 00000 n /Filter [ /FlateDecode /DCTDecode ] The architect should always attempt to design buildings using the nominal dimensions to the nearest half-block size to reduce waste and labor due to cut blocks. A bonded pilaster may be constructed as an integral part of the wall or, where provisions for crack control are provided such as with control joints, they may be constructed as an unbonded structural member where lateral support is provided through the use of suitable connections. Due to its strength, durability, and excellent fire rating, concrete block provides a sensible alternative to many other building materials. 16 x16 Pilaster Block - The Concrete Service Pilasters can be the same thickness as the wall but most often project beyondone or both wall faces. can carry vertical loads as well as lateral loads imposed by wind, soil, or earthquakes. 2009-2021 The Constructor. Contact Us| CEMEX manufactures standard and specialty concrete block, ranging in size from 4 to 16 inches. 0000001049 00000 n 0000019300 00000 n the thickness of the wall they create. /OP false / /E 140195 endstream 16 x16 Pilaster Block knorr | January 2, 2017 Categories: View All Sizes, 16" Tags: Pilaster. VersatilityConcrete blocks lend to easy incorporation of doors, windows, brick ledges, and corners of any angle into the construction of the building. /C YJ*g4oGEEv2+K6i4S>d"~2ai7:|T_klw! Fire ResistanceConcrete blocks provide the best and most long-term fire protection available in construction. Ribbed or scored units (graphics above in the Shapes section) can also have a split faced finish to add more texture. Substitutions: Other manufacturers of equal quality are to be submitted and approved by the architect 10 days prior to bid date. = 2760 lb (12.3 kN), Mmax = wpl/8 The net cross-sectional area of a solid unit is at least 75% of the gross cross-sectional area. 2 2/3" tall). While 4", 6", 8", 10", and 12" are the standard sizes, some manufacturers offer other sizes not listed below. (203 mm) long units, which are typically used adjacent to openings or at the ends or corner of a wall. Angelus Block offers an enormous selection of cmu for every application: from leading-edge architectural masonry to utilitarian structural solutions. /Length 5418 Please refer to the Concrete Masonry Products Insert Folder under the Library tab for more details. 2), are available in a wide array of nominal lengths and heights; typically with a nominal 4 in. PDF Introduction Precision Units - Angelus Block Co., Inc. Before purchase we recommend viewing a physical sample of the product. stream %PDF-1.3 % = 15 psf x 15.33 ft Concrete Masonry Units (CMUs) are manufactured in a variety of sizes. From Table 1, choose a 16 x 16 in. 6" Wide 8" Wide 10" Wide 12" Wide Veneer Pilaster & Columns Connect With Us (231) 946-7880. Allows mason to locate horizontal reinforcing, Allows control joint or door/window frame. (203 mm) by 16 in. The effect is a bit less rough than split faced. PDF Block Size and Shape Sheet Concrete Masonry Units - 4" Concrete Masonry 1) is the most frequently referenced standard for concrete masonry units. 0000001769 00000 n Some common unit configurations are shown in Figure 2. 6 unsu wMzn@@k> ' 9d*@,8Y Cr&py)VxFxxk+?i|F2d8FgK#e+(NUCj1bD4O#oZiFnB}`:2{|)fhU:k=-L6-[)yVgjuF$+]^!XXTls*jMr3+E6c2.T6v>nWl;G?Sn6=5,]Y+IdC:4 cC7CB^a+}>_{" |)~DLXUNjN \"%1**IJFR4R3$b*Je[w,B]&P1TgEH` : Choose the next lower modular spacing for the pilasters, 15 4 (4.67 m). >> proof:pdf variation between blocks, which will appear throughout the nished wall., g . Glazed CMU has a tile-like glazed finish made from a resin-based coating. Always verify actual color and texture with physical samples. Some people believe this creates a natural weathered look instead of the smoother look of burnished or polished CMU. 0000138655 00000 n Copyright 2023 Archtoolbox. Reported by the Masonry Standards Joint Committee, 1999. 2/ft2 (mm2/m2) xmp.id:7e0768d0-264d-409d-b313-56af2adbeae0 /Type /XObject A varity of shapes and sizes are available through special order for your concrete masonry unit project. stream +"Y$<8L#8]tfjQ!pA[?g:$r+^V{xrTj)^Qva~_Nq+mE> 39,g*@yv. Archtoolbox is a Trademark of Aggregate Digital LLC. ASTM C90 includes minimum face shell and web thicknesses for the different sizes of concrete masonry units as listed in Table 1. Configurations - ORCO A chart for the selection of appropriate pilaster size and reinforcement for a variety of lateral loading conditions is presented in Table 1. w%{e-d6|Y1m\g?s47clO*31zfF73Br[2&WYY+WX5_XTO:_xY?ZH-hH*1v)RVkouCE+Pw;m, igj :$q{x_>N E,HD{Mu.rhA0 qRl Other methods of providing load transfer across the control joint for the unbonded condition may be utilized than as detailed in this TEK. (406 mm), available in nominal thicknesses of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 in. CMU Basics - Glossary - Angelus Block Co., Inc. They are identified by their depth i.e. << In addition, because of its modular nature, different concrete masonry units can be combined within the same wall to achieve variations in texture, pattern, and color. Concrete Masonry Products - Angelus Block Co., Inc. Adobe InDesign CC 2017 (Macintosh) Raked (or Striated) units have vertical rake marks introduced during the molding process. /Subtype /Image Concrete brick may be 100% solid or cored, provided that the cored area of the brick does not exceed 25% of the gross cross-sectional area. 0 Precision Concrete Block Shapes and Sizes - RCP Block & Brick F7_03 Rebar at Wall Opening-PDF.