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how many countries have not heard the gospel

THUMB -- an acronym to remember the unreached peoples Every group is larger than 10,000,000 in population. When a person desires to understand who created the world and the qualities within it, Gods divinity is revealed because its written on their hearts. political instability, and the influence of other religions. It does not say, has been proclaimed it is proclaimed in all creation. Everywhere it goes, it is being proclaimed, and it is bearing fruit. Moreover, they can be supported at a fraction of the cost of a foreign missionary. Dont think youve embraced a little thing thats number one. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Its not that they can hear or have heard the gospel, and they choose not to believe it; its that they cant even hear it because no one around them knows it. Unreached peoples and places are those among whom Jesus is largely unknown and the church is relatively insufficient to make Jesus known in its broader population without outside help. The complexity of the world around us teaches us there is a God. including India and China. Practically, unless something changes, this means unreached people will be born, live, and die without ever hearing the gospel. We copied their color coding in our text list. Gambia Gibraltar Greece Guinea Guinea-Bissau India So how many of the approximately 17,400 ethnic people groups are considered unreached i.e. Can you explain what Paul means here? Most it seems will reject faith in Christ. global church to share the love of Christ with those who have never heard. Thank you!. needing missionaries to cross cultural and language barriers to tell them about God's redeeming They settled on the criteria for unreached as less than 2% true Christ-followers and less than 5% Professing Christian (this includes all forms of Christianity i.e. Editors Note: The following excerpt is adapted from David Platts teaching during Secret Church 21, The Great Imbalance.. Ward describes as "where the Church is not yet." The ultimate purpose of God is to bring people from all nations to enjoy and exalt Him in all of His glory. Im going to read the ESV. Today the percentage of those who have not heard is about 28%; a major move forward. Namely, the Church of today seems to have turned a blind eye to those who have never heard of the Gospel. The only way to hear the gospel is to be told the gospel. Although the church has made great progress in evangelizing the world, the statistics here show that there is still a lot of work to be done. Portugal Qatar We know God exists. Next, they are to make disciples of all nations. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.. Stratus synthesizes reliable data from different sources to clearly display the worlds most urgent spiritual and physical needs in an intuitive tool. I have no idea. 80 percent of the world's people have access to at least some portion of the Bible in a We can only warn those who are perishing without Christ to come to Him in faith and put their trust in Him. Tiny countries like India and China have populations that are so immersed in the gospel, and the Bible, that many have heard it over 1,000 times, and have rejected it as much. calling this rectangular area or band"the 10/40 window." It does not say that the gospel has reached to the ends of the world. ways to avoid becoming a missionary The point is that its the kind of gospel that goes through the whole world, and wherever it goes, it bears fruit and increases. Read what the Apostle Pauls response was to those who dont believe in God and why he says they have no excuse: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. There are millions of individuals in these unengaged people groups that have never heard of Jesus or His work of redemption. During his time on earth, Jesus said, And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14. These missionaries know the local languages, understand their culture, and cant be deported. across northern Africa and into southern Asia. Havent we just about completed the Great Commission?" One in five people on earth live in these 50 unreached peoples. So they are without excuse, And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come., 5 Signs God isTrying to Get Your Attention, 7 Signs God Is Pushing You Into Something Awesome, 8 Things The Bible Says Will Happen Before Jesus Returns Again, 4 Little Known Facts about the Resurrection of Jesus, 5 Powerful Bible Verses About Second Chances, 3 Ways Gods Plan Is Better Than Your Plan. Were on a mission to change that. When we repent of our sin and accept Jesus as our savior, He restores our relationship with God so that we might live with Him forever. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. The following two maps show the difference between a political country and the ethnic people groups in that country: The definition used by mission strategist for people group is "a significantly large grouping of individuals who perceive themselves to have a common affinity for one another because of their shared language, religion, ethnicity, residence, occupation, class or caste, situation, etc., or combinations of these." I think there are three reasons. Thanks for all your help and prayers for the persecuted Church! While the Gospel has gone to every political country in the world, when Jesus commanded His followers to "make disciples of all the nations" in Matthew 28:18-20, He was not referring to political nations such as Canada, Kenya, Russia, etc. The Father has determined that in His sovereign will and nothing can change that. Thats correct! Heres the question. Voice of the Martyrs color-codes the map based on where bibles are illegal, highly restricted, or just dangerous. Is it possible that the gospels now been preached to all nations?. These workers represent the most effective missionary force ever seen, yet they only receive 10% of the resources given to evangelize unreached people groups. And youre invited into the work as well. The French tracts are also being sent to Senegal to pastor [redacted] and to Uganda to the area where the Kampala camp is with 12,000 refugees. Sorry, you are unable to subscribe at this time. [ Unreached People Group (UPG) ] or [ Least Reached People Group ] : an identifiable group of people distinguished by a distinct culture, language, or social class who lack a community of Christians able to evangelize the rest of the people group without outside help. language they can understand. They do update it every year, though, so hopefully we will see Iran removed from the list soon! When you believe the gospel, you believe in the God of the universe who has no serious rivals. we do not give up." terms of "degrees north" and "degrees south." working to spread the gospel and meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people in the 10/40 Drawing attention to the evangelistic task yet to be done, the visually dramatic 10/40 It is also not about which countries do or do not have physical church buildings or the presence of Christian communities. When a person desires to understand who created the world and the qualities within it, God's divinity is revealed because it's written on their hearts. Jesus Christ. However, these countries consider the national religion Christianity. Some states or regions within a country may have more religious freedoms or looser enforcement of restrictions than others. Two-thirds of all people on earth Related Resource: Listen to our FREE podcast, Teach Us to Pray with Christina Patterson. With just 10% exploiting breakthroughs in technology in order to advance the pace of reaching every person on If we are going to obey the Great Commission, the Great Imbalance needs to be rectified. Before we can answer the question of what happens to people who never hear the gospel message about Jesus Christ, lets ask another question: How were people saved prior to Jesus crucifixion and resurrection?. Remember, the most of early church lived with the expectation that Jesus was coming back in their lifetime. This is Gods mission: One day, people from every tribe and tongue will worship Christ in eternity, and He will receive all glory and honor for it (Revelation 7:9-11). To date, 5.5 million believers around the world have dedicated their lives to become full-time missionaries. A list of 52 countries where the bible is illegal and/or severely persecuted: As mentioned, there are several good ministries doing this work. Of course the languages with the larger number of speakers have been translated but many millions of individuals still do not have the Scriptures in their mother-tongue. That means for mother-tongue speakers of those 1,800 languages no Scripture exists at all. They have no internet no google no apple no windows North korea has their own government run internet with 6000 webpages available researcher Justin Long has estimated that only about 10% of the global missionary force is Notice several things: "God always punishes people because of what they know and fail to believe.". Or will God wait for Christs return after all the people on the earth have had a chance to hear the gospel? What happens to people who never hear the gospel message about Jesus Christ? The quality of a whole culture may be changed when two percent of its people have a new vision." The global population is expected to reach 8 billion by November 2022. (Baxter 2007, 12). God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from any one of us. I pray the message of the gospel always be on our lips, and may our feet carry that message to those who havent yet placed their faith in Christ (Romans 10:5-17). Article Images Copyright . Even if people have listended to missionaries, such as those of the Joshua Project, and rejected the message, they have at least heard of . A few decades ago missiologist Luis Bush coined the phrase "10/40 Window." The 10/40 Window concept is one way of looking at the task yet to be done in world On the other hand, this also means none of us. Paul further explains in Romans 1:18-21 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. This is the reason why I have so often been hindered from coming to you. Rather, hes saying, Thats the kind of gospel it is thats whats happening. Individuals in these groups may have very limited, if any, access to the Gospel. Half of the world's least-evangelized large cities are in the 10/40 Window. Laos Lebanon Teach Us to Pray with Christina Patterson, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. In several 10/40 Window countries, Christians suffer physical persecution and even death for As of Nov. 27, 2019, according to our calculations, the gospel has reached every living person on the planet. U.S. State Department reports on While these percentage figures are somewhat arbitrary, "we should not underestimate the significance of the small group of people who have a vision of a just and gentle world. The Finishing the Task initiative suggests this number may be significantly lower. To make, not just a convert, but a disciple of Jesus requires the Scriptures to be available in the mother tongue. Unreached Creative Access areas. earth with the good news of Jesus Christ. The Hebrew tracts will be send to Mr. [redacted] of Israel. is crucial for fulfilling the Great Commission. He would be fair to cast us all into hell. people. Jordan Urgent comes alongside indigenous believers in some of the hardest to reach places on earth. Someone is considered a missionary (for the sake of these statistics) if they have moved somewhere else for the spread of the gospel. We start the week with a missions question, and its this: Did the apostle Paul say the gospel had already reached the ends of the world in his own lifetime? For since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse (Romans 1:20) and the requirements of the law are written on their hearts (Romans 2:15). So many people have yet to hear the Gospel because of three, primary things: Too few missionaries; Not enough funding; Lack of Scripture translations; Missionaries in Unreached Areas. . You can change the title of your list, or you can do some research first and remove those countries that shouldnt be on the Illegal list. nations in which they are working. Particularly among unreached peoples and places. Why did he say that? . There is a chain of events which must occur in order. World Factbook. None have an indigenous church capable of taking the Gospel to the entire group. Data from the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest denominational mission board in the world, suggests that there are possibly over 3,000 ethnic people groups that are not only unreached, but also completely unengaged meaning there is no known active on-site church planting effort underway and few, if any, know believers. 6 000 people groups are broadly Christian, another 3 000 have some Christian witness and the other 3000 are "unreached" with about 1000 having no known Christians and no outreach. Window harvest field! India????? And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age, For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. In the last 40 years, over 1 billion people have died who have never heard of Jesus, and around 30 million people this year will perish without hearing the message of salvation. It is the kind of gospel that is proclaimed under all creation under heaven. In other words, the meaning is virtually the same as chapter 1:6: . We can pray for missionaries, churches, and for God to use us to reach the unreached. It could be a missionary from your local church or it could be supporting organizations like Word on Fire whose mission is to get Bibles translated and into the hands as many people as possible around the world. For Isaiah says, "Lord, who has believed our message?" 17Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. God is laying claim on the entire creation, and you are being swept up into that glorious plan. The book "Future of the Global Church" has a section on the unevangelized. According to the Joshua Project there are more than 4,000 people groups that are less than 2% Christian. We know there are many people groups that have not yet heard the Gospel, and there are many believers and missionaries all over the world working hard and dedicating their lives to . And there is more than one command here. 2001. its not banned in my country. GCP is committed to being as transparent and open with our finances as possible. One of the signs prior to Jesus return would be that this gospel, the one Jesus brought (Mark 1:15), would be preached to all nations, and then the end would come (His return to judge the world). They are so strong but the personal talking was very affective with him. You are not allowed to take a bible there. Another factor to consider here is native missionaries. 8 Spiritual Disciplines and How to Master Each. The gospel must be preached in order for people to hear it and so started the great commission. VOM is working hard to get bibles into these countries, and we are honored to be working toward the same goal. However, language user statistics tend to lag behind actual population statistics due to challenges in gathering and updating information. In 1800, those who had never heard the Gospel were almost 75% of the globe's population. Will they miss out on knowing Gods love and goodness? . This is the reason why GCP works exclusively with native missionaries that are spreading the Gospel inside unreached people groups. Its so well known in some circles that the idea that the bible is illegal in 52 countries is fairly well known. It is a way to refer to a group of countries and people who are in the least reached region of the world. This has been a troublesome question for many believers, especially when about three billion people on this planet are considered the unreached because they have little to no access to the gospel. 3. Its interactive over there. Paul preaches in Acts 17:26-28, From one man He [God] made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. While the percentage of the world who are unevangelized has decreased, the absolute number of unevangelized has increased. Despite these challenges, there are many Christian organizations and individuals How Can I Recognize and Understand the Holy Spirit Better? Our hope laid up in heaven includes forgiveness of sins, a dwelling in the kingdom of Christ, and an inheritance in light. Window. Malta Mauritania Testimonies from our distributors in India are here, Yes. The 10/40 Window countries are not the only ones in the world with sinners And yes, I think I can explain it, and I hope I can not only explain it, but explain it in a way that intensifies your commitment to reach the nations rather than dampening that commitment. The fact of the matter is there are people who never heard the gospel beforethe coming of Christ. to the Gospel. So they have been labeled But we are assured in Scripture that God will be worshipped by "a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language." Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. In other words, more than 40% of the worlds people groups dont have sufficient access to the Gospel. Over 90% of all missionaries work among already reached peoples. Many of the countries will not give visas to religious workers. north of the equator up to 40 degrees north of the equator and stretching from westernmost Javascript is disabled in your web browser. It simply says that the gospel, which has come to you Colossians, is the very gospel that is bearing fruit and increasing everywhere it goes in the whole world. There is no way to know how long it will be; we can only know that it will be! as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing., Now lets look at Colossians 1:23. Iraq Israel This is not negotiable. Finally, it is worth noting that in many larger countries, especially, experiences vary based on specific location. (World Evangelization Research Center), If ten men are carrying a log nine of them on the little end and one at the heavy end and you want to help, which end will you lift on?William Borden. The Voice of the Martyrs map categorizes countries where bibles are (1) difficult/dangerous to obtain, (2) illegal or highly restricted, and (3) strictly illegal and only available through covert smuggling. No, but does that mean God is not fair? Afghanistan Algeria Bahrain Bangladesh Benin He is author of. China Cyprus Djibouti That doesnt mean that those who serve among reached peoples are not worth honoring, but surely more than 3% of missionaries in the church should go to the over 3 billion people who never hear the gospel. Mail: PO Box 120963 Clermont, FL 34711 | | 352.243.2030, Copyright 2020 Global Commission Partners, all rights reserved. as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing.. Finally, Jesus commands them to teach the new disciples the same thing that Jesus taught His disciples. You may have heard of the phrase the 10/40 window but unsure as to what it means. A recent study by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity sought to determine the level of contact between Christians and non-Christians. By putting them on the same list youre harming yourself and your testimony thats a LIE. Two passages in Romans explain this point further. (World Evangelization Research Center) Christians make up 33% of the worlds population, but receive 53% of the worlds annual income and spend 98% of it on themselves. Only about 10% of Muslims in Asia personally know a Christian, whereas about 70% of Muslims in North America know a Christian. We are within range of penetrating every people group on the planet with the light of the gospel with more momentum than ever before in history. Although there are countries where the Bible might be illegal, most of the countries listed are rather hard to get not illegal. (Barrett and Johnson 2001, 656) The Church has roughly 3,000 times the financial resources and 9,000 times the manpower needed to finish the Great Commission. Some would argue, What about the innocent jungle native in the deep parts of the Amazon? My answer to them is, nobody is innocent (Rom 3:10-12, 23). Those who deny the obvious existence of God are only suppressing this knowledge, which means in the Greek, they are holding down by force this knowledge; therefore, they really are without excuse.. Some mission strategists have divided the world's population into (Operation World p. 10) That translates to very close to two billion individuals, one in four individuals, without any knowledge of the Savior! In Paul's words in Romans 1:14, we owe the gospel to those who have not heard it. Ephesians 2 tells us that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Read what the Apostle Paul's response was to those who don't believe in God and why he says they have no excuse: "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. He used that easy-to-remember Despite Christs command to evangelize, 67% of all humans from AD 30 to the present day have never even heard the name of Jesus Christ. -- Galatians 6:9, Here are five things you can start doing today. All rights reserved. Every hour, over 1,600 people decide to follow Jesus Christ. Clickhereto learn more. . very rapidly. One sometimes hears the comment "Certainly most everyone has heard of Jesus by now. (The Traveling Team), Source for People Groups infographic:Winter et al., 3, Source for Money and Missions Pie Chart:International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Vol. For evangelistic purposes it is "the largest group within which the gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance." After Jesus resurrection, He gave His disciples some marching orders. For every dollar of Christian resources less than one penny is directed at reaching unreached peoples. We did explain that in the post. When? Over 3 billion people in over 7,000 people groups are currently unreached by the gospel. Iran Unfortunately, the presence of a Christian building does not always correlate with that kind of freedom, but we hope and pray that it does in Iran! Unless something changes, more people than ever before will go to hell without ever hearing the gospel. John 14. majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs live in the 10/40 Window. On the other hand, this also means none of us are without excuse because God has written His name in our hearts. experienced the most rapid Christian expansion ever is China which in modern times has After describing numerous advances of the Gospel, Operation World states "The sobering fact is that, even with all this activity, probably 24-27% of the worlds population have not had the good news presented to them in a way they could appreciate and meaningfully respond to." Half of the world's least-evangelized large cities are in the 10/40 Window. Africa to just east of Japan. We recommend against using %Christian Adherent and %Evangelical to calculate absolute numbers. Now he knows that he has many great sinfulness in his life according the Bible which I gave to him. Unreached means that people dont have access to the gospel. Now there is 1 unreached people group for every 1000 congregations. We must pray that God will call more and more laborers into the countries in the 10/40 And thats what every Christian and church should be living for. Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan We can find ways to share Jesus at our jobs, at schools, in the carpool line, or through friendships. Notices that Jesus disciples are given an imperative command in the Greek, where it is says, Go therefore.. less than 2% Christ-follower and less than 5% Professing Christian? May we always be prepared and ready to share the gospel and may be reflections of Jesus in all that we say and do. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Nazarene Missions International resources, Unreached people group of the day (photo and description), 865 million unreached Muslims or followers of Islam in 3330 Smith, Nazarene Bible College student, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if There, we seek to make disciples, multiply churches and provide humanitarian relief in ways that are biblically faithful and practically effective. Using that lens, here are the sovereign states in the 10/40 Has every human being whos ever lived been exposed to the gospel? 39, No. The point is not that he has finished going through the whole world. However, for some reason when it comes to world evangelization, many western Christians dont see it that way. to reach unreached . Open Doors: 50 Heres verse 23: you have been reconciled to God if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven yikes and of which I, Paul, became a minister., Now, thats a real stumbling block for lots of people to read in their translation in verse 23, that the gospel in the first century, halfway through the first century, has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven. And its amazing to me how many commentators try to squeeze that stunning statement into the first century and say something like, Well, really the gospel had reached to what the first-century people assumed was all creation under heaven. To which I delicately say, Baloney.. World Christian Trends, pg 656Todd Johnson, Global Atlas of Christianity, pg 296Bob Finley, Reformation in Foreign Missions, pg. My name is Kevin, and I live in Chicago. Gentile or it can mean a collection of individuals with a common identity. In many of the 67 countries represented in the 10/40 Window, witnessing the Christian Gospel means . Is it close? window: As a quick bit of research will show, there are huge variations economically, culturally, unreached and least-reached people groups in the northern half of Africa, the Middle East, and Syria Taiwan Short-term missions With the article the in front of the participle, it is not an adverbial participle telling when. United Arab Emirates Vietnam While the spread of Christianity has been nothing short of supernatural, there are still huge segments of the worlds population that have never heard the name of Jesus let alone a clear presentation of the message of salvation. Before Jesus ascended up to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father in glory, Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Operation World presents data suggesting that after peaking in the mid-1990s the growth rate of both Christianity in general and Evangelicals (an approximation of true Christ-followers) has slowed significantly. Has The Gospel Now Been Preached To All Nations? These are found in Mark, Matthew, and repeated again in the Book of Acts. . Tajikistan Thailand It comes with some limitations, of course. By no means! The problem is that the human race is sinful; we all reject this knowledge of God and rebel against Him ( Romans 1:21-23 ). Many factors contribute to the spiritual need in the 10/40 Window, including poverty, the 10/40 Window. There are problems with the Great Commission statistics that should concern us. the world. ", The Atlas of Global Christianity based on the World Christian Database defines an "evangelized person" as "An individual who has had adequate opportunity or opportunities to hear the Gospel and respond to it, whether he responds positively or negatively". International Orality Network. These 50 unreached people groups are comprised of 1.48 billion souls. While it is certainly possible the Lord has been supernaturally at work among an unengaged group without outside involvement, this would not be the typical way He has ordained for the spread of the Gospel. The latest estimates suggest that approximately 7,400 people groups are considered unreached. He is a mighty missionary, and he will be able to use these little small tracts in different areas.

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how many countries have not heard the gospel