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test of lepton universality in beauty quark decays nature

As detailed below, percent-level control of the efficiencies is verified with a direct comparison of the B+J/(e+e)K+ and B+J/(+)K+ branching fractions in the ratio. (Left, with log y-scale) the bremsstrahlung correction to the momentum of the electron is applied, resulting in a tail to the right. Search for B+K++ at the BaBar experiment. Energy Phys. J. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS), Moscow, Russia, Universit della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy, Max-Planck-Institut fr Kernphysik (MPIK), Heidelberg, Germany, Physics and Micro Electronic College, Hunan University, Changsha City, China. It would therefore constitute a significant evolution in our understanding and would challenge an inference based on a wealth of experimental data in other processes. 18 (2022) 277 [ arXiv:2103.11769] [ INSPIRE ]. LHCb data used in this analysis will be released according to the LHCb external data access policy, which can be downloaded from The LHCb collaboration et al. This article presents evidence for the breaking of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays, with a significance of 3.1 standard deviations, based on proton-proton collision data collected with . The Belle II physics book. Rev. Such decays are highly suppressed1, and the fraction of B+ hadrons that decay into this final state (the branching fraction, \({{{\mathcal{B}}}}\)) is on the order of 106 (ref. Lett. oscillation frequency, Probing CP symmetry and weak phases with entangled double-strange baryons, Polarization and entanglement in baryonantibaryon pair production in electronpositron annihilation, The Higgs boson implications and prospects for future discoveries,, Assuming that the deviations observed are genuine mis-modelling of the efficiencies, rather than statistical fluctuations, a total shift of RK at a level less than 0.001 would be expected due to these effects. 5, together with the spectra expected for the resonant and non-resonant decays. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Rendiconti Lincei. J. J. C76, 440 (2016). D 88, 072012 (2013). The ratio of branching fractions, RH (refs. For illustration, the expected distribution of signal candidates with true q2 outside the interval [1.1,6.0]GeV2/c4 is shown as a grey dashed and dotted line. Conf. To view a copy of this license, visit Rev. Aaij, R. et al. Energy Phys. The fit projections for the m(K++) and mJ/(K++) distributions are shown in Fig. Methods A 764, 150155 (2014). Phys. The overall effect of these corrections on the measured value of RK is a relative shift of (+31)%. The B+J/(+)K+ decays are not suppressed and hence have a branching fraction orders of magnitude larger than that of B+K++ decays. The effect on RK is at the 1% level. D 97, 012004 (2018). J. Systematic uncertainties that affect the ratios of efficiencies influence the measured value of RK and are taken into account using constraints on the efficiency values. Hiller, G. & Krger, F. More model-independent analysis of bs processes. So far, LHCb has collected 260 billion bottom-quark antiquark pairs in experimental runs using protons with 7 and 8 tera-electron-volt (TeV) center-of-mass energies. De Aguiar Francisco,S. De Capua,D. Dutta,C. Fitzpatrick,E. Gersabeck,M. Gersabeck,L. Grillo,M. Hilton,G. Lafferty,J. J. D 93, 014028 (2016). Eur. The profile likelihood for the fit to the non-resonant decays is shown in Extended Data Fig. The techniques used to identify the different particles and to form B+ candidates are described in Methods. Background from other exclusive B-hadron decays requires at least two particles to be misidentified. We are indebted to the communities behind the multiple open-source software packages on which we depend. Rev. The calibrated simulation is used subsequently to obtain the m(K++) mass shape and relative fractions of these background components. Reassessing the discovery potential of the BK*+ decays in the large-recoil region: SM challenges and BSM opportunities. Wei J.-T. et al. Descotes-Genon, S., Hofer, L., Matias, J. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in For each of the classifiers, a requirement is placed on the output variable to maximize the predicted significance of the non-resonant signal yield. Uncertainties on the data points are statistical only and represent one standard deviation, calculated assuming Poisson-distributed entries. However, the strong force does not couple directly to leptons, hence its effect on the B+K++ and B+K+e+e decays is identical. Rev. A weighted least-squares method is then employed to find the precise vertex position. The theory predicts that the di erent charged leptons, the electron, muon and tau, have identical electroweak interaction strengths. Phys. Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of the decay B0K+I+in the \({K}_{0,2}^{* }{(1430)}^{0}\) region. 199, 86101 (2016). Aaij, R. et al. A comparison with previous measurements is shown in Fig. Such background is reduced to a negligible level by particle identification criteria. Such studies can help to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetryof the Universe. The yields in the two B+K++ and two B+J/(+)K+ decay modes are determined by performing unbinned extended maximum-likelihood fits to these distributions (Methods). J. $$\overline B_{\mathrm{s}}^0$$ He,W. Huang,H. Liu,X. Lyu,R. Ma,W. Qian,J. Qin,Z. Xiang,J. Xu,Q. Xu,Z. Xu,S. Yang,Y. Yang,Y. Zheng,X. Zhou,Y. Zhou&Z. Zhu, L. Capriotti,A. Carbone,A. Falabella,F. Ferrari,D. Galli,S. Maccolini,D. Manuzzi,U. Marconi,C. Patrignani,S. Perazzini,M. Soares,V. Vagnoni,G. Valenti&S. Zucchelli, L. Capriotti,A. Carbone,F. Ferrari,D. Galli,S. Maccolini,D. Manuzzi,C. Patrignani&S. Zucchelli, INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy, Institute Of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Beijing, China, I. Carli,S. Chen,Y. Li,Y. Li,S. Liu,Y. Lu,L. Ma,M. Tobin,J. Wang&Q. Zou, Univ. In the remainder of this paper, the notation B+K++ is used to denote only decays with 1.1

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test of lepton universality in beauty quark decays nature