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bishop and knight checkmate

The checkmate were going to examine solidifies this point, especially when youre in an endgame where pawns and pieces are in short supply! Puzzle 1: White is trying to get away from your grip. Founded 2,000 years ago, Lyon's streets are a living museum, with beautiful historical buildings and interesting art galleries and museums. Tightening the grip again and the king goes back and we continue the W maneuver. Let us know in the comments below! The knight from such a position is then very quick to becoming optimized in what follows of the Deletang's Triangles, where the king is forced into a large triangle, a medium triangle, and then a small triangle. Even grandmasters have failed to win a game with only these pieces remaining. Many chess instructors have asked me why I would even consider introducing such a complex mating system to young novice players. While moves his King to a4 while Black moves his King to a2 (23.Ka4Ka2). Instead, making the move Qa8++ finishes the game, as the queen and rook combine to take away every square the king might flee to. White had to make a couple of mistakes to lose this game so quickly, 4.Nxd4 would have avoided all of the complications. All you have to do is avoid stalemate. As both players now have made fifty consecutive moves without a capture or pawn move, Black could claim the draw now by the 50-move rule. In the diagram above, White has a rook guarding the first rank, making a back rank mate impossible at the moment. Black finishes the game by playing Nh3++, checkmating the White king. If we had a dark squared Bishop, we could only checkmate Black on a1 or h8. 12. Kg3 Ke3 97. Notice how the a8-square is a light square, matching Black's light-squared bishop. document.getElementById("af-body-1981383628").className = "af-body inline af-quirksMode"; As White's king has no way to escape, a check by Black's knight will certainly spell the end for White. Although it is not usual for this mating pattern to occur, it is important that you know how to win with it. For instance, there is also the possibility of mating the king on the edge of the board, as depicted on the diagram below: However, considering that Black plays the optimal defensive moves, mating the king in the right corner is the only way of doing so. Learning how to wield your pieces with such coordination helps you to become a better player overall. Checkmate follows after 104Kg8, 105.Nh6+ Kh8 106.Bd4#. Diagram above: 1.Bg7+ Kg8 2.Ne7# (or Nh6#) Since the enemy king has only 2 squares to move on, you can now use your knight and bishop to cover those squares. Since checkmate can only be forced in the corner of the same color as the squares on which the bishop moves (the "right" corner), an opponent who is aware of this will try to stay first in the center of the board, and then in the "wrong" corner. Learning basic checkmates is one of the most important things a chess player can do when starting their journey through the magnificent labyrinth of chess. . 2.Kd8 Ba4 3.Kc8 Bd7+ and the white king is forced to b8 with mate in 6. (diagram AE), when the only way for Black to save their bishop is to move it, resulting in stalemate. Once White has attacked the f7-square with their queen, you simply defend the f7 square with Qe7 or Qf6 or block the queen's attack with g7-g6 (if White's queen is on h5). Kh3 Kf3 101. 'FBIOS', One of the many tricks in this gambit ends with White getting checkmated in only eight moves: I can't think of a faster way to checkmated on the back rank! The diagram above shows a bishop and knight working together to trap a castled king. Black can lose in an identical fashion to Fool's Mate, but it takes an extra move. Thus there are three phases in the checkmating process: Positions in this endgame fall into four categories: Checkmate is usually quicker from the third type of position than the fourth type,[9] so White should usually aim for the former and Black the latter. Nd5, Black would be well on their way to setting up Deltang's second triangle. 2018 Chessentials All rights reserved. Alternate ending for sample B. } *(wv|\.0\.0\.0)' I enjoy continuing to improve my understanding of this great game, albeit slowly. If you want to master the Bishop and Knight Checkmate, there is just one more thing you need to dopractice. Diagram above: A key position to study. Bird's Opening begins with 1.f4, which takes space in the center and controls the e5-square. While the queen delivers the checkmate, the bishop can support the queen from afar. It looks at first as if the black king might run away with 82Kf3 or 82Kg2, but in either case 83.Be6 reins it in again. White brings his Bishop to b2 with check and after the Black King moves to b1 (28.Bb2+Kb1) we have checkmate by moving the Knight to c3 on move 29. [30] Finally, the checkmate occurred in at least one very notable case: in Tal Shaked's victory over Alexander Morozevich in the penultimate round of the 1997 World Junior Chess Championship. Positions which are stalemate, or in which White cannot prevent stalemate or the loss of one of their pieces, such as in the positions I and J (below). Our guests praise the helpful staff and the comfy rooms . Diagram above: 4.Bd5! Staying on the same theme of smothered mate, we will now examine a seven-move smothered mate that occurs in the Italian game. The most important thing to remember about the bishop and knight checkmate is that it typically occurs with the black king in the corner whose colour is THE SAME TO THE COLOUR of the white bishop. White's bishop covers h8 and f8. Either way, if you know how to checkmate with a bishop and knight, the engine will lose no matter what. document.getElementById("af-form-1981383628").className = 'af-form af-quirksMode'; This holds out longer. The Englund Gambit is another offbeat opening, but it is popular at the club level. We drive the King into the corner by move nine. In such positions White can force mate using Deltang's triangle method, described. }

Fine's analysis improves on Philidor's. Some typical mating pictures are shown on the diagrams below: While not the only way to achieve checkmate, its the most instructive. These form a substantial minority. Bb5 Kc8 15. The only value of the Knight will be to get White into Zugzwang quicker (easier? Another way to avoid all of these types of positions as White is to simply return the pawn while maintaining your lead in development after 4. The most important aspect of this checkmate is that your pieces must coordinate perfectly to trap the enemy king. (White can resist about seven moves longer by 88.Kc3) 88 Be4 89. In order to perform this checkmate, you must start with 1.e4. 140Nc4 141.Ka7 Nb6 142.Ka6 Bb8 is optimal. We will be seeing the Fool's Mate pattern more in this article. Now the king has moved to the first rank. Keeping sufficient defense on your back rank will prevent any enemy pieces from safely attacking your king. 7 months ago Knight and Bishop checkmate - Capablanca's method! Positions in which White can force mate on a square adjacent to the "wrong" corner, such as position K after 1Kh8. Often, this pattern occurs after sacrifices are used to open up the king's position, although it can also occur (or be threatened) without the sacrifice of material. 107K views 11 years ago Chess Endgames Signup for FREE online play at ! Bg6+ Kd8 7. Bb7+ Ka7 20. In order for Fool's mate to be performed, White must move their g-pawn up two squares and their f-pawn up one or two squares in the first two consecutive moves. These are represented in green, blue and red. However, knowing the mechanics behind this checkmate will go a long way towards improving ones chess skills, especially in the endgame. Let's have a look 34. Similar to the queen sacrifice checkmate using the Fool's Mate pattern that we saw in the Bird's Opening section, this checkmate from the 17th century should leave an impression. Kb6 Kc8 17. Your email address will not be published. The key of doing that is the so calledW maneovre. A checkmate pattern develops with certain pieces poised on the board like a queen lined up with a rook, bishop, or knight in certain formations or a bishop configuration with another bishop or knight. Kh3 Be2 103. (function() { This is worth knowing as it will make you look very very cool in front of all your friends and family. I enjoy continuing to improve my understanding of this great game, albeit slowly. While several beautiful combinations can lead to the finale, the mate is just one move away in the position above. Tobe honest, that is pretty luckyfor me, since I am not at all certain that I have fully mastered the checkmate. Driving the opposing king to the edge of the board. Shaked knew the correct mating pattern, and his victory catapulted him to becoming World Junior Champion, whereas a draw would have prevented him from winning the title.[31]. If Black is not careful then they can get checkmated early, here is one example: Just like we saw in the Fool's Mate section, if a player moves their f-pawn early (which is done on move one in the Dutch) as well as their g-pawn, then they are asking for trouble! Kf7 8.Bh5 Ke8 9.Kc8 Kf7 10.Kd7 Kf8 11.Be7+ Kf7 12.Kd8 Kg7 13.Ke8 Kh6 14.Kf7 Kh7 15.Bf8 Kh8 16.Nh5 Kh7 17.Nf6+ Kh8 18.Bg7#. Doing so is critical because the bishop needs to deliver the final blow. Since the rook is already doing a good job of keeping the king hemmed in, it can stay where it is. First off, it breaks beginners of that bad habit of only trying to checkmate with the major pieces, the Rooks and Queen (or Queen and Bishop). After recording a number of albums and CDs he retired from music to teach chess. The ingredients are simple; a king (usually in the corner of the board) which is completely entombed by his own pieces, is attacked by a knight which can jump over the defenders to threaten the king. Archeological Museum- Saint Laurent. Players can deliver this checkmate by forcing their opponent's king to the corner of the board that matches the color of their bishop. 27 followers. You have to think in terms of where you dont want the opposition King to go to. In our example, the Black King goes to a4. Puzzle 2: It looks like Black is escaping from your clutches. While we will still be using a major piece to deliver checkmate on the edge of the board, this time, the king's own pawns prevent him from escaping from our attack. We saw some recurring patterns and themes (e.g. Black's king is now restricted to the correct-colored corner. The Auvergne - Rhne-Alpes being a dynamic, thriving area, modern architects and museums also feature, for example in cities like Chambry, Grenoble and Lyon, the last with its opera house boldly restored by Jean Nouvel. The king cannot escape the area nor attack the bishop or knight. However, the hard part is this: How can we force the enemy king into a corner that is the same color as your bishops squares? 29. However, a great deal can be learned from this seeming complex checkmate. In the diagrammed position, Black's king is stuck on h8, pinned down by White's rook and his own pawn on h7. I have seen how many chess players, including very strong ones, either missed learning this technique at an appropriate time or had already forgotten it." However, the technique is rather difficult, and even many strong players have failed to properly convert this endgame, especially in . We have to now seriously consider where we dont want to Black King to go. The diagram above shows a queen and a knight working together to checkmate a king. Should the chess hopeful really spend many of his precious hours he's put aside for chess study learning an endgame he will achieve (at most) only once or twice in his lifetime?" The concept is simple: White targets the f7-square with both their queen and bishop early, in hopes of delivering checkmate in four moves. White's knight delivers the checkmate. He studied chemistry in college but has worked in fields ranging from Investment Banking and commodities trading to Plastics design and fabrication. These basic checkmates, along with dozens of similar positions, are second nature to tournament chess players. Once the king is in the small triangle and restricted to exactly two squares, we give checkmate. This checkmate demands that the knight and the bishop work together flawlessly. The simple c7++ ends the game, with the White king in support of his pawns being plenty to checkmate the Black king. Practice makes perfect! if (document.getElementById("af-form-1981383628")) { Kd3 Nf4+ 88. The second case, bishop same color as the corner and the knight mates. White could have reached this position in two moves after move 92. After you have reached that position, you are ready to continue. In variation 1 you will mainly employ the Bishop & Knight Wall maneuver. [21] (White: king on c1; Black: king on c3, knight on a3, bishop on d1), though it may have been known even earlier. How to Mate with a Bishop and Knight: Ask Coach Jessica! However, both of Black's pieces are stationed on the long a8-h1 diagonal, which should give us a clue as to how we might attack the White king. Kh2 Bg4 104. Don't catch yourself on the wrong side of these checkmating patterns, which all result in checkmate in eight moves or less. He also created and runs a chess program for at-risk teenagers incarcerated in juvenile correctional facilities. A method for checkmate applicable when the lone king is in the corner of the opposite color from the bishop (the "wrong" corner, where checkmate cannot be forced), was given by Philidor in the 1777 update[22] to his famous 1749 treatise, L'Analyse des checs. Quickest is to continue the W manoeuvre with Ne5, but White plans to control g8 with knight instead of bishop, which is three moves slower. Kg6 Kf8 13.Bd6+ Kg8 14.Nf5 Kh8 15.Bf8 Kg8 16.Bh6 Kh8 17.Bg8+ Kg8 18.Ne7# (or Nh6#). Historic site and monument. Kc1 Kc3 91. A couple of tips can help you to achieve such coordination for this mating pattern. 94.Bf7 reproducing the position after White's move 77. Edward Scimia is an award-winning chess expert and writer with 15 years of hands-on experience as a private chess instructor and USCF tournament director. Bf7 Kd8, The king is now stuck shuffling between a8 and b8. These two moves fatally weaken the e1-h4 diagonal, which Black can move their queen to after moving their e-pawn on the first move. If white doesnt act quickly, the black king will soon be in the other wrong corner, h1. Our first example uses a queen and rook together to deliver a checkmate. However, Hugh prefers chess to all else (except Mrs. Patterson and his beloved dog and cat). From the position in diagram AD, instead of 1Nb6+? Read on for these basic checkmates presented as mate-in-one problems; if you like, you can try to find the checkmate in each diagram first, and then read the explanation and answer below to see if you were right. the Fool's Mate pattern, smothered mates, quick attacks on the f2/f7 squares) which should all be learned so you can avoid quick defeats but also so you can earn a quick victory if given the opportunity. Blacks King makes break for a4 but were in hot pursuit. Ke7 Kb7 14. The Black King moves back to a4, thinking hes going to either move out of the mating attempt or possibly play for a draw. White should have immediately started the W manoeuvre along the h8h1 edge, e.g. Lone pieces attacking or defending a position dont last long when facing a coordinated team of opposition pieces. Check out the game below to see a beautiful queen sacrifice checkmate. Nd5+ Kd8 12. And as Jose Raul Capabla. The king is trapped, and cannot attack the queen because it is defended by the bishop. Morphy's Mate, named after American master Paul Morphy, uses a bishop and rook together to trap the enemy king. I tell my students that chess is a team sport. Blacks King is now down to two squares and chooses a1. Follow 27. The bishop and knight checkmate in chess is the checkmate of a lone king which can be forced by a king, a bishop, and a knight. Note that the position would also be drawn if the knight were at a7 or e7 (marked with dots). How to checkmate with a knight and a bishop using the Capablanca Method. Why Is The Bishop And Knight Checkmate Important? Bh7. 3.. Ke8 4.Bd5! King and two knights versus king: The stronger side cannot force a checkmate, although it is possible with the cooperation of the enemy king. The Caro-Kann Defense begins after 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5: As you can see, Black has supported the d5 pawn push with 1c6, and now has a strong presence in the center. How can you defend against Scholar's mate? All you have to do is keep your f-pawn on f2 (or f7) at the beginning of the game. The next move is a quiet one but it serves an important purpose, blocking the b4 and c3 squares (13.Nd5Ka4). Kd1 Bc2+ 92. The following method to push the king to the "right" corner is commonly given:[12][13]. Also note that were not going to check the King a lot until we have him closer to our target square. Chess blog about chess tactics, chess games and chess books. Once the king is in the small triangle and restricted to exactly two squares, we give checkmate. White managed to force the black king into a corner that is the same color as the square the bishop is on. In the second net, only the bishop and knight are needed. Your goal now is to push the opposing king to the other corner of this row on the board. The only thing I can advise from this point onwards is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. Moves so Far: 0 Having trouble? Abig mistake by black is neccessary in order to allow the other form of the bishop and knight checkmate. I have put a detailed review of each step of the ending on my website. 'Android. Kc5 Ke5 86. Finally, an example of the whole checkmate consisting of forcing the black king in the corner will be presented. To view my in depth guide on tons of checkmate patterns, check out this article. Consider subscribing here on YouTube for frequent content, and/or connecting via any or all of the below social medias. if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') { Any comments, suggestions and improvements are welcomed very much. After some experimentation with solving the bishop and knight checkmate, I found that the first step of simply centralizing ones pieces on the four center squares, with the knight on the same color square as the bishop, is an efficient coordination of the pieces. Bc6#, Alternatively, from the position after Black's eighth move (with the irrelevant difference of the bishop on d3 instead of e2), Fine[16] shows that Deltang's triangle method is equally quick: 9. We could have pushed the king to the correct corner, but this will better illustrate the W maneuver. On this page I will show you 2 powerful maneuvers that will make the checkmate a lot easier to accomplish. Black's last move was Ka8. Diagram above: 7.Nf5 Ke8 8.Ng7+ Kf8 9.Kf6 Kg8 10.Kg6 Kf8 11.Bc5+ Kg8 and now the black king is trapped in the corner where we want him to be. On this link, you can practice the checkmate against the chess computer. Grenoble. After you reach this position, you are ready to start employing the mating pattern. Unlike the Englund Gambit back-rank checkmate that we saw in the previous section, this checkmate is another great example of a smothered mate: Another smothered mate! Even I finally understand it, but they once again nothing Girya played on for another four moves before actually taking the draw. Reaching the same position Black could have forced earlier (see previous note). (Please note that the Black will once again be the weaker side of this checkmate). 'WebView', I explain the theorem for the third time. Now the Bishop comes into the game, moving to e5 (6.Be5Kb6). In this mating pattern, the Bishop suffocates the enemy King by controlling some important escape squares, while others are blocked by friendly pieces. In other wordsa corner that is not the same color as the color of the square your bishop occupies. In the right circumstances, pawns can be very dangerous attackers. Bc8 Kb8 17. If Black is aware of Fool's Mate and isn't afraid to gambit a pawn in the opening, then this awesome queen sacrifice checkmate can occur in only six moves: The Caro-Kann Defense is known as one of the most solid openings that Black can play. , "Some masters have already gone back home red with embarrassment after failing or showing poor technique in the execution of this checkmate." The perimeter is bounded by a6, b6, b5, c5, d5, d6, d7, e7, f7, f8. But Black seemed to try to mate White in the wrong corner. Want to support my work? There are several ways to avoid being the victim of a back rank mate. And that can be very important factor in the middlegame. document.getElementById('af-form-1981383628').parentElement.removeAttribute('target'); Now that you understand your final goal and the fundamental concepts of this checkmating pattern, it is time to learn the moves you need to play. var pattern = new RegExp('(' + rules.join('|') + ')', 'ig'); [35] Play continued: Which fast checkmate is your favorite? The white bishop is positioned so that the next two moves, gaining control of g8, are possible. I explain the theorem for the second time, and still nothing. The king will run to the corner which has the opposite color as our bishop. Not even once was I even close to reaching the afore mentioned endgame. Black can deliver checkmate by playing Rc1++. The second set of three diagrams shows the triangles and how the bishop controls the hypotenuse of the triangle. To view my in depth guide on tons of checkmate patterns, check . Nf7 Kg8 14. If Black moves their f-pawn up one or two squares and then moves their g-pawn up two squares, White can deliver checkmate on move three in what could be referred to as the "Reversed Fool's Mate": So how can one avoid Fool's mate? In the third net, the king and bishop confine the king, allowing the knight to either checkmate or assist in the checkmate. '(iPhone|iPod|iPad)(?!. Whites aim is to force the king into the adjacent corner without allowing the king to escape. [36], Robert Kempinski (2498) Vladimir Epishin (2567) [E60] This is the hardest of the . Positions in which White can prevent the black king reaching the longest diagonal of the color opposite to that of the bishop, such as positions OS. :) LICHESS.ORG @Chess-Network CHESS.COM (affiliate link) TWITCH TWITTER FACEBOOK PATREON DONATE, A Rare Chess Fortress: Queen vs. Bishop & Knight Endgame, How to Checkmate with Knight and Bishop | Chess Endgame Basics #1, Endgame Basics and Theory #002 Rook vs Knight and Rook vs Bishop without pawns, Endgame Strategy #007 - Benko vs Parma Bishop vs Knight advantage, Endgame Basics and Theory #001 - Mate with Q,R,B+B and B+N, Endgame Basics and Theory #006 - Bishop and Pawn vs Bishop of same color, Same-Color Bishop Endgames, with NM Spencer Finegold,, These exceptions constitute about 0.5% of the positions. Notice that the Black King is deprived of a large number of squares with this last move. Against a king stuck along one of the board's edges, a queensupported by another pieceplaced directly in front of that king will always deliver checkmate, provided it cannot be captured by a piece other than the king. The concept is simple: White targets the f7-square with both their queen and bishop early, in hopes of delivering checkmate in four moves. For example 1.Nf5 Kh8 2.Bf8 Kg8 3.Bh6 Kh8 4.Bg7+ Kg8 5.Nh6# is one way to achieve the mate. However, we need the Black King to be on one of the dark corner squares. Kd2 Kd4 90. The purpose of this channel is to share my knowledge of chess to help others improve their game. The Italian is a very popular opening at all levels and begins after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4: As we found out in the Caro-Kann section above, there are early checkmates in well-known openings and not just offbeat or possibly unsound openings like Grob's attack or Bird's Opening! I am also an author of the anti-Sicilian course for the White pieces called Stomp The Sicilian. if (!IE) { return; } However, White draws instantly with 2.Kd8! Therefore, we move our Bishop to b8, forcing the Black King to a5 (12.Bb8Ka5). Some typical mating pictures are shown on the diagrams below: It is important to note that these arent the only possible mating pictures. This moves starts to cut off squares the Black King wants access to. I'm a self-taught National Master in chess out of Pennsylvania, USA who was introduced to the game by my father in 1988 at the age of 8. How you achieve this is essentially what the Bishop and Knight Checkmate is all about. Bb5 Kd8 10. Bd7+ Kb8 16. While not the only way to achieve checkmate, it's the most instructive. } Finally we have arrived to the most difficult elementary checkmate The bishop and knight checkmate. Begin by moving the king forward as much as possible, and then bringing the minor pieces into the action. Remember were trying to cut off the Black Kings access to certain squares so simply checking the King on d5 with the Bishop would be a mistake! However, we have to force him to a dark square since were using a dark squared Bishop. Kh2 Nf1+ 106. The knight from such a position is then very quick to becoming optimized in what follows of the Deletang's Triangles, where the king is forced into a large triangle, a medium triangle, and then a small triangle. In variation 1 you will mainly employ the Knight-Hook maneuver. How do you checkmate with only a bishop and a knight? White moves the King to b6 (21.Kb6Ka3), dashing Blacks escape plans so Black moves the King to a3. Remember, 50 moves without mate, capture or pawn advance is a draw! Note also how white positioned the bishop to control the a7-square, making it impossible for black to play Ka7. In 2013, the women's World Champion GM Anna Ushenina (Ukraine) failed to win it in an important game. Just like in any opening, a singular lapse in the early moves can spell doom. Kd6 Kf6? However, after watching the DVD, I learned a number of valuable lessons regarding piece coordination as well as the correct way to accomplish this type of checkmate. We will see this smothered mate theme a couple of more times in this article. A lone king against the edge of the board is easily checkmated by any two major pieces. Were making moves with the purpose of corralling the Black King to the mating square. Nc3 Nxe5 5.e4. Not sure where to start? As you can see, if you know how to deliver mate, there is no way for your opponent to escape. In the Kempinski vs. Epishin game, both players made suboptimal moves. Ke7 6.Kc7 Ke8 7.Bf6! Even so, it is still useful to study it because the Bishop and Knight Checkmate method is a very instructive lesson on piece-coordination. [17], In the first net, all three pieces are required to confine the king. The bishop can play a supporting role for a queen similar to that of the knight in the previous example. While one piece prevents the king from moving away from the edge, the other can move to the same rank or file as the king to deliver a checkmate. Some of you may be wondering if this same mating pattern can be used with the white pieces, and the answer is "yes!" Jeremy Silman omits the bishop-and-knight checkmate in his book (despite including the rarely seen checkmate with two bishops) because he has encountered it only once, and his friend John Watson has never encountered it. The comments in this section are mostly editorial additions and not included in the cited references. Le Grand Htel Grenoble, BW Premier Collection by Best Western. Kd6 Kc8 13. 84. Na3+ to hit b1) then mate with your king on b3, knight covering b1 and Bishop mates on the long diagonal (e.g. This game was won by Gioachino Greco in 1619! Kh1 Bf3# 01, Delivering checkmate is difficult if the technique has not been studied and practiced. In this set of moves, I completed this in 15 moves to make it as instructive as possible. Take care, bye. For example, in the diagram above, a White queen on e7 attacks d8, e8, f8, d7, and f7, meaning the Black king has nowhere to run. Diagram above: Ne7# This is an example of the typical checkmate situation that we want to eventually achieve. I begin by getting the king to the edge of the board, and then to the wrong corner so I can push him to the right corner to deliver checkmate. Edward is a first place winner of the World Open Chess Tournament and he edited the USCF's e-newsletter, Chess Review Online. Ne6, Bc4 sealing the black king behind the b1h7 diagonal and leading to Deltang's first net. (You can verify this fact on the chessboard if you want to.). For Black, it's just a matter of moving the knight to the right square. We move our Knight to d4 (20.Nd4+Ka4). After the Black King moves to b2, we activate the Bishop, moving it to f4 (16.Bf4Kc3). Don't worry, you can't be forced into this checkmate unless you make two bad moves in a row. In this Study, we will look at how to checkmate a lone King with a Knight and Bishop. Black is forced to play 1 Kc8. Therefore, we bring our Knight to b4, cutting Blacks access to c2 and d3 (15.Nb4Kb2). This checkmate was originally seen in the novel Anastasia und das Schachspiel (or Anastasia and the Game of Chess). This checkmate could have been easily avoided if White had played the normal Grob's attack move 2.Bg2the checkmate above is just another reminder to keep your f-pawn at home at the beginning of the game. On move one we activate our King to e2. Ke8 demonstrates the Knight-Hook maneuver.

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