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lenni lenape language to love one another

know him. A. Machkewehhe Hachtikan, flag, banner. is used. Achsinemhoan, pewter spoon. It harmonizes, it corresponds. Laptonachgat, meaning of the word, signification of the Kiminachsu, a secret murderer. Andhanni, bullfrog. (wilach, etc. Witalouen, to work with. tgaitte. Machtaptonen, to speak uncivilly, to talk roughly, to Kittelendam, to be in earnest. Lilenowagan, custom, rule, law; (holding an office. Weuhokeyit, man; (ie., one who has a body, from hakey, Pachschaquoacan, broad saw, board saw. A.) A.). Jagatamoewi Gischuch, July; (from amoe -honey bee month. Wiuchschachauwan, to load somebody with a burden. Woapachsaney, white blanket. Achwangundowi, very peaceable. Ninachtak, my brethren. Mamintschim, to praise. Gischambeso, bound, tied. Achpateuny, E., the east wind. Nutschquehend, innocent sufferer, martyr. Wuliachpin, to be in a good place. Achtschingi, scarcely, hardly. Pejewike, it comes, it draweth nigh. Wikian, thy house. Nodhittamen, to come into danger; (to meet by accident, Wiku, he has a house. Quajaqui, Pachtschukquilkees, grasshopper. Petapan, daybreak; dawn. Wulapejuwagan, uprightness. A.) that you have lived till evening. Ksukquamallsoagan, perplexity, mental anguish. A.) A.) to be seldom at home, Achschikiminschi, fern. Damaskhikan, a scythe. Hummak, Z., head lice. Woaptiginquehelieu, broken eyes. Wachganessu, Z.. lean (bony, from wochgan. Wtschagamique, in the earth. (dub., A.) Goschgosch, hog. A.) Kikey, old aged; (kikes, adults, older people. Machtapequonitto, evil spirit. The hedgehog; pl., gawiak. Gettemagelensi, to be humble. Wochgan, bone. how long? Ahoalgussit, the beloved. Putschisktey, poison vine (it,'Izatc-Iiiskeip. Sukachqualles, negro. to put trust or confidence; it is from Ink (suffix), in, in the, on, out of. Tipasigawan, hen coop; (kikipshican. A.). Nguttachtschessowen, to lay up one treasure only. Tandachgitechton, to shake off. Schiwelendam, to be sorry, to be sad, to be melancholy, Lapeechton, to tune an instrument. Tepilawelian, to satisfy somebody. of. Nallahih, up the stream. Sokpehellak, cataract. Schehelleu, it hangs; wulli schehellak, Z., Nitis, friend, companion. Blenhotik, black snakeroot. Sakquelendam, to be melancholy, to be sad. Machkassin, brick. Z., yet. Wentschipennassiechen, where the road goes down the hill. Teu, it is cold. Tactiquoak, fall; aututmn; tachquogike, Z., Psindpeu, overflowed with water. Menichink, congregation. chance. The Lenape Metschimhammen, to lock. Sipo, river. Auchsu, (of beasts) wild, untractable; (of men) Mitsuagan, Z. food, aliment Lennowehellen, male of birds and fowls. Wisquon, elbow; tobacco twist. Witachpin. displeased; to be discontented, to be dissatisfied. Skulm, to keep school; (EngIish.) Wulelendam, to be glad, to rejoice, to be joyful, to be Dalaktschetechen, to fall and burst open. Kitschinipen, summer, June. A.) Luen, to say; (to give a definite sound of any kind. Wulineichquot, it is plainly visible. Pakandhatton, to repair, to make whole. Kuwewanik, red squirrel. Laschinummen, A., to see at a glance or for a moment. Nutiken, to keep watch; (rather, to mind a house. A.) Schwilawe, discouraged, disheartened. A.) little tree. Schawek, weak. A.) Peki, perhaps then. Nektinquot, one-eyed. Hobbenis, turnip; (lit., a small tuber, potato, etc. Menpekhasik, skim milk: eating by crunching the grains, A.) Lachxowi'lenno, Z., captain (one experienced in Uschuwelemuwi, miserable, painful, burthensome. Maschapi, bead. Memsochet, traveller; (vagabond, idler. Nischogunakhake, two days hence, day after tomorrow. Tangenindin, to vouchsafe, to condescend. Achpamsin, to walk, to walk about. Gagiwanantpehellan, to be dizzy; to be giddy in the head. Schipenasu, stretched, spread out, extended. mind made up, to be determined. Allummochachton, to carry away. Gigischquik, this day past. Wil, head. Amueen, Z., to angle. to turn gray - August. See taquachhakaniminshi. Wulonquoam, to dream something good. Lemachdappit, he who sits here. Mesaquem, ear of corn. Dellsoagan, manner, custom, habit; (thy habit, A.) Glikatepiso, hobbled. Wochganissin, to become lean, to grow meager. Wonacliquiwi, the top of anything. Elemokunak, one of these days. Schikschasiki, shavings. Quappalawan, to take somebody out of the water. Ilau, a war chief; (properly, a man of valor, one experienced Mawachpo, collector. MatteIeman, to despise somebody. Katschiwoak, besides, further, again. Mamalekhikan, writing, letter, book; (lit., incrooked Unitschaanin, Z.. to beget a child, to bring forth Woapank, tommorrow. Maniton, to make; nin mattineto, Z., I make; Tankhakanachen, to make baskets. Mamalachgook, striped snake. cry together. A.) Pagachtschaton, to fill (Pagachtschuchpeen. Wulinaquot, it looks well. Lapechikan, Zelozelos, Menatehewagan, envy. Takanilaku, moderately warm evening. Waskejek, thin; (comp. leather string. Ndoochtawachtin, to inquire of each other. Machque, bear. Mengwe, H., an Iroquois; (lit., glans penis. Niechin, to come down. Patient; (a person who waits. Apendamen, to enjoy, to make use of. Apuawachto, cheap. Wingachtochwilsit, lover of hunting Mejauchsuwin, Z., to ally, to become one. Schiwa'pew, Z., blue (wulih'ke, blue, at an assembly.) Woagai, round about. it". Machtakenimgussin, to be ill spoken of. very good. Lalhan, to scrape something; (to rub, to polish A.) Machtapeek, bad time, war time. Menniwi, in some places, not everywhere. Achgunnan, to clothe somebody; (achgunha, A.) Amatschipuis, turkey buzzard. A.) Wulilawemkewagan, our comfort. Pallilinaquot, otherwise. Tschimakan, paddle, oar. so much so. Asgelendam, to wait with impatience. Schiquitehasid, Z., booty (schiquiniteliasik, booty A.) A.) A.) Macheleman, to esteem somebody, to value someone, to honor Elangomellan, my friend. has to say. Motit, little calf, (dim. Eksaselendamoagan, restraint, abridgment. Tschitahitehen, to stand firm in mind; to persevere. A.) A.) Ekamejek, broadness. A.) Wunutschi, he began. Nochan, my father. Papallachwilsummen, to miss one's luck. white frost; (wap-takpan. Undauchsowgan, food to live upon. Ehachpussitunk, gridiron. what then? Gachpallan, to pull somebody out of the water; (gochpenna. Schiwelendamowitehewagan, repentance. pallikamindeu, water overflows because of a fire. Tehek, cold. A.) A.) Miechanelendamoagan, self shame. Wulamehelleu, it goes well, it goes gently. (Ploeu, turkey of either See Pihm. Enapandikan, the hind sight of a gun. Wulipoquot, it has a fine taste. Amanganachquiminschi, Spanish oak. Wundsowagan, misfortune; (not now used. mouth. dove. Hopochquan, side. Tscholens, bird; (not in use. Ajandamoagan, desire. A.) Wonachgulinschall, tips of the fingers. Welhik, good, (wellhik'. Ikih! Gakelunenhen, to make to a liar. Witschewan, to go with somebody. Scbingsittawan, to dislike to hear somebody. Ksinhattenamin, to be of an indifferent heart and mind. Assisquahoos, earthen pot; assiskequahos, E. A.) Glikenikan, sumach. Wulatachkat, fine linen. Lauchsohalid, he who makes me live. Ametschimi, often;-ne leep, there was more done. so far; -tchi, so much; untschijey, from thence. Mejauchsu, one person. Salumbunikan, bell; (arch., A.) Langan, easy, light, not heavy. Mamguckcu, Z., a plain without trees, a prairie Matschin, to go home. Tpisgauwi, just alike, even. Woaktschiechton, to make crooked. A.) Anechwunaltey, bark canoe. Mannachet, wood cuItter. Tgauchsuwaptonen, to speak civil, to speak kind. Manask, second crop. other. toward the end. Woh! Li, to; thither. together. Saken, to shoot forth, to spring up. Wipungweu, Z., brown. Achipiquon, flute, fiddle (any musical instrument, A.) Sakaweuhewi Gischuch, the month in which the deer begin Apami, in vain. A.) Nundehhellewagan, want. Moochwes, worm, caterpillar (white grub. Sogahellas, chain. Exclamation of approbation. Mekeniechink, the end, the last day. Challanunschi, sumach. Achquanxowagan, lasciviousness, whoredom. A.) Aptonen, to speak. Machgeuachgook, Z., copper snake. Wulaptonen, to speak favorably. (The syllable to is still inserted in certain formal addresses. Mamalunqtuan, sort of stinging fly. Mawewigawan, meeting house. Machtando, devil; (machtan'to, a shortened form Ngamuin, to keep a feast in Indian style. ancestors. Anakan, pl., all, mat made of rushes. Schachachgek, just so. Sche! Nisktonhen, to be noisy, to talk nasty. exclamation of wonder. Ochquehelleu, female of fowls and birds. Moskimus, Z. a hare (the small gray rabbit. Lechewon, breath, air (from awon, mist. Woapipen, wild white potato. Wulachen, to give up; (this word means "a fair wind;" Gischachgenuternen, to conclude. Undaptonen, to speak thereof. Achquoani'kan, bushnet. Wdamemenshuwi, childlike. Genamoagan, thank. Wulatenamen, to be happy; (wulah'tenamin. A.) Tschipinaquot, it looks strange, it looks disagreeable. the mouth. Allemiapuawachto, -tangawachto, -tatchawachto, Ehelikhique, at which time. Patamoelchuwewagan, intercession. Lawasgoteu, Z., a wide plain (lit., it is in the Pejat, he that cometh. Peton, to bring. Peschuwat, near. A.) Nischinachke, twenty. Elgigunkhaki, as big and wide as the world is; all the Awehhelleu, bird, fowl; (applied to large fowls, etc. Kihnsu, sharp, biting, harsh, jealous. Ahoaltuwi, loving. Manuppekhasu, skimmed. than; -ametschimi, Lenhacki, Z., upland (barren highlands. Ajanhelendam, to be indifferent, to be unconcerned. form. Niganigapawin, to stand foremost. Tschitanessoagan, Z., authority, power. A.) Alappiechsin, to speak fast. A.) together. Machelemuwi, honorable, precious. A.) Nawalan, to pursue somebody, to follow some one. Dalakihillen, to tear, rend in two. the Lenape / English Dictionary Machtenalittin, to fight, to fight with each other, to Wtegauwan, to follow somebody. Gegeyjurnhen, to rule, to reign. A.) Liechenan, to leave out. is too bad, it is inferior. Gischkschagotamen, to saw. Niganitawan, to run before somebody, to outrun some one; kettle.) Glakelendam, to be merry, to make sport; (to be excited. Temagehikan, water pail. Talawachto, how dear is it?, what does it cost? Schkaa'k, a pole-cat, skunk. A.) Yapewi, Z., on the river bank (on the edge of the A.) Tangelensochwen, to walk humbly. Gischenaxin, to be ready, to be prepared. distant relatives. Getternageluwi, merciful. Achowalogen, to labor hard, to toil. Machtissa, bad, ugly. Schachachki, certain, certainly true, surely. Sanquen, weasel. Alamikemossen, to stop working. Sakimauchheen, to make to a chief or king. Lenni Lenape A.) A.) Machtscilissit. Wulakenindewagan, good report of somebody. Eenhen, to pay. Gutgisgamen, to drive back. Pihmoakan, sweat house. from above. A.) Nemoagan, sight. exclamation of indignation. Gattopuin, to hunger, to be hungry. in use. Ndeloiqui, etc., so as I, etc. Achtuhhu, plenty of deer. Wuhhala, Z., to protect. Sasehemen, to sow, to scatter. Kittan, great river; (arch., kitseepu would be Machtalohumauwan, to direct somebody the wrong way. exert one's self (See Heckewelder, History p. Majawiechton, to do orderly, to do properly, to compare. Tallachpaje, cold moming. Moschiwi, clear, luminous, bare, naked; clearly, openly. Pokhakenikan, grave; (from pokhaweu, a hole or hollow Maag, Z., female genitals. Sakquelendamoagan, trouble, sorrow, disquietude. Mechmenahikeak, scum ladle. Allemakewunk, on the north side of a hill. Hattelu, having. Pongus, sand fly. Nechoha, alone. Schiwachpin, to be weary of staying. Pusihn, Z., to enter a canoe (or any vehicle. Meschandamen, to taste. Hawk Mountain History A.) A.) Wewitschinaquot, it is likely: probable. Machkipachgihhffleu, the leaves grow red. Achgeluneuch, E., a liar. Noschhokquin, to go over the ice. Wiechenin, to boil, to cook, to prepare food; (not in A.) Auchsuwagan, Z,, fury, anger. Achgepinqueu, to be blind; (to be blindfolded, A.) Gischkschummen, to cut with knife. Wawikan, the back. Mehallamagen, to sell (error; to buy. negro (lit., black face. A.) Pachgihillan, to break, to break asunder; (pachgee, exclamation of laughter. Allowat Sakima (Mighty Chief) - represents service. Memachtschilissit, sinner; (of evil countenance. Ehes, mussel; clam. Sakhaken, to stay out from home so long. is thy name? Linkteu, it melts. Awendamuwi, painful. Miechponkthey, light white ashes. in the morning. The Legend of Penns Treaty with the Lenape in what manner then. Hakihen, to plant, to farm. spoken to). Nathogen, to fetch over. Amoquigachschechin, to bruise the finger nail. A.) Sukamek, black fish. A.) Machtakenindewagan, bad accusation. Pakallohu, Z. Kombachquall, leaves, foliage. Quiquingus, large wild duck. the water; (gamink. Juketeek! A.). Petekhamman, to write to somebody. Wtenk, after, behind; thereon, thereafter; lastly, at hereafter. Oapelukquon, Wikwahemunk, in the house. Chaasch, eight. Ndauwat, scarce, rare; rarely, seldom. Nennawipoquot, right tasted. Mamiechanessin, to be ashamed. Wingilauchsin, to live willingly in a particular manner. way. Lauhakamike, middle of a piece of ground. Wuliechsin, to speak plainly, to pronounce well. at the sweat house.) Tschukquilques, Z., a locust (insect). Pemhakamik, earth; (the landscape within the horizon. Langoma, Z., kinsman. Kopachkan, thick. Techthunnentschik, prisoners, captives. A.) Nischitquitawan, to kneel to somebody. Suppinquall, tears; (from the eyes) (always with a possessive. Z.) aye! to lend a hand. Nachgiechen, contrary, against. Kschikan, knife; (pachschikan. Pennahum, to break off, to knock down. Tachpamsin, to be less, to be lower. Hilleu, commonly. Klunewagan, Z., a lie, a falsehood. Pkindey, light ashes. Alachimoatenamin, to rest happy. Woachejekumuit, he who is the light. Achkiwitehewagan, irresolution. Tawonnalogewagan, labor in vain. Apensoagan, Z., enjoyment, fruition. Matschiton, to spod something, to make mischief. Metapewit, wicked man; (a thievish fellow. Lelingen, to permit; to allow. Tangaman, Z., to thrust, to stick. but,-atta, Patainoelchan, to pray for somebody. A.) Z., a crawfish. A.) Ansiptikin, to bind up into sheaves, chachsin, Great Creator. Quequongalle, pike fish; (lit., long-gilled; but the usual Epia, etc., where I am, Winamallsin, to be sick, to feel pain. Wikwamtit, little room. A.) Mattelemuwi, despicable, contemptible. Wipachsoagan, fear; (out of use. Chanson, bedstead. Tanikaniminschi, white beech. ill flavored. Kepewo, ye also, you too. Husca, very; -mcheli, very much; (husca, wisca, Wewoapisak, guard, watchman. Wingimachtek, odoriferous. Wapintschachke, garfish, with a bill like a duck. Tatandachgoquehellan, to shake the head. Ganschapuchk, big rock; (boulder. Kpiktschehican, Z., a cover, a lid. Pochquachpus, Z, a mouse. Pachgammakan, cutlass. Schiechikiminschi, maple tree; (the soft maple. Delaware Apachtoquepi, crown. Natschuwallen, to fetch a load. Lechauwaquot, a tree with a fork. Wdehiwi, heartily, cordial. the redness of the morning sky. not necessarily intoxicants. mod. A.) Pechuwat, nigh, near. Popanpechen, it drops. Wiquonummen, to make dull. Chawachto, dear, high priced. Login . Ulakanis, dish. Sukachoook, black snake. Chauchschisis, old woman. Quatscliee! Wishaqtie. Schipaquitehasu, crucified, outstretched. Stiksit, black. Mawottakan, famine, scarcity of provision. A.) Wulamoeju, true, right. Logahhellan, to be discouraged, to give up. A.) advocates our cause. A.) Abtschi, Always: -likhqui, at all times. Mehallamen, to buy, to purchase. Weuchschummuis, horned cattle. Tachquondikan, pair of pincers. Pendawachtin, to hear one another. A.) m'majawelen'dam, I am certain of it. for the rattles in ceremonies. (lit., old residents, A.). Lokschummen, to cut loose; (arch., pachschummen, (out of use. Ganhatton, to hide, to conceal; n'dabthallen hackey, Esquo, not yet. A.) sense in this and most of the following words. Lalchauwulinschaja, fork of the fingers. Schibhasu, spread out. Tahunnan, to arrest somebody, to take some one prisoner. Tschitanigapawin, to stand fast. Nowaton, to know. Tschiquoalale, a muscle; (a snail, refers to the spiral A.) Nadan, a float; nadano amochol, the canoe floats (pithin, Ekamhasik, broad. Petiscyauwan, to chase or drive hither. Wsuppi, sap of trees; (see wonspi.) Wineu, it snows. Munhacke, Z., a badger (see monacque). Tchen, times. Kschahepakandamen, to beat hard. gospel. Papaisin. exclamation of surprise. Pindassenakan, a tobacco pouch. Kschilandeu, very hot weather; (lit., much sunshine. A.) Ksakpatton, to make wet. Lepoatschik, wise men. Tindeuchen, to make fire. at this time, about the present time; -petschi, till now, A.) Abtschinalittin, Z., to die in battle; (they kill each Pilsohalgussowagan, holiness, purity. Saniqui, Z., to blow the nose (saniquin. Sakquachsoagan, troublesome life. Gluppihilleu, turned about. Tschachoihilleu, torn off, broken, slipped off; (niach-gihilleu, another. Ponxu, full of sand flies. A.) despise. WebMattameechen, cross roads; (where one road enters another, not a cross road. Amandamuwi, sensitive. Nitsch! Wschewinaxu, painful. rather than appearance. Wachtschuwikeu, hilly. Walak, hole; (waleck, a hollow or excavation, not A.) it is a troublesome time. Papaches, woodpecker; (papachko. Gettemagelentin, to be kind to each other, to be merciful word. Amemensuwi, childlike, childish. Salumbuniken, to ring the bell. WebThe other part is their Cantico, performed by round-Dances, sometimes Words, sometimes Songs, then Shouts, two being in the middle that begin, and by Singing and Drumming on a Board direct the Chorus: Their Postures in the Dance Ajapeu, buck. Techi, quite;-matta, not at all, absolutely not, Patamoelchittewagan, supplication for each other. Pohonasin, Z, to beat the drum (to beat; to pound; to Schellachton, to hang up. Woapaneu, morning. Wowoatammoagan, wisdom. Matta, no, not;-ta, nowhere;-tani, in no bait. They call themselves the Lenape Lehellechewagan, breath, life; (lehellachemhalgum, Machtschilissowagan, sin. Alachimoagan, rest; (the preflx alach is used to signify Schawaneu, southward, southerly. Pecho, soon, by and bye; linitti, directly, in Wundenasik, where it is to be gotten from. Wisamek means "a fat fish." Ktschin, to go out; (acktschin, impers. Wdeleleman, to take some one to be, to consider somebody Gigauwinasu, Z., borrowed (not in use. Loamissowe, lately; (lomisu. Uchtuchen, Z., a bough, a branch. Kpahi, shut the door; (kpah'hi'. Wulaptonaltin, to speak good to each other, to be reconciled A.). A.) Pakandaptonen, to finish a discourse. Patamoewigawan, house of prayer, temple, church. A.) Schinginamen, to hate. Anischik, thank'e; thanks. Gohan! Ohoh! Weuchsowagan, knowledge. Apendelluxin, to be made partaker. to put a house in order. A.) Pallalogasowaaan, crime, evil deed. Witauchsundowagan, fellowship. Kocu lowunsu wikimat? Pindhikan, ramrod; sausage. Nimenees, fish hawk. here, petschi, till now; (yuch. A). Ju, here. Tacliquipoagan, feast. Lekhasik, written. A.) WebWhat does lenni-lenape mean? Tschitanissohen, to strengthen. persons. in the ground. Pommihilleu, it flies away. Awullsittamuwi, obedient. Niskallogen, to do dirty work. A.) Wi'hillaan, Z., to name; n'wihilluk. Mengiechsu, a swan. A.) Ehachquink, clothing. Pachelammen, to split wood. Lechauwak, fork; division, separation. Nunschetto, doe. Wuntschi, of, on account of, from, therefore. Papabin, to play; (arch., A.) Pepachkhamatunk, Z., a lancet (or lance). Gegepinquot, blind, a blind person. Abtschinaluxin, to be afflicted, to be tormented to death. A.) A.) Achsinhittehikan, steel trap. Lakenindewagan, accusation. Machxitachpoan, bread mixed with beans. as often as, so often; -mcheli, as much as. A.) Tgauwitti, soft, mild; slowly, by little and little; also A.) splinters; the proper form wuniechenummen. Ekoqualis, raspberry. Gintschtschingussit, messenger. Wiechgawotschi, unexpectedly; unawares. Eksasi, less. papaw tree. Tschiskhammen, to wipe off, to blot Memeechxiteu, barefoot. Quilawelendamoagan, confusion, perplexity. Machitschiluppoewagan. friendly manner. Achge'gim, to teach, to instruct. Aspin, to ascent; (ispin. flint,(mahales. Machkhattachqua H, red yam, red thread. Hallachpis, Z., wild hemp. Tschikhikan, broom. to be very sickly. Nunoiwi, trembling. Mindawelendam, to be discontented, to be troubled: (expresses A.) Na, Awullakenimoagan, praise. etc. me alone.) Tschannelendam, to consider, to be in doubt, to scruple. Wtaksu, soft, tender, supple. Getschihillalowet, traitor. Melih, corruption, matter. sinner. A.) A.) Pethinquechin, to look hither. Wendachguttechen, where the road goes up the hill. Goppachtenemen, to take out of the water. A.) Pawallsoagan, wealth, riches. Segantpechink, overhead. Kittuteney, great city. Elinaquo, as this, as that, as the other. Z., I hide myself in the earth. Only a few Lenape elders still speak their native Lenape language (also known as Unami .) A.) Enendhakewagan, parable. Wulapeju, just, upright, honorable. H., for shame! Wtscheyunque, within, inwardly. Mechateu, deep snow; (arch., A.) Tgauchsu, good, mild, gracious. Tschannistammoewagan, misunderstanding. Allacquelendam, to be repentant. means to bring some one. Auchsin, to be hard to deal with. Langundowits'chik, Z., kindred, relatives. Schachihilleu, it slips, it slides. Ejaja, etc., where, wherever or whither I go, etc. Nochnutemexetschik, shepherds. Gischuwewickwam, warm house. Gischachteu, it is clear, light. Lekhasu, written. Wtehim, strawberries. Luppoe, wisely. Gachhachgik, wild bay. Tengandasuwi, pierced through. Wewiechgukil, his acquaintance. See tueclique. oh! Mihnachpoan, huckleberry bread. Lekhammen, to write. Z., a boundary (a line, a mark. Saschchuppawen, to gape, to yawn. A.) Wdehin, heart. Wilinen, to have head ache. Askiquall, grass, herbs. Wulummachdappin, to sit; (especially on the ground with Ochunk, at his or her father's. Pommitachpanschi, lath. Nalauwi, heedless. Mattemigalan, to let somebody in. Unk, in, in the, on, out of. Wundpeu, it leaks, it drops, it boils over; (kundpeau, Wiquimemguke, on the end of the plain. Newen, four times. A.). Woapange, tommorrow. Nuna'gan, Z.. the breasts of a woman (see above). A.) Achsehhellen, to scatter, to disperse; (seh'ellen, Nachgundin, to agree with one another. A.) A.) Chaihoak, Z., clothes-lice. Bochwejesik, Z., joint of the foot. Ekih! Tsquall, frog. Meneton, to spend in drinking. Schapoalchasu, bored through, pierced through. Wendamen, to fish with hook and line. wonderful! Pekenink, H., in the dark. Wikimak, my wife; (out of use; one is bewitched, A.) Taktauntschi, from somewhere. The official dictionary of Lenape-the language of the Delaware Tribe. This website is an online learning tool designed to support Lenape language education through its expansive dictionary and language lessons. Its primary function is translating words, sentences, and phrases from English to Lenape or vice versa. A.) H., in the woods.) a gulley. Wawangundowapn, salutation. Gischuwikwamikat, warm house. A.) Pawalin, the corn blossom falls off. Nekama, he, she, it. A.) Mesittewall, corn boiled whole; (out of use. Komelendam, to be free from trouble or care; (not in use. Wulapamukquot, clear, well to be seen. Wulauchsowagan, good conduct, good behavior. saw. Temiki, any; single; something-koeku, anything, Netami, first, the first. Z.) Wiktschi, bottom of a keg, breech of a gun. Schikochqueu, widow. Allowelendam, to esteem highly; to prize above everything. But some young Lenape people are working to learn their ancient language again. exclamation used in calling. Gachpattejewink, toward the southeast. or Delawares; (from min-achsin-ink, where the stones are to give one an advantage. Kinhican, Z., a grindstone. Kitschii, verily, truly; (great, very. Sisquahoasu, a plastered fire place. Dajasgelendam, to desire ardently, to wait for with much Woaxachey, fox skin. Gachgamun, roasted com; (alludes to the noise made in Pawallessohen, to make rich. see there! Anschiwi, more by degrees. in war, not necessarily a chief, A.) Mbiachk, whale. Machtauchsin, to sin; (lit., bad life. Pit, perhaps. A.) Mehokquitamen, to bleed at the nose. Tatandachgoquehellewagan, shake of the head. A.). back and then tum again; to lie on the back isWasachtehin. Pasawinchikan, yeast. Nelowauchsin, to lead a heathenish life, to be a heathen. Ngagiguwe, etc., I am lively, etc. Wattenkginem, colic. Sesegauwihugewaaan, scourging. Pimochquikan, stirring-ladle. Awossenachk, over the fence, behind the fence. Sesachquilawendam, to trouble. Manschawileu, wonderful. A.) be it where it may. A.) Kschachan, the wind blows hard. Tonktschenemen, to open. Gatatam, to want, to desire, gatotamen, Z., to Achgumhokquot, cloudy; (fig., to be still, E.) Queneuhappachpoon, table. Pallachpin, to be innocent. Wsami, too much. Ajummen, to buy, to purchase. Pallilennemen, to put elsewhere. A.) Mesukhoakan, glue. Gatti, near, almost. Winak, sassafras. painful look. Pilsit, chaste, pure. Wulelensin, to be proud, to be haughty, to be high-minded Loganechwin, to throw down, to destroy. Pisaeke, by night (last night. Machtatschahen, to use somebody ill, to treat someone Nolhandewagan, laziness. Achquipelawon, hoe. Waktscheu, crooked; (bent, warped. Wagagapoak, Z., they stand in a circle. Wipiechkeu, rotten wood. Sillkitehemen, to press, to squeeze. Yucke, Z., now; gischquik, to-day; -untschi, Pankpechen, drop. Wijagaskau, fickle. Nil, these. Apel, apple. Machtatenamen, to be unfortunate, to be unhappy, to be To halloo, to shout. Waselenemen, to lighten, to kindle. Achgachemawachtin, to share with each other. Petschimuin, to fly or escape hither; (error; it means Woasgejeu, thin. Ehelilamank, well, spring, fountain; (a running or flowing Gispuin, to be satisfied, to have eaten enough. Gettemageleman, to help somebody, to relieve some one, A. ) Klampeechen, still water. Manitto, maker, Creator, God; (properly, spirit, not maker. Ehoalan (pl. Chottschinschu, big trough, large bowl; chotachsun, Alemoagan, fear, apprehension; (arch., A.) Wenhamma, almost, narrowly. Schashiwilawechgussin, to be put to grief. The Lenape seek Pa. recognition, and a return home - WHYY A.) Ulakaiialien, to make dishes: (wooden dishes, A.) Notchan, to come to somebody. Endchen, as often as. Sedpok, early in the morning; at daybreak (properly, part Pasteu, it rises (bread). Nihillapewin, to be one's own master, to be free. Ichauwelendam, to prefer; (tachauwelendam, to desire Tenktschechen, open; (burst open, broken open., A.) bark, which is called wiquey. Taneek, perhaps, I don't know; (takeet. Mischenummen, to receive, to get. Leke, true. Tschipisin, to have a fit, to get fits. Witauclisall, her brother's wife; (dub., it means living Klakelendam, to be rakish, to be extravagant, to be dissolute, Mukoos, awl, nail. Ahoaltowaganit, he that is love. Achquiwanis, blanket; (black or broad cloth, A.) A.) of light in the sky or water.

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