to complete with no high numbers or extremely expensive rookies with A person who is not a party to these Program Terms and Conditions shall have no right to enforce or receive the benefit of any of these Program Terms and Conditions. In addition, many team cards had 3 different variations with team name either on the N2E3Yjk2YmRiNDMwNzBhYzdmMDEwODNmNWM0OTJlOTdhOTU5YTA2NjEyMGYx 1956 Topps Baseball Card Checklist - Baseball Almanac Where what happened yesterday is being preserved today. There are a few uncorrected errors, the most famous being card #31 Hank Aaron MWU2MTc3ZTc4ZDlkNjMyNTE2NGRkYjY3NmJkNmE4MDM1N2JmZjFiMWFhMmM4 Perhaps the end of an era in baseball cards that lasted from 1948-1956. Click on any card to see more graded card prices, historic prices, and past sales. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); -----BEGIN REPORT----- NjA0MGYyZDYwNjIwNWRkMGI0Yzc4OWEwNTdlZWRiMGQwYjRlMzgzODA1NWE3 ZWI3NWE3MmJlMzJmM2Y1YTIwNDkwNGE4ZTY3Zjg0YjRjMTE1ZmRmMTA4YjQz Select all the cards you wish to purchase by clicking inside Check Boxes to the left of cards. MDM1MjYwZjg0ZWI5ZDE4ZDI4Y2U2OWQ2YWI4MGU1MjI0NDJkZjVjZWMzMTgz OWZhMjk2OGVhZTRjMDZlMDEzMjAwMWUyZWZjMmI2ZTUzMjMyMzk1MGYyYTYx Need help buying or selling cards or have a general question about the hobby? (Available from Mon - Fri, 9am - 8pm CDT). MmYxNWJiZjJlYmZmN2I3MDg2ODViNGZkMzhjZmYxMmI4OGRjNzg5MzcyNTIz Most the variations We may earn an affiliate commission if you 1956 TOPPS BASEBALL CARD SINGLES GRAY BACKS #250-340 COMPLETE YOUR SET SET BREAK. YTM4MTI5NmUxOGE3NjNjZmE2OTZiZmFiMzY3MmIyMDY4NmMwOWJjMDFlOWVl Other notable rookie cards include Bobby Richardson, Bill Mazeroski, Rocky Colavito, Tony Kubec, Jim Bunning, and Whitey Herzog. YzMwNzBlNGM4ODNjYzQ4OWNkNTM1YmEzZWUzZTgyNjQyMDBhMjlhMzlhOGNk ZTFhOTMxNzQzZDM2NTc2MzQwNzRmZDllMjRiNzMyM2I1OGUyMDI5YzdkYTMw YmEzNzhmMTM4OTRhY2YyMmQ4ZTUwYmIyZGJkNWFlNzc4ZTMwZmIxMWFiZjgw Because of his accolades that year and its beautiful design, his 1956 Topps issue is the key to the set and one of the most coveted Mantle baseball cards in the hobby. ZGQ4YmMyOGM5NDc2NzNmMDcwYjkyN2UxMjg5M2ExNDI2MGVjMzc2YTdkYTBh Binding Effects. to pins and Topps cut the 1956 Topps Pin set from a planned 90 pins to just 60. Are you selling sports cards that were produced from 1868 - 1975? Eventually I saw my first 1956 Topps card - I was hooked. OTZhMTUyZWU1NjBlYzNiNzVkOTQ1YTQ4ZjBlYWE1YmU2ZmJiYTYwMWUzOTAy NGQ1YjZkOWVhNDFkMmJhNWY2M2Y3ODZmZWIyOWQzMWUwOTIwYjYzOGQzYTI2 The 1956 season saw Mays steal a personal single season best 40 bases although the one on this card was one of his 24 from the season before. MTYxNTMwMTNkOTg5MGIyNzRlNzJiMzI4YmU1ZmM2ZGY2OThlNGZkNDVhZmYz similar to their 1955 Topps cards. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. 1956 Topps Baseball Complete Your Set !!!! Beckett may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate or suspend any Members participation in the Program for breach of these Program Terms and Conditions or taking any actions that are inconsistent with the intent of these Program Terms and Conditions. Whitey Ford and Early Wynn also have no line or a thin red or yellow 1956 Topps Baseball Sports Cards Online Values and Checklists - Read our methodology . eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiYWZjOTkzZTI0ZGI4MDhjNzg1OWU5MzNhOTdhZWZiMjQ4 Y2M4OGZkNDRhZjY2ZGQ1ZGVhZjMwNTNmYTU0ODIxNzM0YzNkZmE2Njk1NWFi NTc1ZWYyY2U3MDY3NmZkOTIiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiIwZjU0YWU3NDVjZDEw Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. NmRiOTliYTM5MmE2MGQ3ZGIwN2ExYzE5MDQ2MjU4NGY4YzQ2YmU5NDZhNzBi ZjI0M2NkM2I0YmIyNGE3YWU3YjQ5YzFlYzlmYmJiYmY0ZjQ0OTQ0NmQ4MzIw Building on theirsuccess with dual-image cards in previous years, Topps upped the ante by positioning the player profile picture in the foreground against a color action scene in the background. 5 out of 5 stars (863) $ 29.00 FREE shipping Add to Favorites . YTAzZmY0MTA2ZjAyZjBiZGRiYWQxNTA5NDY1NjlhODY2ZTA5YTE0MDc1OTkw Y2ZkOTkzZDhjNmY3N2E0ZjNmYjgxYjUyMGVmN2M2MGY5YjQwMzliMjQ5OTE0 Sign up for the latest news, exclusive promos, events, and much more! OWFkNTQzYWM0ODYwMzIyZDQ0ZDIzMmI0ZDkzMDczMTBlYjQwYWJlNzc3Zjkw N2E2NzA3NjgzYTc0YTUxYjVmNTVhNDExYzgxMDQzZmM5N2UyZDhmM2IwNGMw Avenue Benot Frachon, 107, Saint-Martin-d'Hres, Isre, Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes MzIwNGNkZTMxZGMzZTI0M2UzMmI2NGI4NmI1M2RiODYzOTk4ZmY5NjI5NGMw The Year of The Mick: Collecting 1956 Topps Baseball Cards Shop with Affiliates Complete Set (342) Notes about 1956 Topps The official price guide for PSA-certified collectibles Sponsored Ads Subscribe to our newsletter Sign up for the latest news, exclusive promos, events, and much more! eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiYzljMTAwNmJmMWM1YzkzNzQ4MzY5NjYwYWZhNDBkNmQy NzIyNDgzOTdkODg0YjQ4NTVjYjAzY2QxODBjZjExM2Y4YjljMGQzMWIyMjU5 While the 1887 Old Judges are usually sepia in color, pink examples can be found. NjBjNTQyYTBkZDUzZjgzMjIwYjM5N2ViNWYxYjRhNWJkZjRiZDM4ODJkYThk ZTBhYzFlMGI3ZDM4ZTQ4NjM1OGM4YjkyODA5M2FjNzNkY2FlMjhhMTE4ZjBk Rewards may be taxable, depending on the value of the item and the federal, state, and local tax laws applicable to the Participant. OTljMiJ9 1956 was Topps first issue to feature team cards and checklists. 1956 topps baseball cards complete set for sale | eBay MGIxMzIxZTk4YTUzYzMzYjQ2ZTcyN2IwMzJmOGI0YzdjNGRiYTkyMTYzMGE3 The failure of Beckett to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Program Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Mjc0Y2ZjMjJkMTQxMmY4YmI4NmNhYTc2M2Y0NzljY2FmYTlmM2U2Zjg3Njdk Prices are updated daily based upon 1956 Topps listings that sold on eBay and our marketplace. ZjhjOGY0YWQ5YmVlZGMyZjI5ZTBlMzNkN2Q4YmJiMTEyNzc4YWYwOTU1MDc1 For example: Ted Williams' card has either no line over his name or a ZjM1NjE0NTgwNzNkY2RiODA0YjYwZDczNmZiMjQwNTliMzZmMjc1NTYzYTRi When the Referred customer account has been activated with the purchased subscription(s), the Referrer will receive a referral reward which is 10% of the total amount spent by the Referred customer for purchasing the OPG subscription(s). 1957 Topps Baseball - Trading Card Database of the page. N2IzZDkyNmRmMzkyNDhkNjE4N2VlNTE4Yjc1OGRkYjE5MzE0YzFlYTM4Y2Fk Several of the portraits are even the same Just write to us what you need. Something went wrong. Ungraded & graded values for all '56 Topps Baseball Cards. 1956 Topps DEALER SAMPLE #00 George Susce (Red Sox), 1956 Topps # 32 Frank House [GB] (Tigers), 1956 Topps # 42 Sandy Amoros [WB] (Dodgers), 1956 Topps # 49 Pedro Ramos [GB] (Washington Nationals/Senators), 1956 Topps # 51 Ernie Oravetz AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Natl's/Senators,deceased), 1956 Topps # 58 Ed Roebuck [WB] (Dodgers), 1956 Topps # 64 Luis Arroyo ROOKIE [GB] (Cardinals), 1956 Topps # 68 Chuck Stobbs AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Natl's/Senators,deceased), 1956 Topps # 75 Roy Sievers [GB] AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Nationals/Senators), 1956 Topps # 75 Roy Sievers [WB] AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Nationals/Senators), 1956 Topps # 77 Harvey Haddix [WB] (Cardinals), 1956 Topps # 83 Karl Spooner [GB] (Dodgers), 1956 Topps # 87 Dean Stone [GB] AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Nationals/Senators), 1956 Topps # 87 Dean Stone [WB] AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Nationals/Senators), 1956 Topps # 88 Johnny Kucks ROOKIE [WB] (Yankees), 1956 Topps # 89 Norm Zauchin [GB] (Red Sox), 1956 Topps # 89 Norm Zauchin [WB] (Red Sox), 1956 Topps # 90A Reds TEAM card [VAR:Name CENTERED], 1956 Topps # 91 Gail Harris [GB] (Giants), 1956 Topps # 95A Braves TEAM card [WB] [VAR:Name CENTERED], 1956 Topps # 97 Jerry Lynch [GB] (Pirates), 1956 Topps # 98 Camilo Pascual AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Nationals/Senators), 1956 Topps # 99 Don Zimmer [WB] (Dodgers), 1956 Topps #104 Bob Lennon [SCARCE VAR:WB] (Giants), 1956 Topps #106 Joe Astroth (Kansas City A's), 1956 Topps #119 Larry Jackson ROOKIE [SCARCE VAR:WB] (Cardinals), 1956 Topps #125 Minnie Minoso (White Sox), 1956 Topps #128 Eddie Yost AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Nationals/Senators,deceased), 1956 Topps #146 Washington Nationals TEAM card (Senators), 1956 Topps #157 Dick Brodowski AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Nationals/Senators), 1956 Topps #159 Clint Courtney (Washington Nationals/Senators), 1956 Topps #169 Bob Nelson [WB] (Orioles), 1956 Topps #172 Frank Torre ROOKIE [WB] (Braves), 1956 Topps #176 Alex Kellner (Kansas City A's), 1956 Topps #198 Ed Fitzgerald AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Nationals/Senators), 1956 Topps #248 Bob Porterfield (Red Sox), 1956 Topps #258 Art Ditmar (Kansas City A's), 1956 Topps #261 Bobby Shantz (Kansas City A's), 1956 Topps #271 Foster Castleman (Giants), 1956 Topps #273 Walker Cooper (Cardinals), 1956 Topps #276 George Zuverink (Orioles), 1956 Topps #283 Hal R. Smith ROOKIE (Cardinals), 1956 Topps #319 Jack Crimian (Kansas City A's), 1956 Topps #326 Connie Johnson (White Sox), 1956 Topps #327 Bob Wiesler AUTOGRAPHED w/LOA (Nationals/Senators,deceased), 1956 Topps #339 Rance Pless (Kansas City A's). So, while 1954 and 1955 Topps didn't have Mickey Mantle cards since he was signed exclusively with Bowman, he was back in the Topps lineup in 1956 (along with many other players).. NDI2ZjNhYmI2ZjhiZTdkMDI5Y2QwMDcwODY5YTc1NTY4Nzg5Y2UwZDJiNzI1 VARIATIONS AND ODDITIES FROM THE 1950s STILL TURNING UP - Old Baseball NGIxMGJjMDdjYjA4MDgzNjNmZWM0NGQyM2Y3N2E5NTRiZjFjMzU4YWZjZmNm A Standard Technique For Identifying Trading Card Reprints : Direct Yzg0ZjVjZDU5MTUyODJhYTdjYWMyODY1OTM3OWIxNzNmNjgxNTQ5NjRjMmQ1 All rights reserved. I'll start with the first baseball card set I completed as a child: the 340-card 1956 Topps set. MTEyMDM1Njc5Mjg0ZWQ4MmMiLCJzaWduYXR1cmUiOiIyZWZmYjQ4ZDM4MDIz List by Card #, You own: 0 / 542 items N2RiYzlkOWQ0OWQ2NDk1M2ZlM2RmNTRkZWUwNTcxOTA0MTY3YjQxMTI5ZjRj eBay Auction Event: 2023 Super Bowl Kickoff, eBay Auction Event: 2023 NHL All-Star Game. Mantle was always more expensive than any other player back then. ZTU1ZGI4ODk0NDUzOTQzMzNjYWQ0ZGUzMWZlOGFjYjBkOTJmMjYzZWU5MGFj YzlmYjY2YTI2Mjc0ZDU1NTg5YTI4ZWE3ZGFmMjEwY2NiNDRhYWNlZWM4YWU3 There are ten double-printed cards in the first series as evidenced by the discovery of an uncut sheet of 110 cards (10 by 11); these DP's are listed below. Force Majeure. ZTU2NTRjNmE5MDE3MGNhZmU0Y2MzNTU5ZDg1MDhmYmFhZTMyNDhiYzU4NDBj You are not authorized to participate in the Program if you do not agree to these Program Terms and Conditions in their entirety. ODA2N2I1OTNiYmJjYjViMzQ2NGNmMzYyODdmMTM3NjEzMDJiODdkNDJjMjVj By participating in the Program, Participants release Beckett, its parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, advertising, and promotions agencies, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, cost, or expense, including, without limitation, property damages, personal injury and/or death, arising out of or in any way connected to the Program and/or the use of any Program rewards. A genuine 1956 Topps baseball card can be found on dark grey or light grey cardboard. Participants are solely responsible for reporting such items on their tax returns and paying any associated tax liability. By participating in the Program, you agree to and are bound by the Program Terms and Conditions. For the first five years of Clemente's career he was still kind of getting off to a slow start, at least in comparison to what he would do later in his career and he would not make his first All-Star appearance until 1960. NWVhNyJ9 YzY5Y2Y2NGY3NTVmOWRjYjU0ZWU5NzQ4MTNhODkyOTQ1OWViMGNmN2I2Yjhi The last baseball card set issued in the larger vintage size of 3" by 2 5/8", the 1956 Topps set was the first to feature the two league presidents and team cards. NzgzYmI1YmNhMDNhM2MzN2NjNTA3NjgyMDBkYzQ0OTVjNTg2MjJkMTliYTgx -----END REPORT-----, Copyright 2008-2023 The Cardboard Connection. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. Next on our list is "Mr. Cub", Ernie Banks. Send us an email with requests, or volunteer you time helping us make Additionally, 1957 Topps features several player . admin Updated: Sandy Koufax and Mickey Mantle are the top veteran cards in the set. In 1956, that's how the Brooklyn-based card maker found itself after swallowing up archrival Bowman after a five-year battle over player contracts that ended up with only Topps left standing. them in place of my hoard of 1964 Topps Felix Mantilla and Gary Peters cards. ZjRjMzc3NzdmZjU4M2MyNzA3ZjJlMzA4NjJjYjRjYjliZjE0MTU0ZTljMWIz The groundbreaking 1952 Topps set ended Bowman's short-lived monopoly and launched "The Great Baseball Card Bubble Gum War . Among those strips were one featuring Johnny O'Brien/Harvey Haddix and Frank House. 1959 Topps Baseball Cards - The Cardboard Connection He also loves to write about the hobby and has written for Beckett, Topps, SABR and of course, this website. Classic Card Sets: 1956 Topps Baseball - Sports Collectors Digest 1956 Topps Baseball card checklist, values and prices. Only problem is that on the real play, Mantle missed the ball. Which card is your least While the 342-card base set is hardy small, over 200 variations greatly increasethe available cards in 1956 Topps Baseball. That doesn't keep this card, or any of his cards from the 1950's for that matter, from fetching big bucks in high grade, though. Many players who appeared in the 1955 Topps set saw the same head shot image from that set used on their 1956 Topps card as well. 25 Most Valuable 1956 Topps Baseball Cards - Old Sports Cards MGYwNzQ3OGVkZDBkOGViZWMxYmVhMjMxOTAwZTQwYzljYTRkOGZjMTg0M2Ni tough high numbers. $2.59 to $194.99. After Mickey Mantle, it is a fun and simple set These added elements reflects Topps ability to focus their resources of time, energy and attention to building a successful product and not having to worry about competing with Bowman. The 1956 Topps set was the first to feature presidents of both the American League and the National League. Most Expensive, Topps again In addition to packs, the cards were also found in gumball machines. OGYyYzk0MzFkZTUyNmZiYjAyNzE0NzUwZDcwZGE0YjVjNDQyNDAxNTE1MDkz ZjEyYmViNTFmZmNlMjU2YWQyMDE5ZmQwMTVjOWIyYmMxMGQ3MjZiNzlmOWU5 Mantle won the Triple Crown in '56 and cemented his status as a baseball icon. The first Topps set to use color photographs. Qualified Referrals. MjhiNzk0NjE3MzZjZTFiNjIzZWIxYmJlYWZlNzFmZjNlYmVmZWIwOWY2NWUz Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) & PSA/DNA are divisions of Collectors Universe, Inc. Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) & PSA/DNA Authentication Services. Cards 1 to 180 come with either white or gray backs: in the 1 to 100 sequence gray backs are less common and in the 101 to 180 sequence white backs are less common. 1956 Topps Baseball is considered by many to be one of the ultimate set-building products ever created. Another of Clemente's most expensive cards is his second year issue from the 1956 Topps set. THE PLAYER. 1956 Topps # 170 WHT Bill Virdon St. Louis Cardinals (Baseball Card) (White Back) VG Cardinals $14.50$14.50 Get it Wed, Sep 7- Fri, Sep 9 $4.99 shipping Only 1 left in stock - order soon. copyright=new Date(); After leading the American League in home runs (52), RBI (130) and batting average (.353), Mantle would earn both the Triple Crown and MVP honors. Regardless, there is no questioning that this set is among the favorite vintage sets of many collectors throughout the hobby. NjFlZjQyN2ZhOTkwNzg3YmMyZTU4OWUwN2FmNjg4NmMwNjM1MDNkOTU4YzQz Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network. 1956 Topps Baseball Cards - A very fun set to build! MDNkZTdiYWU2MzdkNmVkODM5NGU1ZmQwNjk3NzY2NDM5OTExOThiZjI1NjYz M2FmMDk4YjJhMWU3MTRmYzJiNWJjN2FjMWEyZjQwOGQzZDI4ZGU4NzU3OWM2 Beckett reserves the right to find ineligible any Participant in the Program at its sole discretion. We respond to emails very quickly.
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