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a77 road closure kilmarnock

Location:A8 (Shawhead Overbridge to Bargeddie), Eastbound, Location:M8 (Newhouse Interchange to End Of Ppp), Eastbound, Location:M8 (Railway Bridge to End Of M8) to A8 (Bargeddie Underbridge to Baillieston Off Slip), Eastbound, Location:A8 (Bailleston Rbt to Entry A8 Eb) to A8 (Bargeddie Underbridge to Baillieston Off Slip), Eastbound, Description:Works:InspectionsTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:M73 Southbound, M73 SB to M74 SB, M74 Southbound Junction 5 off-slip, A725 Northbound, Location:M8 (Easter Inch Footbridge to Starlaw Br) to M8 (Starlaw Br to End Of Slip Road), Eastbound, Location:M8 (Off Slip To B7057 to Entry To M8 Wb) to M8 (B7057 U'Bridge to Duntilland Rd), Westbound, Description:Works:Carriageway PatchingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Div via J4a and return, Description:Works:InspectionsTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Div via J4a and return. View live traffic conditions by regions and areas. Options. Description:Works:Road Part of a Diversion RouteTraffic Management:No Obstruction on Carriageway or Footway. Location:M73 (Mainline 3 To 2 Lane to Bailleston Int O/B) to M73 (Off Slip From M73 to A8 Bailleston Rbt), No, Description:Works:Carriageway PatchingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:M73 northbound, M73 Jct 2A and return SB. Location:A78 (Bankfoot Rbout to Jct Loch Thom Rd) to A78 (Derest Sign to Start Dual Spango Valley), Northboun, Location:A78 (Gogo St to A760 Jct Dalry Rd), Northbound, Location:A78 (Pier Rd Jct to Lodge At Sou'An Rd End) to A78 (Rd To Kellburn Glen to Pier Rd Jct), Northbound, Location:A78 (Pier Rd Jct to Lodge At Sou'An Rd End), Southbound. Description:Works:Footway WorksTraffic Management:Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS). Location:M74 (M8ppp Boundary to A721 Gantry) to M74 (Start 2 Lane For M74 to Start Of D2m With Hs), Southboun, Location:M74 (M8ppp Boundary to A721 Gantry) to M74 (M74 Sb Off Slip to A74 Rbt (N)), Southbound. Email: Changes were made in 2005 segregating a lane on the M8 motorway almost as far as the Kingston Bridge, which in January 2006 was extended further onto the bridge itself. Getting to downtown Akron. Description:Works:Cyclic MaintenanceTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:A8 EB, Chapelhall North to South Link Road, WB Jct 6A Onslip. Description:Works:Cyclic MaintenanceTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:A725 Bellziehill SB Onslip, A725 Orbiston Southbound Off slip, A725 Orbiton Northbound onslip. Scotland flooding - Watch as heavy downpours engulf A77 in Ayrshire in to Sth Lodge Br. Location:M77 (B762 Barrhead Rd Int (S) to B762 Barrhead Rd Int (N)), Northbound, Location:M77 (B762 Barrhead Rd Int(N) to Barrhead Rd Int (S)), Northbound, Location:M77 (N/B Slip Road On To M77 From Dumbreck Road to N/B Slip Road On To M77) to M77 (B768 Dumbreck Rd. Location:A1 (Change Of Surface to Start Of Dual Carriageway), Southbound, Location:A1 (Bankton Br to Bankton Jct Off Slip) to A1 (Bankton Jct Off Slip to Bankton Jct On Slip), Southbo, Location:A1 (Bankton Jct Off Slip to Bankton Jct On Slip) to A1 (Slip Off To A199 to Dolphingstone Bridge), N, Location:M8 (Slip Entry From Craigton Int to Mid Point A737 Bridges) to A1 (A1087 Junction to End Of Dual Car, Location:A1 (Spott Road Roundabout to Thistly Cross Roundabout), Northbound, Location:A1 (Road To Oldhamstocks to Crowhill Rd), Southbound. Location:A701 (Ae Bridgend to Wester Parkgate) to A701 (Jct Chapelhill to Jct Boreland), Northbound, Description:Works:Road StudTraffic Management:Convoy Working (10mph), Location:A701 (Jct Robertland to Jct Riddingwood), Southbound, Location:A701 (Jct Meikleholm to Jct Garrel) to A701 (Jct Rashgillpark to Jct Catherinefield), Southbound, Location:A701 (Jct Chapelhill to Jct Boreland) to A701 (Ae Bridgend to Wester Parkgate), Southbound, Location:A702 (A766 Penicuik to C57 Silverburn Rd), Southbound, Location:A702 (A766 Penicuik to C57 Silverburn Rd), Northbound, Location:A702 (U71 Glencorse Kirk Rd to C40 Bushloan Road) to A702 (C41 Bellwood Rd to U71 Glencorse Kirk Rd), Location:A702 (C41 Bellwood Rd to U71 Glencorse Kirk Rd) to A702 (U71 Glencorse Kirk Rd to C40 Bushloan Road), Location:A702 (Hartside to Jct Overburns), Southbound, Location:A702 (Hartside to Jct Overburns), Northbound, Location:A702 (A703 Peebles Road to Lothianburn Clvt) to A702 (Lothianburn Clvt to 40mph Signs), Northbound, Location:A702 (Lothianburn Clvt to 40mph Signs) to A702 (A703 Peebles Road to Lothianburn Clvt), Southbound, Location:A702 (40mph Signs to Sth Rbt A720), Southbound, Location:A702 (40mph Signs to Sth Rbt A720), Northbound. Location:M74 (End Of 3 Lane to Start Of Dedicated C/Way) to M8 (Jct 22 On Slip to Jct 23 Off Slip), Westbound, Location:M74 (Start Of Chevrons to End Of M/Way Sign) to A75 (Start Of 2-Lane to End 2-Lane), Westbound, Description:Works:Filter DrainTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Glasgow Rd - B721 Annan Rd End, Location:M74 (A74 Rbt (S) to Slip Road Diverge) to M74 (M8 Ppp Boundary to Slip Entry To M74), Northbound. Description:Works:Cyclic MaintenanceTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:M73 S/B to Jct 2 and return northbound. A78 Sharphill. Three people are in hospital following a two-car crash on a busy Scots road. Phone: 219-322-5400. Description:Works:Advanced signage/diversion on vergeTraffic Management:Lane Closure. Location:M73 (M73 Jn 1 Off-Slip to End Two-Lane Slip) to M74 (A721 Bridge to M8ppp Boundary), Southbound, Description:Works:Cyclic MaintenanceTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:M73 SB Link road to M74 SB, M74 SB Jct 5 Offslip, M74 NB Jct 5 Onslip, Location:M73 (M73 Jn 1 Off-Slip to End Two-Lane Slip) to M74 (M73 Int Split to M73 Int W Split), Southbound. Roadworks - Ayrshire Roads Alliance Location:A1 (Jct A1107 Burnmouth to Jct. Location:M8 (Slip Off Jct 9 to Railway Bridge) to M8 (Slip Off M8 Eb to Jct Easterhouse Rd), Eastbound, Description:Works:Cyclic MaintenanceTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information: Junction 8 eastbound off slip, Bargeddie Rbt, A8 westbound Swinton Rbt, A8 westbound, Easterhouse Road, Location:M8 (Slip Off Jct 9 to Railway Bridge) to M8 (Railway Bridge to End Of M8), Eastbound. Over Burn) to A76 (Jct At N Carron Br. B714 Saltcoats Road. Explore our real-time traffic updates today. ), Eastbound, Location:A86 (Ardverikie Hse Acc to Aberarder Acc), Westbound, Location:A86 (Speed Derest Roybridge to Speed Rest Spean Br.) Description:Works:Carriageway PatchingTraffic Management:Not Yet Known. Lane to M8 & M77 Split) to M74 (M8 & M77 Split to End Of M74), Westbound, Location:M74 (Carnoustie St Crossroads to Entry M8 Slip), Westbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:north diversion; follow carnoustie st- at jct turn left onto Paisley rd- turn left onto seaward st-re Join M8 west- end.south diversion; follow carnoustie- at jct turn right onto scotland st- rejoin M8 west- end, Location:M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Slip) to M8 (Slip Off M8 Wb to A741 Renfrew Rd), We, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:follow M8 west- leave M8- jct 29- take 5th exit onto M8 east- leave M8 at jct 27- end, Location:M8 (Jct 25 Off Slip to A739 Rbt), Westbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:follow M8 west- leave at jct 27- at rbt take 4th exit and follow signs for M8 east- join m8 east- leave m8 at jct 25- end, Location:M8 (End Of Viaduct Wbnd to Slip Road Off To Airport) to M8 (Slip Rd Off M8 Wb to Airport Rbt (S)), W, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:continue on M8 west- leave m8 at jct 29- circle rbt taking 5th exit- turn immediate left following airport signs- end, Location:M8 (Slip Off M8 Jct 15 to Castle St Entry), Westbound, Description:Works:Cyclic MaintenanceTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Follow Diversion M8 WB Exit Jct 16 - Turn - Join M8 EB exit Jct 15, Location:M8 (Jct 15 Off Slip to M8 O'Bridge) to M8 (M8 Overbridge to Entry M8 Wb), Westbound, Description:Works:Cyclic MaintenanceTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Follow diversion A803 - Castle St - Cathedral St - N Hanover St A804 -End, Location:M8 (Jct 15 Off Slip to Stirling Rd Jct), Westbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:continue M8 west- leave m8 at jct 16- turn right at jct and rejoin M8 east- tale lane 4 and leave M8 at jct 15 off slip to A803 south- end, Location:M8 (Jct 15 Off Slip to M8 O'Bridge) to M8 (Entry M8 Wb to Jct 16 Off Slip), Westbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:continue A803 north- leave A803 for A804- turn left onto royston rd- turn left onto A803 south- rejoin M8 at jct 15 lane 0 onslip- end, Location:M8 (Wb Off Slip to Wb Entry Slip), Westbound, Description:Works:Carriageway PatchingTraffic Management:Lane Closure.Diversion Information:Exit Jct 17 to A804 - Follow A804 Joining M8 WB Newton St, Location:M8 (A81 Underpass to Jct 18 Off Slip) to M8 (Wb Off Slip to Wb Entry Slip), Westbound, Location:M8 (Jct 19 Off Slip to Jct 19 On Slip) to M8 (Slip On M8 Wb to M8 Eb Entry), Westbound, Description:Works:Carriageway PatchingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Argyle St, Douglas St, Waterloo St, M8 WBWest St Off Ramp, Wallace St, Dalintober St, End, Location:M8 (M77 Int Off Slip to M77 Int On Slip), Westbound, Location:M74 (Roundabout to Start Of 1-Lane) to M74 (Start Of 1-Lane to Wb On-Slip), Westbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:circle rbt and take 2nd exit onto scotland st- turn left onto carnoustie st- rejoin M8 sec c/way east - end, Location:M74 (M8 & M77 Split to End Of M74) to M77 (Off Slip From M8 Wb to Entry To M77 Sb), Westbound, Location:M8 (Jct 23 Off Slip to B768 Dumbrek Rd), Westbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Continue onto M77 south- leave M77 at jct 1- at jct turn right onto dumbreck rd- end, Location:M8 (Jct 24 Slip Rd Entry to Jct 25 Off Slip) to M8 (Wb Jct 25 Off Slip to Wb Jct 25 On Slip), Westbo, Location:M8 (Wb Jct 24 Off Slip to Helen St Jct), Westbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:continue M8 west- leave m8 at jct 26- circle rbt and rejoin m8 east- follow m8 east- leave m8 at jct 24- end, Location:M8 (Wb Jct 24 Off Slip to Wb Jct 24 On Slip) to M8 (Jct 24 Slip Rd Entry to Jct 25 Off Slip), Westbo, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:follow Helen st- At rbt take 1st exit onto edmiston dr- at rbt take 2nd exit onto shieldhall rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto renfrew rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto hillington road- end, Location:M8 (Wb Jct 25 Off Slip to Wb Jct 25 On Slip) to M8 (Mid Point H.Int Bridges to Slip From Hillington, Location:M8 (Jct 25 Wb On Slip to Jct 26 Off Slip) to M8 (Slip Off M8 Wb to Hillington Int Rbt), Westbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:continue M8 - leave M8 jct 27- at rbt take 4th exit- at rbt take 2nd exit- join M8 east- leave m8 jct 26- follow signs- end, Location:M8 (Hillington Int Rbt to Entry M8 Wb) to M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Slip), We, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:continue onto hillington road- at roundabout take 1st exit onto glasgow rd- rbt 2nd exit onto glebe st- jct turn left onto A741 paisley rd- rbt take 2nd exit- end, Location:M8 (Slip Frm Hg'Tn Intr -Slip to A741 Renfrew Rd Slip) to M8 (Slip Off Wb M8 to Mid Point A737 Bridg, Location:M8 (Airport Rbt (S) to Entry M8 Wb) to A737 (Wb Off Slip to Wb On Slip), Westbound, Location:Off Network to Off Network, Westbound, Location:M8 (Slip From M898 to Slip Off To Ferry Int), Westbound, Location:M8 (Slip From M8 Wb to A8 Rbt), Westbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:follow A8 to Langbank rbt- take 3rd exit onto A8 east- leave A8 at westferry- end, Location:M74 (M8 & M77 Split to End Of M74) to M8 (Wb Jct 24 Off Slip to Wb Jct 24 On Slip), Westbound. SB traffic at Garscube Rbt continue SB to Cowcaddens Rd and continue to Port Dundas Rd then Dobbies Loan WB onto Garscube Rd NB at Garscube Rbt to follow the NB diversion. To display map information, select the tools you wish to view under QuickMap "Options". A detour is posted. Location:A77 (Carleton Fisheries to Lendalfoot Br), Northbound, Location:A77 (Shallochpark Rbt to Kirkpatrick Street Rbt) to A77 (Start 3 Lane to End Single Cway), Northboun, Location:A77 (Whitletts Rbt to Whitletts Rbt) to A77 (Sandyford Toll Roundabout to Sandyford Toll Roundabout), Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:turn onto heathfield road- follow road heathfield road - turn right onto Ayr road- turn left at roundabout onto A79- straight across roundabout at airport entrance- follow A79 to Monktonhead rbt- take exit onto A78 southbound to Dutchhouse rbt- follow directional signs, Location:A77 (Smithston Br to Jct Kewnston), Southbound, Location:A77 (A79 Jct Maybole Rd to Bankhead Rbt) to A77 (Culroy Burn Br to B7034 Jct), Southbound, Location:A77 (Bridgemill Rbt to Dipple,Factory Ent), Southbound, Location:A77 (North Mark Br to Jct Carlock Hse), Southbound, Location:A77 (A719 Junction to South End Turnberry Climbing Lane), Southbound, Location:A77 (Culroy Burn Br to B7034 Jct) to A77 (Jct Kewnston to Culroy Burn Br), Southbound, Location:A77 (Jct Kewnston to Culroy Burn Br) to A77 (Whitletts Rbt to Whitletts Rbt), Southbound, Location:A77 (Dutch House R/Bout to Sandyford Toll Roundabout), Southbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:leave dutchouse rbt and follow A78 north- leave rbt at 2nd exit onto A79- follow road tto rbt at at main st- take 2nd exit onto main st- follow road turn left on Heathfield road- follow heathfield road to whitletts rbt- follow normal signs, Location:A77 (Ardmillan Castle to A714 Shallochpark Rbt) to A77 (Old Smyrton to B7044 Jct), Southbound, Location:A77 (Stumpy Corner Jct to End Of Graveyard), Southbound, Location:A76 (Cessnock Water Bridge to Crossroads Roundabout) to A76 (B744 Crosshands to Jct Craighead), Sout, Location:A77 (Henrietta Street Rbt to Stumpy Corner) to A77 (Duncan Street to Henrietta Street Roundabout), S, Location:A77 (300m N Whatriggs Br to East Ayrshire Bdy) to A77 (E. Ayrshire Bdy to 300m N Whatriggs Br), Sout, Location:A77 (Carleton Fisheries to Lendalfoot Br), Southbound. Location:M77 (N/B Slip Road On To M77 From Dumbreck Road to N/B Slip Road On To M77), Northbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:continue Dumbeck road- join M8 east at jct 23- end, Location:M77 (Off Slip To M8 to Start 4 Lane Division) to M77 (Lhs Slip To M8 to Entry To M8), Northbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:leave M77 jct 1- at jct turn left onto dumbeck road- return M8 east at jct 23- end, Location:M77 (B768 Dumbreck Rd Int (S) to B768 Dumbreck Rd Int (N)) to M77 (B768 Dumbreck Rd Int (N) to Slip. The A77 is currently closed in both directions at the Grassyards Interchange, Kilmarnock due to a single vehicle road traffic collision. Location:A82 (Barloan Roundabout to Barloan Roundabout) to A82 (Bridge Over Cardross Rd to A811 Rbt), Northbo, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:turn right onto A813- follow throught to A814- turn right and follow signs to stoneymollen rbt, Location:A898 (A898 Northbound Off Slip to A82 Southbound) to A82 (Erskine Bridge A898 to A814 Jct), Southbou, Location:A78 (Jct Loch Thom Rd to Bankfoot Rbout) to A78 (Derest Sign to Start Dual Spango Valley), Northboun, Location:A82 (Lomondgate Rbt to Leven Bridge) to A82 (River Leven to Dalmoak), Northbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:for Renton follow A813- turn left at bridge st- follow B857 renton road, Location:A82 (River Leven to Dalmoak), Northbound, Description:Works:Third Party WorksTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Diversion: A82 diversion (both directions: A811, A813, Stirling Rd,Diversion for Renton Rd on-slip: Lennox St, Main St, Bank St, North Main St, Luss Rd, A811, Location:A82 (A811 Roundabout to A811 Roundabout), Northbound, Location:A82 (Dunglass Roundabout to A914 Dumbuck), Northbound, Location:A82 (Erskine Bridge A898 to A814 Jct) to A82 (A814 Jct to Dunglass Roundabout), Northbound, Location:A82 (Loch Sloy Power Stat to Ardlui Station), Southbound, Description:Works:Carriageway PatchingTraffic Management:Stop/Go Boards Traffic Control (30mph), Location:A82 (White Corries to Junc To Glenetive) to A82 (Junc To Glenetive to Start Crash Barrier), Northbou, Location:A82 (White Corries to Junc To Glenetive) to A82 (Junc To Glenetive to Start Crash Barrier), Southbou, Location:A82 (Fillan Bridge to A85 Jct), Northbound, Location:A82 (Kinlochleven Junc B863 to Cuilchenna Ho), Northbound, Location:A82 (A914 Dumbuck to Dunglass Rbt) to A82 (Gavinsburn to A898 Erskine Bridge), Southbound, Description:Works:Third Party WorksTraffic Management:Lane Closure (40mph), Location:A82 (Gavinsburn to A898 Erskine Bridge), Southbound, Location:A78 (Cumberland Rd to Derest Sign) to A78 (Jct Loch Thom Rd to Bankfoot Rbout), Southbound, Location:A82 (Renton Road A812 to 2 Way Split) to A82 (Renton Road A812 to Entry A82 Sb), Northbound, Description:Works:Third Party WorksTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Renton Rd - Glasgow Rd - Strathleven Place - Bankend Rd - Townend Rd. A MAN died suddenly on the A77 this morning as cops locked down the Kilmarnock road. Take the slip road towards CalderRoundabout2. Hammond Baptist Schools is a ministry of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. ), Southbound, Location:A9 (A95 Granish Jct to Track Avielochan) to A9 (Alvie Gate Ho to B9150 Aviemore Jct), Southbound, Location:A9 (B9169 Jct to Cromarty Br Causeway) to A9 (Tore Rbt to B9169 Jct), Southbound, Location:A9 (Council Bdy to B8033 Junction), Southbound, Location:A9 (Start Of Dual C/Way to A827 Jct Nb) to A9 (Slip Off to T-Junction), Northbound, Location:A9 (End Of Dual to Start Of Dual) to A9 (A827jct to End Of Dual Cway Sb), Southbound, Location:A9 (Track To Badbea to Snowgates Berriedale) to A9 (Snowgates Berriedale to P.O. 5 Flooding is causing major tailbacks on the A77 Location:A8 (Carnbroe On Slip to End Of 3 Lane At Off Slip), Eastbound, Description:Works:Cyclic MaintenanceTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Sweethill terrace, Carnbroe Rd, Paddock St, Sykeside Rd, B802. Current traffic around Kilmarnock The following traffic incidents and congestion for Kilmarnock have been reported by Highways England, Traffic Scotland, Traffic Wales or Transport for London (TfL) in the last two hours: There are no current incidents in this location. Location:A9 (A827jct to End Of Dual Cway Sb) to A9 (Junction Right To Luncarty to Start Of Dual Carriageway), Location:A9 (Jct C14 Loch Stemster to Br Of Tacher) to A9 (Br Of Tacher to Jct B870 Mybster), Northbound, Location:A9 (B9174 Jct Tain (N) to Dornoch Br Rbt), Northbound, Location:A9 (Jct Traill St/Olrig St to School Lochawe) to A9 (Jct Weydale to A836 Castletown Jct), Southbound, Location:A9 (B8081 Blackford to U/C To Tarneybackle), Southbound, Location:A90 (Start Of 2 Way Slip to End Of 2 Way Slip) to A90 (Start Eb On Slip From Inchmichael to End Eb O, Location:A90 (Ellon Rbt (S) to Ellon Rbt (S)) to A90 (Jn X Commerce St to Jct A98 High St), Northbound, Location:A90 (Jct Leys to Jn A952 Toll Of Birness), Southbound, Location:A90 (Start Circ. ), Northbound, Location:A78 (Cumberland Rd to Derest Sign), Southbound, Location:A77 (Dutch Hse Rbt to Dutch Hse Rbt) to A78 (Dutch Hse Rbt to Monkton Rbt), Northbound. Lathallan), Westbound. From the Ayr stretch of the A77 north the traffic speeds up a little and the road is straighter, but speeds are not excessive especially since the 'Average Speed' cameras were installed a few years back, making everyone behave a bit better. Monday 19th July until Friday 23rd July 2021 - Closure of Bellfield IC Bridge (North structure): Traffic will be diverted via the A77 Northbound on-slip road to join the A77 Northbound mainline. Description:Works:Filter DrainTraffic Management:Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS). Description:Works:Bridge Joint RepairsTraffic Management:Lane Closure. Location:A77 (A79 Jct Maybole Rd to Bankhead Rbt) to A77 (Bankfield Rbt to Climbing Lane End), Northbound. Location:A96 (Jct Clinkstone to Start Climbing Lane), Eastbound, Location:A96 (Jct B9017 Newmill to Jn R B9016 Buckie) to A96 (Jn R B9016 Buckie to Jct Mulben), Westbound, Location:A96 (Jct Whiteford to Jct B9002 Oyne Fork), Westbound. Kilmarnock is about 25 minutes drive north of Ayr and well sign posted. . Description:Works:Third Party WorksTraffic Management:Road Closure. Location:A76 (Jct Trigony Hse Hotel to Jct 30mph Thornhill) to A76 (Jct To School to Jct Trigony Hse Hotel), Location:A77 (Start Henrietta Street Rbt to End Henrietta Street Rbt) to A77 (Henrietta Street Rbt to Stumpy. Winter Driving Tips. I-76 ramp from I-77 to close March 1; navigating Akron's detours Description:Works:Barrier RepairTraffic Management:Lane Closure. One motorist described the roads as 'carnage'. Location:A90 (Jct (R) Newtonhill to Sb Jct Portlethen), Northbound, Location:A90 (Jn R Gas Terminal to Jn Keyhead), Southbound, Location:A90 (Jn R B9108 Boddam to Invernettie Rbt), Southbound. Continue to A70 Millbank, turn left on to A70 Ayr Rd. Description:Works:Cyclic MaintenanceTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Swinton roundabout, Baillieston roundabout, M8 eastbound, M8 Eurocentral, M8 westbound. Location:A90 (A956 Harbour Fly'R Br to Jct (L) Portlethen), Southbound, Location:A92 (Np Preston Rbt to Np Preston Rbt) to A92 (Jct C49 Markinch to New Inn Rbt), Northbound. Description:Works:Barrier RepairTraffic Management:Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS). Description:Works:Traffic Management TrainingTraffic Management:Hard Shoulder Closure. Ayton(South)) to A1 (Road To Oldhamstocks to Crowhill Rd), Northboun, Location:A1 (Bankton Jct On Slip to Gladsmuir Jct Off Slip), Southbound. On Monday 23 July, work will start on Queens Drive, Kilmarnock at the retail park roundabout where 170 metres of road will be resurfaced. Location:A9 (Gartymore Jct to A897 Jct), Southbound, Location:A9 (Glastullich Roundabout to End Of Climbing Lane), Northbound, Location:A9 (B8033 Junction to Council Bdy), Northbound, Location:A9 (B9165 Portmahomack Junction to B9174 Tain (S) Junction), Northbound, Location:A9 (A924 Off Slip to End Of Dual Cway) to A9 (Start Of Dual to End Of Dual), Northbound, Location:A9 (A827 Jct to A924 Off Slip) to A9 (End Of Dual to Start Of Dual), Northbound, Location:A9 (Inshes Flyover to Raigmore Interchange Roundabout) to A9 (Raigmore Interchange Roundabout to Lon, Description:Works:ResurfacingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Diversion via Raigmore Offslip and rejoin A9 Raigmore Onslip NB, Location:A9 (Raigmore Interchange Roundabout to Raigmore Interchange Roundabout), Southbound, Location:A9 (B898 Jct to Jct (R) To Guay), Northbound, Location:A9 (B851 Ft Aug Jct to B9154 Moy Jct), Northbound, Location:A9 (B9168 Dornoch Jct to Balvraid Imp (N)), Southbound, Location:A9 (B817 Jct to B9176 Struie Jct) to A9 (B9176 Struie Jct to B817 Dalmore Jct), Northbound, Description:Works:ResurfacingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:NB - Follow B817 through Evanton and rejoin A9 at Alness, SB reverse, Location:A9 (B9176 Struie Jct to B817 Dalmore Jct) to A9 (B817 Jct to B9176 Struie Jct), Southbound, Location:A9 (Start Dual C'Way to R Findhorn Br), Northbound, Description:Works:Barrier Repair, Kerbing WorksTraffic Management:Lane Closure (50mph), Location:A9 (R Findhorn to S End Dual), Southbound, Location:A9 (Cuaich Private Rd to Start Dual Cway), Southbound, Location:A9 (Junction Right To Luncarty to Start Of Dual Carriageway) to A9 (Start Of Dual C/Way to A827 Jct. Description:Works:Drainage WorksTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Div via Dreghorn W/B on slip to Barberton W/B off and back on at Barberton E/B on slip. Description:Works:Cyclic MaintenanceTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:M74 SB, Junction 5 SB Raith SB Offslip, Raith Rbt, Junction 5 NB Onslip, M74 NB Link road to M73. Tuesday 10 July 2018. Description:Works:Pavement SurveysTraffic Management:Portable Traffic Lights (TTLS). Officers sealed off the street at Bellfield Interchange at 5.30am this morning after a 39-year-old lost his life. Section to Merge To A90, Location:A90 (Stracathro Hosp Jct to Start Concrete) to A90 (Start Concrete to B966 Jct), Southbound. Eric Marotta can be reached at 330-541-9433, or ), South, Location:A76 (Jct At N Carron Br. Description:Works:Carriageway PatchingTraffic Management:Lane Closure. The ramp from I-76 eastbound to South Street will be closed beginning Thursday at 9 a.m. through Friday at 1 p.m. Description:Works:Lining Works, Sign Installation/RepairsTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Diversion via Lasswade and return. Location:M77 (A77 Overbridge to Crookfur Int.) Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Hard Shoulder Closure. 77 Dover Conditions. to Jct Drumlanrig Park) to A76 (A702 Jct (L) to A702 Jct (R)), Southbound, Location:A76 (Br. Location:A7 (B7060 Caddonfoot to Netherbarns), Northbound. Description:Works:Road StudTraffic Management:Convoy Working. Location:A96 (Jct Whiteford to Jct B9002 Oyne Fork), Southbound, Location:A96 (Jct B9002 Oyne Fork to Jct B992 Insch), Southbound, Location:A96 (Jct Kinloss to Forres Enterprise Rbt), Eastbound, Location:A96 (Jct Kinellar Rbt to Jct Clinterty Rbt) to A96 (Junction (R) B979 to Dyce Drive Rbt), Eastbound, Location:A96 (Dyce Drive Rbt (W) to Junction (L) B979) to A96 (Clinterty Rbt to Kinellar Rbt), Westbound, Location:A96 (Dr. Grays Roundabout West to River Lossie Br), Westbound, Location:A96 (B9103 Rothes to Jct B9103 Lossiemouth) to A96 (Jct B9103 Lossiemouth to Burn Of Linkwood Bridge, Location:A977 (Junction (L) Forthview to A876 Jct Kincardine Town Centre) to A977 (Longannet Road Roundabout, Description:Works:ResurfacingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Div SB through Kincardine then A985 to Longannet, Location:A977 (Junction (L) Forthview to A876 Jct Kincardine Town Centre), Eastbound, Location:A977 (Junction (L) Forthview to A876 Jct Kincardine Town Centre), Westbound, Location:A977 (Longannet Road Roundabout to Junction (L) Forthview) to A977 (Junction (L) Forthview to A876 J, Location:A985 (Brancholm Brae Rbt to Kings Road Roundabout At North Point) to A985 (Kings Road Rbt to Queensf, Location:A985 (Queensferry Road Rbt to Admiralty Road Roundabout At North Point) to A985 (A876 Junction to St. More details A78 NB Meadowhead Rbt to Eglinton IC - Road Closure A76 | Bowhouse Roundabout to Clachan Fm Acc), Westbound, Location:A83 (Artilligan Br. Location:A725 (Start 2 Lane to Diamond Int. Live traffic cameras in Scotland | Traffic Scotland Location:A68 (A698 Hawick to B6400 Ancrum), Northbound, Location:A68 (A6124 Fordel Jct to A6094 Salters Rd Jct), Southbound. Location:A77 (Bridgemill Rbt to Dipple,Factory Ent), Northbound, Location:A77 (North Mark Br to Jct Carlock Hse), Northbound, Location:A77 (A719 Junction to South End Turnberry Climbing Lane), Northbound, Location:A77 (Culroy Burn Br to B7034 Jct) to A77 (Jct Kewnston to Culroy Burn Br), Northbound. Location:A726 (West Mains Roundabout to Slip Off Phillipshill Interchange) to Off Network, Westbound, Location:A737 (B706 Jct to Manrahead Rbt) to A737 (Speed Derestriction Sign to B777 Jct), Eastbound, Location:A737 (Monkcastle to Cockenzie Jct) to A737 (Speed Derestriction to Monkcastle), Eastbound, Location:A737 (B787 Rbt to On Slip From B787) to A737 (Start Dual Carriageway to On Slip From B787), Northbou, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:continue on B787- at rbt take 1st exit onto kilbarchan rd- at crossroads turn left onto high st- follow road onto barrochan road- at rbt take 3rd exit onto bridge of weir road- at 2nd rbt take 3rd exit onto A761- follow to linwood interchange -end, Location:A737 (A761 Linclive Rbt to Eb On Slip) to A737 (Eb Off Slip to Eb On Slip), Northbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:at rbt take 1st exit onto A761 linwood rd- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 1st exit- at rbt take 2nd exit- follow A761 to canal st- at traffic lights go straight onto Gordon st- At traffic lights go straight ahead onto mill st- follow A726 to weir st- turn left onto st james st- turn right onto A726 greenock rd- follow road to st james interchange- end, Location:A737 (Wb Off Slip to Wb On Slip) to M8 (Slip Entry From A737 Int to Slip Off M8 Eb), Northbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:leave A737 at linwood- at rbt take 3rd exit onto A761 linwood rd- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 1st exit- at rbt take 2nd exit- follow A761 to canal st- at traffic lights go straight onto Gordon st- At traffic lights go straight ahead onto mill st- follow A726 to weir st- turn left onto st james st- turn right onto A726 greenock rd- follow road to st james interchange- end, Location:A737 (Off Slip To B789 to On Slip From B789) to A737 (Off Slip To B789 to B789 Rbt), Northbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:follow A737 north- leave A737 at st james- at rbt take 5th exit onto A737 south- follow signs, Location:A737 (B789 Rbt to On Slip From B789) to A737 (Off Slip To B789 to On Slip From B789), Northbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information: follow road onto barrochan road- at rbt take 3rd exit onto bridge of weir road- at 2nd rbt take 3rd exit onto A761- follow to linwood interchange -end, Location:A737 (End Dual Carriageway to Elliston Jct) to A737 (Eb Off Slip to Eb On Slip), Northbound, Location:A737 (End Dual Carriageway to Elliston Jct) to A737 (Start Dual Carriageway to On Slip From B787), N, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:leave A737 at howood onto B787 Beith rd- at rbt take 1st exit onto cochranemill rd- rbt take 1srt exit onto kilbarchan rd- follow signs for A737 north- end, Location:A737 (Eb On Slip Linclive Jct to Off Slip Eb) to A737 (Exit Slip to A761 Roundabout), Northbound, Location:A737 (Off Slip To B789 to B789 Rbt), Southbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:follow A737 south- leave A737 at Kilbarchan- at rbt take 2nd exit- at rbt take 2nd exit onto A737 north- follow A737 north to johnstone off slip- end, Location:A737 (B789 Rbt to On Slip From B789), Southbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information: barrochan rd- turn right onto graham st B787- at rbt take 1st left onto cochranehill rd- at rbt 2nd exit onto B787 Beith rd to A737 jct- follow directional signs, Location:A737 (Off Slip To B787 to B787 Rbt), Southbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:continue A737 to Howwood jct- turn left at jct onto B787 beith road- at rbt take 1st exit onto cochranehill rd- at rbt take 1st exit ontokilbarchan rd- end, Location:A737 (Off Slip To B787 to End Dual Carriageway) to A737 (End Dual Carriageway to Elliston Jct), Sout, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:at rbt take 1st exit B787- at rbt take 2nd exit onto b787 cochranemill rd- at rbt take 2nd exit onto B787 beith road- follow road to Howwood- end, Location:A737 (A761 Linclive Rbt to Wb On Slip), Southbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:follow rbt to A761 - follow A761 and take 1st exit at clippens rbt- follow bridge of weir road- at deafhillock rbt turn left - onto barrochan rd- turn right onto graham st B787- at rbt take 1st left onto cochranehill rd- at rbt 2nd exit onto B787 Beith rd to A737 jct- follow directional signs, Location:A737 (Wb Off Slip to A761 Linclive Rbt), Southbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:leave M8 at jct 29- take 1st exit at rbt onto A726 greenock rd- at junction turn left onto St James st- at junction follow A726 Niddry st- at junction turn right staying in left lane onto renfrew rd- at traffic lights go straight ahead onto Mill st- at traffic lights go straight ahead onto Gordon st- at traffic lights go straight ahead onto A761 canal st- roundabout take 2nd exit onto A761- at roundabout take 2nd exit onto A761 renfrew road- at roundabout take 1st exit follow A761- at roundabout take 2ns exit follow A761- at roundabout take 2ns exit follow A761- end, Location:A737 (Wb Off Slip to Wb On Slip) to A737 (Off Slip To B787 to End Dual Carriageway), Southbound, Location:A737 (A761 Roundabout to Entry Slip), Southbound, Description:Works:Grass CuttingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:take 4th exit at rbt onto A726 greenock rd- at junction turn left onto St James st- at junction follow A726 Niddry st- at junction turn right staying in left lane onto renfrew rd- at traffic lights go straight ahead onto Mill st- at traffic lights go straight ahead onto Gordon st- at traffic lights go straight ahead onto A761 canal st- roundabout take 2nd exit onto A761- at roundabout take 2nd exit onto A761 renfrew road- at roundabout take 1st exit follow A761- at roundabout take 2ns exit follow A761- at roundabout take 2ns exit follow A761- end, Location:A737 (Speed Derestriction Sign to B777 Jct) to A737 (B706 Jct to Manrahead Rbt), Westbound, Location:A737 (Speed Derestriction to Monkcastle) to A737 (Monkcastle to Cockenzie Jct), Westbound, Location:A737 (Wb Off Slip to Wb On Slip), Westbound, Description:Works:Carriageway PatchingTraffic Management:Road Closure.Diversion Information:Exit Linwood Off Slip - Join Linwood On slip, Location:A737 (Eb Off Slip to Eb On Slip) to A737 (Eb Off Slip to A761 Linclive Rbt), Northbound, Location:A738 (Pennyburn Rd Jct to Whitehouse Park Rd Jct), Eastbound, Location:A738 (Pennyburn Rd Jct to Whitehouse Park Rd Jct), Westbound, Location:A75 (Allanton Rbt to A713 Slip Rd) to A75 (End Of Climbing Lane to Allanton Roundabout), Eastbound, Location:A75 (Dancingknowe Rbt to Lockerbie Rd Rbt A709) to A75 (Jct Nether Yett to Dancingknowe Rbt), Eastbo, Location:A75 (Topmuir Farm Access to Ws2+1 Start) to A75 (Maulcastle Access to Topmuir Farm Access), Eastboun, Location:A75 (Auchenreoch Br to Jct Garmartin) to A75 (Jct Lairdlaugh to Auchenreoch Br), Eastbound, Location:A75 (Hightae Rbt to Threave Br) to A75 (A713 Slip Rd to Hightae Rbt), Eastbound, Location:A82 (Dunglass Roundabout to A914 Dumbuck) to A75 (A713 Slip Rd to Hightae Rbt), Eastbound.

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a77 road closure kilmarnock